[go: nahoru, domu]

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This repository contains the source code of all my Arduino Uno projects.

  • util: utilities for the ATMega328P micro controller
    • myADC - Analog-to-Digital Converter
    • myLOG - Logging
    • myTC16 - 16-bit Timer/Counter
    • mySPI - Serial Peripheral Interface
    • myTWI - Two-Wire Interface (I2C)
    • myUSART - Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter
  • lib: libraries for using different sensors
    • myAMG8833
    • myBME680
    • myDS3231
    • myGY271
    • myHCSR04
    • myILI9341
    • myINA219
    • myLCD1602
    • myTCS3200
  • misc: general hacks that are not yet implemented in util or lib
  • projects: collection of various Arduino Uno projects