This is a reference plugin to assist the development of neovim/neovim#15723
This plugin will use a local copy of neovim/neovim#15723 if Neovim is built without neovim/neovim#15723. Nightly Neovim is still required.
require("nvim-semantic-tokens").setup {
preset = "default",
-- highlighters is a list of modules following the interface of nvim-semantic-tokens.table-highlighter or
-- function with the signature: highlight_token(ctx, token, highlight) where
-- ctx (as defined in :h lsp-handler)
-- token (as defined in :h vim.lsp.semantic_tokens.on_full())
-- highlight (a helper function that you can call (also multiple times) with the determined highlight group(s) as the only parameter)
highlighters = { require 'nvim-semantic-tokens.table-highlighter'}
Preset configurations are loaded from ./lua/nvim-semantic-tokens/presets.
The "default"
preset will set the highlight groups described in ./doc/nvim-semantic-tokens.txt.
Please map them to colors or highlight groups you like to actually see semantic highlights.
Use an autocommand for a filetype for which you have a language server set up that supports semantic tokens (e.g. clangd)
if &filetype == "cpp" || &filetype == "cuda" || &filetype == "c"
autocmd BufEnter,TextChanged <buffer> lua require 'vim.lsp.buf'.semantic_tokens_full()
or inside an on_attach
call to a LSP client
local on_attach = function(client, bufnr)
local caps = client.server_capabilities
if caps.semanticTokensProvider and caps.semanticTokensProvider.full then
local augroup = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("SemanticTokens", {})
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("TextChanged", {
group = augroup,
buffer = bufnr,
callback = function()
-- fire it first time on load as well
- clangd
- rust-analyzer
- sumneko-lua
- pyright
- tsserver
- ...