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OMERO CLI Zarr plugin

This OMERO command-line plugin allows you to export Images and Plates from OMERO as zarr files, according to the spec at https://github.com/ome/omero-ms-zarr/blob/master/spec.md as well as Masks associated with Images.

Images are 5D arrays of shape (t, c, z, y, x). Plates are a hierarchy of plate/row/column/field(image). Masks are 2D bitmasks which can exist on muliplte planes of an Image. In ome-zarr sets of Masks are collected together into "labels".

It supports export using 2 alternative methods:

  • By default the OMERO API is used to load planes as numpy arrays and the zarr file is created from this data. NB: currently, large tiled images are not supported by this method.
  • Alternatively, if you can read directly from the OMERO binary repository and have installed https://github.com/glencoesoftware/bioformats2raw then you can use this to create zarr files.


Images and Plates

To export Images or Plates via the OMERO API:

# Image will be saved in current directory as 1.zarr
$ omero zarr export Image:1

# Plate will be saved in current directory as 2.zarr
$ omero zarr export Plate:2

# Specify an output directory
$ omero zarr --output /home/user/zarr_files export Image:1

# By default, a tile size of 1024 is used. Specify values with
$ omero zarr export Image:1 --tile_width 256 --tile_height 256

NB: If the connection to OMERO is lost and the Image is partially exported, re-running the command will attempt to complete the export.

To export images via bioformats2raw we use the `--bf` flag:

export MANAGED_REPO=/var/omero/data/ManagedRepository
export BF2RAW=/opt/tools/bioformats2raw-0.2.0-SNAPSHOT

$ omero zarr --output /home/user/zarr_files export 1 --bf
Image exported to /home/user/zarr_files/2chZT.lsm

Masks and Polygons

To export Masks or Polygons for an Image or Plate, use the masks or polygons command:

# Saved under 1.zarr/labels/0 - 1.zarr/ must already exist
$ omero zarr masks Image:1

# Labels saved under each image. e.g 2.zarr/A/1/0/labels/0
# Plate should already be exported
$ omero zarr masks Plate:2

# Saved under zarr_files/1.zarr/labels/0
$ omero zarr --output /home/user/zarr_files masks Image:1

# Specify the label-name. (default is '0')
# e.g. Export to 1.zarr/labels/A
$ omero zarr masks Image:1 --label-name=A

# Allow overlapping masks or polygons (overlap will be maximum value of the dtype)
$ omero zarr polygons Image:1 --overlaps=dtype_max

The default behaviour is to export all masks or polygons on the Image to a single 5D "labeled" zarr array, with a different value for each Shape. An exception will be thrown if any of the masks overlap, unless the --overlaps option is used as above.

An alternative to handle overlapping masks is to split masks into non-overlapping zarr groups using a "label-map" which is a csv file that specifies the name of the zarr group for each ROI on the Image. Columns are ID, NAME, ROI_ID.

For example, to create a group from the textValue of each Shape, you can use this command:

omero hql --style=plain "select distinct s.textValue, s.roi.id from Shape s where s.roi.image.id = 5514375" --limit=-1 | tee 5514375.rois

This creates a file 5514375.rois like this:


This will create zarr groups of Cell and Chromosomes under 5514375.zarr/labels/:

$ omero zarr masks Image:5514375 --label-map=5514375.rois


This project, similar to many Open Microscopy Environment (OME) projects, is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) v2 or later.


2020-2023, The Open Microscopy Environment