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Component Boilerplater

Don't manually create files for React Component, one by one

Just one command, you can get Component, Test, Stories automatically.

🚀 Getting Started

01. Add Scripts

  "scripts": {
    "gen": "gencb"

02. Run Command with Component Name

npm run gen <Component Name>


Make boilerplate.config.json in your root directory.

  "baseDir": "/src/components", // Output directory
  "ext": "ts"                   // js | ts

What Can You Get?

You only need to prepare a component name for files. If you named some component 'Text', you can get below files in Text folder:

├── index.ts
├── Text.tsx
├── Text.test.tsx
├── Text.stories.tsx

Preview the files with component name 'Text'


export * from './Text'


export interface TextProps {}

export default function Text({}: TextProps) {
  return <div></div>


import { render } from '@testing-library/react'
import Text, { TextProps } from './Text'

const renderText = (props?: TextProps) => {
  return render(<Text {...props}></Text>)

describe('<Text/>', () => {
  test('Renders correctly', () => {})


import { Meta, StoryObj } from '@storybook/react'
import Text from './Text'

const meta: Meta<typeof Text> = {
  title: 'Components/Text',
  component: Text,
  tags: ['autodocs'],

export default meta

type Story = StoryObj<typeof Text>

 * Text
export const TextDefault: Story = {
  name: 'Text',