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Andreas Auernhammer edited this page Aug 4, 2021 · 39 revisions

The Concepts section helps you learn about how KES works. In particular, it contains information about the general architecture, authentication as well as authorization and other important topics. The Concepts page explains various aspects from a conceptual point of view. If you're looking for more concrete documentation checkout the Configuration Guide.

  1. Components
  2. Architecture
  3. Access Control
    1. Certificates
    2. Authentication
    3. Authorization
    4. Policies


Let's start with one application instance and one KES server. The application connects to the KES server via TLS, and then, uses the KES server API to perform operations - like creating a new cryptographic key. The KES server talks to a central key-management system (KMS).

     ┌─────────────┐             ┌────────────┐              ┌─────────┐
     │ Application ├─────────────┤ KES Server ├──────────────┤   KMS   │
     └─────────────┘             └────────────┘              └─────────┘

The central KMS contains all the state - including the cryptographic keys. So, for any stateful operation, like creating a cryptographic master key, the KES server has to reach out to the KMS. Any stateless operation, like generating a new data encryption key (DEK), can be handled by the KES server directly without any interaction with the central KMS. It turns out that the majority of key-management operations are stateless - including encryption, decryption and key derivation.


In the previous Components section there was just one KES client talking to one KES server. However, once the application workload passes a certain threshold, there is not really an alternative to adding more application instances. If all these instances would talk to a traditional KMS directly, e.g. a dedicated server or hardware appliance, they eventually exceed the KMS capabilities.

For example with Kubernetes it has become relatively easy to automatically add or remove resources based on the current workload. A hardware security appliance may protect cryptographic keys very well but usually cannot scale (automatically). Even if the appliance supports some kind of clustering then scaling means buying more expensive hardware.

In contrast, KES is designed to scale horizontally with the application.

    │ ┌──────────┴─┬─────╮          ┌────────────┐
    └─┤ ┌──────────┴─┬───┴──────────┤ ┌──────────┴─┬─────────────────╮
      └─┤ ┌──────────┴─┬─────┬──────┴─┤ KES Server ├─────────────────┤
        └─┤ KES Client ├─────╯        └────────────┘            ┌────┴────┐
          └────────────┘                                        │   KMS   │

The KES server decouples the application from the KMS / Key Store and can handle almost all application requests on its own. It only has to talk to the Key Store when creating or deleting a cryptographic key. Similarly, the KES server only uses the KMS to encrypt resp. decrypt the cryptographic keys stored at resp. fetched from the Key Store. Therefore, the KES server reduces the load on the KMS / Key Store up to several orders of magnitude.

Access Control

In general, all KES server operations require authentication and authorization. However, KES uses the same application-independent mechanism for both: TLS - i.e. mutual TLS authentication (mTLS).

            ┌──────────────┐                   ┌──────────────┐
            │  KES Client  ├───────────────────┤  KES Server  |
            └──────────────┘        TLS        └──────────────┘
                 (🗝️,📜)             🔒              (📜,🔑)

Therefore, a KES client needs a private key / public key pair and a X.509 certificate. Here, we explicitly distinguish the public key from the certificate to explain how authentication and authorization works:


KES relies on mutual TLS (mTLS) for authentication. Therefore, each KES client and KES server needs a private key / certificate pair. So, in case of one KES client and one KES server you will end up with two private key / certificate pairs.

By default, each mTLS peer has to trust the issuer of the peer's certificate. So, the client has to trust the issuer of the server certificate and the server has to trust the issuer of the client certificate. If the client and server certificates have been issued by the same entity - e.g. the same certificate authority (CA) - then both, the client and the server, only have to trust this single entity.

Further, a certificate also describes in which cases a particular public key can be used via the Extended Key Usage extension. In case of mTLS the client certificate has to have an Extended Key Usage containing Client Authentication and the server certificate has to have an Extended Key Usage containing Server Authentication. If your setup is not working as expected it might be worth checking that the certificates contain the correct Extended Key Usage values.

ProTip: You can view a certificate in a human-readable format via:

openssl x509 -noout -text -in <your-certificate.cert>


In general, a KES server only accepts TLS connections from clients that can present a valid and authentic TLS certificate (📜) during the TLS handshake. By valid we mean a well-formed and e.g. not expired certificate. By authentic we refer to a certificate that has been issued, and therefore cryptographically signed, by a CA that the KES server trusts.

Now, when a KES client tries to establish a connection to the KES server the TLS protocol will ensure that:

  • The KES client actually has the private key (🗝️) that corresponds to the public key in the certificate (📜) presented by the client.
  • The certificate presented by a client has been issued by a CA that the KES server trusts.

=> If the TLS handshake succeeds then the KES server considers the request as authentic.

It is possible to skip the certificate verification - for example during testing or development. To do so, start the KES server with the --auth=off option. Then clients still have to provide a certificate but the server will not verify whether the certificate has been issued by a trusted CA. Instead, the client can present a self-signed certificate.
Please note that CA-issued certificates are highly recommended for production deployments and --auth=off should only be used for testing or development.


