Yet another neovim statusline
A minimal statusline plugin that supports gitsigns and LSP
My other plugins
- TopLine.nvim - Tabline plugin
- WinLine.nvim - Winbar plugin
Optional Dependencies
Plug 'mnjm/winline.nvim'
" Option dependency - gitsigns
Plug 'lewis6991/gitsigns.nvim'
" Optional dependency for icons
Plug 'nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons'
use {
-- optional dependency for icons
requires = { { 'lewis6991/gitsigns.nvim', opt = true },
{'nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons', opt = true } }
dependencies = { 'lewis6991/gitsigns.nvim', 'nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons' }
To start BottomLine, add below line in your neovim config
You can pass custom config to override default configs to setup call, for ex
enable = true,
enable_icons = true,
highlights = {
BLMode = { fg="#282c34", bg="#98c379", bold=true },
BLLine = { link="BLMode" },
-- seperators = { '', '' },
-- seperators = { '', '' },
seperators = { '', '' },
git_symbols = { branch = "" },
lsp_symbols = {
error = " ",
warn = " ",
info = " ",
hint = " ",
Available default configuration options
enable = true,
enable_icons = false,
seperators = { '', '' }, -- seperators icons
enable_git = true, -- enable git section
enable_lsp = true, -- enable lsp section
display_buf_no = false, -- add additional buf number section at the end of statusline
git_symbols = {
branch = "",
added = "+",
removed = "-",
changed = "~",
lsp_symbols = {
error = "E:",
warn = "W:",
info = "I:",
hint = "H:",
-- bottomline highlights
highlights = {
-- Active Statusline
BLMode = {fg = "#000000", bg = "#5faf5f", bold = true},
BLGitInfo = {fg = "#000000", bg="#5f8787", bold = false},
BLFill = {fg = "#ffffff", bg="#282828", bold = false},
BLFile = {link = 'BLMode'},
BLLspInfo = {link = 'BLGitInfo'},
BLFileType = {fg = "#ffffff", bg = "#878787", bold = false},
BLLine = {fg = "#ffffff", bg="#585858", bold = false},
BLBuf = {link = 'BLMode'},
-- Inactive statusline
BLFileInactive = {link = 'BLFileType'},
BLBufInactive = {link = 'BLFileInactive'},
This work is derived from
- and lualine.nvim
Licence MIT