Find code snippets for Nylas authentication, scheduling, email, calendar, and more.
Other places to learn:
- Nylas documentation: API references, developer guides, and more.
- Nylas blog: We post new developer content 1–2 times a week here.
- Nylas YouTube channel: "Coding with Nylas", "Nylas On-Demand", and more. New content weekly.
- Nylas Postman Collection: Start building with Nylas using your Postman collection!
If you're interested in building for Nylas, come join us.
Get started with Hacktoberfest: nylas-hacktoberfest-2023.
- nylas-code-samples-starter: Use this as a template when creating code samples.
- python-account-tokeninfo: Get information about your auth tokens!
Node.js SDK
- node-starter-repo: Start building with the Nylas Node.js SDK!
- node-email-send: Send an email with Nylas the Node.js SDK!
- node-email-read: Read your email with Nylas the Node.js SDK!
- node-email-delete: Delete an email with the Nylas Node.js SDK!
- node-email-create-draft: Create an draft with the Nylas Node.js SDK!
- node-track-email-open-rates: Check if the email has been opened with the Nylas Node.js SDK
- node-mail-merge-react-templates: How to Mail Merge using React Templates
Python SDK
- python-email-send: Send an email with the Nylas Python SDK!
- python-email-read: Read your email with the Nylas Python SDK!
- python-email-delete: Delete an email with the Nylas Python SDK!
- python-email-filter: Filter Emails with the Python Nylas SDK!
- Shiny-for-Python-Building-an-Email-Dashboard: Build an Email Dashboard using Shiny for Python!
- EmailThreading_Python: Group and visualize your email threads with Python
- Send-an-email-using-DearPyGUI-ChatGPT-and-your-voice: Use DearPyGUI, ChatGPT, Voice Recognition and Amazon Polly to send an email using your voice!
- Create a Terminal Email Client using Textual and Python: Use Textual and Python to create a Terminal Email Client. Compose, Reply and Delete emails from your terminal window.
- localize_emails_python_chatgpt: Localize Your Emails With ChatGPT and Python!
- streamlit_email_dashboard: Using Python and Streamlit with the help of Nylas, create an email dashboard to get insights on your inbox!
Ruby SDK
- ruby-email-send: Send an email with the Nylas Ruby SDK!
- ruby-email-read: Read your email with the Nylas Ruby SDK!
- ruby-email-delete: Delete an email with the Nylas Ruby SDK!
- Shoes-Mail-Client: Create a mail box using the Nylas APIs, JRuby and Shoes 4.
- EmailThreading_Ruby: Group and visualize your email threads with Ruby
- Mail_Merge_Ruby: Mail Merge Template using Ruby and Sinatra
Java SDK
- java-email-send: Send an email with the Nylas Java SDK!
- java-email-send-form: Send an email from a web form with the Nylas Java SDK!
- java-read-inbox: Read your email with the Nylas Java SDK!
- java-email-delete: Delete an email with the Nylas Java SDK!
- EmailThreading_Java: Group and visualize your email threads using Java
Other languages
- Send Emails with Rust and C#: Send an email with Nylas REST APIs using Rust or C#!
- Send and Read Emails with PHP: Read or Send an email with Nylas REST APIs using PHP!
- Send and Read Emails with Node-Red: Read or Send an email with Nylas REST APIs using Node-Red!
Node.js SDK and JavaScript
- node-two-sided-marketplace: This API backend is built for serving data to a frontend application (web/mobile) for the purpose of creating virtual calendars to share with individuals to book time slots.
- node-manage-calendar-events: Manage calendar events with the Nylas Node.js SDK!
- node-send-calendar-event-notifications Manage calendar events notifications with the Nylas Node.js SDK!
- node-read-account: Read account details using Nylas Node SDK!
- node-create-calendar: Create calendar using Nylas Node SDK!
- sync-google-calendar-outlook: This sample repo will show you how to easily sync Google and Outlook calendars with Nylas.
- node-analyze-your-week-with-sunburst-charts How to Visualize Calendar Events with Sunburst Charts
Python SDK
- python-holiday-generator: Generate a Markdown file of your Holidays Calendar using the Nylas Python SDK
- python-create-calendar: Create a calendar using Python SDK!
- python-filter-calendar: Filter Calendar Event using Nylas Python SDK!
- python-recurring-calendar: Re-occuring Calendar Event using Nylas Python SDK!
- nicegui_planner: NiceGUI Daily Planner for Calendar and Email!
Java SDK
- java-read-calendars: Get a list of all your calendars
- java-read-calendar-events: Get a list of all your events for an specific calendar
- java-create-calendar-events: Create calendar events for an specific calendar
Other languages
- Read Calendars with C#: Read calendars using C#
- Read Events with C#: Read daily events using C#
- Create Events with C#: Create an event using C#
- Create Events with R: Create an event using R
- Create Events with Julia: Create an event using Julia
- Create Events with Perl: Create an event using Perl
Node.js SDK
- node-read-contacts: Read contacts using Nylas Node SDK and TypeScript
- create-contacts-from-emails: Create contacts from latest emails using Nylas Node SDK and TypeScript
Python SDK
- python-read-contacts: Read contacts using Python Nylas SDK!
- python-update-contact: Update an existing account with Python Nylas SDK!
- python-create-contact: Create a contact using the Nylas Python SDK!
- python-delete-account: Delete account details using Nylas Python SDK!
- python-read-account: Read account details using Nylas Python SDK!
- nicegui-contacts: Manage your contacts using NiceGUI!
Ruby SDK
- addressbook_decker_ruby: Build an old-fashioned agenda using Decker (HyperCard) and Ruby
Node.js SDK
- node-scheduler-create: Create a scheduler page with the Nylas Node.js SDK!
- scheduling-app Scheduling App built with React and Nylas Scheduler!
- python-sentimentanalysis-r-shiny: Get sentiment analysis on email data
- node-webhooks-challenge-serverless-function: Create Nylas Webhooks with NodeJS
- infra-setup: A collection of scripts to automate Nylas client's required infrastructure