Once the KES server has considered a client request as authentic, it checks whether the client is actually authorized to perform the request operation - e.g. create a new secret key. Therefore, the server verifies that the request complies to the policy associated to the client. So, KES relies on a role and policy-based authorization model.

To associate clients to policies the KES server again relies on TLS - i.e. on the client certificate (📜). More precisely, the KES server computes an identity from the certificate: 🆔 ═ H(📜). Technically, the identity function (H) could be any unique mapping. KES uses a cryptographic hash of the client's public key as identity function: 🆔 ═ SHA-256(📜.PublicKey).

So, when the KES server receives an authentic client request, it computes the client identity (🆔) from the client certificate (📜) and checks whether this identity is associated to a named policy. If such an identity-policy mapping exists, the KES server validates that the request complies to the policy. Otherwise, the server rejects the request.

=> The KES server considers a request as authorized if the following two statements hold:

  • A policy associated to the identity (🆔), computed from the client certificate (📜), exists.
  • The associated policy explicitly allows the operation that the request wants to perform.


The KES server policies define whether a client request is allowed. A policy contains a set of allow and deny rules defining which API operations on which resources are allowed resp. explicitly denied. Overall, KES uses policy definitions that are designed to be human-readable and easy to reason about rather then providing the most flexibility.

In general, policy patterns have the following format:


For example:

 │   │     │      │
 └─┐ └───┐ └────┐ └──────┐
   │     │      │        │
Version API Operation Argument

Each allow/deny rule is specified as glob pattern. So, a single rule can match an entire class of requests. Let's take a look at an example policy:

    - /v1/metrics
    - /v1/key/create/my-key
    - /v1/key/generate/my-key*
    - /v1/key/decrypt/my-key*
    - /v1/key/*/my-key-internal*

The my-policy contains four allow rules and one deny rule. A KES server will evaluate a policy as following:

  1. Evaluate all deny patterns. If any deny pattern matches then reject the request with a prohibited by policy error.
  2. Evaluate all allow patterns. If at least one allow pattern matches then KES will accept the request.
  3. Reject the request with the same prohibited by policy error since no allow rule matches.

In case of the my-policy, KES will allow creating a key named my-key but trying to create a key named my-key2 will fail since no allow rule matches /v1/key/create/my-key2. However, generating new data encryption keys (DEKs) as well as decrypting encrypted (DEKs) using any key with a name prefix my-key is allowed. For example, both, /v1/key/generate/my-key and /v1/key/generate/my-key2 would be allowed.

Further, my-policy contains a deny rule that prevents any key API operation (key/*/) for all resources (i.e. keys) with a name prefix my-key-internal. So, for example /v1/key/create/my-key-internal, /v1/key/generate/my-key-internal and /v1/key/generate/my-key-internal2 would all be rejected.

For more information about policies and more examples refer to: Policy Configuration
For a comprehensive overview over the KES server APIs refer to: Server API

Policy-Identity Relation

The policy-identity mapping is a one-to-many relation. So, there can be arbitrary many identities associated to the same policy. However, the same identity can only be associated to one policy at one point in time. But there is one important caveat here:

The one-to-many relation only holds for one server. So, the same identity A can be associated to one policy P at the KES server S1 but can also be associated to a different policy Q at the KES server S2. So, the two KES servers S1 and S2 have distinct and independent policy-identity sets.

Further, you may recall that the KES server computes the client identity from its certificate: 🆔 ═ SHA-256(📜.PublicKey). However, when specifying the identity-policy mapping it is totally valid to associate an arbitrary identity value to a policy. So, the identity value does not need to be an actual SHA-256 hash value. It can be "_", "disabled", "foobar123" or literally any other value. This is in particular useful for dealing with the special root identity.

The root Identity

The KES server has a special root identity that must be specified - either via the configuration file or the --root CLI option. In general, root is like any other identity except that it cannot be associated to any policy but can perform arbitrary API operations.

So, the root identity is especially useful for initial provisioning and management tasks. However, within centrally managed and/or automated deployments - like Kubernetes - root is not necessary and only a security risk. If an attacker gains access to the root's private key and certificate it can perform arbitrary operations.

Even though a root identity must always be specified, it is possible to effectively disable it. This can be done by specifying a root identity value that never will be an actually (SHA-256) hash value - for example --root=_ (underscore) or --root=disabled. Since 🆔 ═ SHA-256(📜.PublicKey) will never be e.g. disabled it becomes impossible to perform an operation as root.

Note that even though root can perform arbitrary API operation, it cannot change the root identity itself. The root identity can only be specified/changed via the CLI or configuration file. So, an attacker cannot become the root identity by tricking the current root. The attacker either has to compromise root's private key or change the initial server configuration.

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