[go: nahoru, domu]

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Repository files navigation

Retrofit Core

  1. No build step
  2. Dynamic Service Proxy generator
  3. Support for Header as property
  4. Generic RequestBuilder


public interface IBackendService {

    // when set, it will always be sent with
    // every request
    AccessKey { get; set; }

    Task<IPInfo> GetLocationInfoAsync([Path("ip")] string ip);

    Task<IPInfo> SaveLocationInfoAsync([Path("ip")] string ip, [Body] IPInfo info);
    Task<byte[]> GetByteArrayAsync([Query("id")] string id);
    // Response Object with Header
    Task<GitLabResponse<GitLabProject>> GetProjectsAsync();

    // Retrieve http response for detailed response.
    // HttpResponseMessage is not disposed, it is responsibility of caller
    // to dispose the message (which will close open network streams)
    // This will not throw an error message if there was HTTP Error.
    Task<HttpResponseMessage> GetRawResponseAsync([Query("id")] string id);

    // Multi Part Form for uploads...
    Task<HttpResponseMessage> UploadFile(
        // other form element items
        [Multipart("name")] string attachmentName,

        // it can accept stream
        [MultipartFile("file1")]  Stream fileStream,

        // it can accept HttpContent which may contain content type
        [MultipartFile("file2")]  HttpContent someOtherContent


public class GitLabResponse<T>: ApiResponse<T[]> {

   // set by RetroClient when response is received
   public int TotalPages {get;set;}



    var client = RetroClient.Create<IBackendService, BaseService>( new Uri("base url...") , httpClient);

Request Builder

    // get request
        .Path("ip", ipAddress)

    // post request
        .Path("ip", ipAddress)

    // get raw response
        .Path("ip", ipAddress)
        .GetResponseAsync(httpClient); // no generics

    // Multipart Upload
        .Multipart("name", attachmentName)
        .MultipartFile("file1", fileStream, fileName: "photo.jpg")

    // Get Api Response with Headers...
        .Path("id", projectId)

public class GitLabResponse<T>: ApiResponse<T[]> {

    // set by RetroClient when response is received
    public int TotalPages {get;set;}
