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👋 Welcome to my practice problems repository! Here, you'll find solutions to various programming problems and algorithms that I've tackled during my learning journey. This repository serves as a compilation of my efforts to improve my problem-solving skills and understanding of different data structures and algorithms.


📚 The repository includes solutions to problems sourced from platforms like LeetCode and GeeksforGeeks, covering a wide range of topics including arrays, linked lists, sorting algorithms, graph algorithms, dynamic programming, and more. Each solution is accompanied by details such as its time and space complexity, along with the date it was added or last updated.

Why This Repository?

🔍 I created this repository as a way to document my progress and learning in the field of computer science and programming. By maintaining a collection of solved problems, I can easily revisit and review concepts I've encountered in the past. Additionally, sharing these solutions publicly allows others to benefit from them and potentially learn from my approaches and implementations.

How to Use

💡 Feel free to explore the solutions in this repository to gain insights into various problem-solving techniques and algorithms. Whether you're preparing for coding interviews, practicing competitive programming, or simply seeking to enhance your programming skills, I hope you find the content here valuable and informative.


🤝 I welcome contributions to this repository! If you spot any errors, optimizations, or have solutions to additional problems that you'd like to share, please don't hesitate to open a pull request. Together, we can continue to improve and expand this repository, making it a valuable resource for the programming community.

Happy coding! 🚀

Practice Problems Repository

This repository contains solutions to various practice problems and algorithms implemented in different languages.

LeetCode Problems

118. Pascal's Triangle

  • Link to Problem
  • Description: Solution to generating Pascal's Triangle.
  • Time Complexity: 6 ms (8.02%)
  • Space Complexity: 6.3 MB (99.34%)

278. First Bad Version

  • Link to Problem
  • Description: Solution to finding the first bad version.
  • Time Complexity: 0 ms (100.00%)
  • Space Complexity: 5.9 MB (22.27%)

35. Search Insert Position

  • Link to Problem
  • Description: Solution to finding the insertion position in a sorted array.
  • Time Complexity: 9 ms (34.91%)
  • Space Complexity: 9.7 MB (22.05%)

374. Guess Number Higher or Lower

  • Link to Problem
  • Description: Solution to guessing a number in a game.
  • Time Complexity: 0 ms (100.00%)
  • Space Complexity: 5.7 MB (99.24%)

46. Permutations

  • Link to Problem
  • Description: Solution to generating all permutations of a list of numbers.
  • Time Complexity: 8 ms (29.61%)
  • Space Complexity: 7.8 MB (46.31%)

704. Binary Search

  • Link to Problem
  • Description: Solution to performing binary search on a sorted array.
  • Time Complexity: 91 ms (5.27%)
  • Space Complexity: 27.7 MB (12.50%)

75. Sort Colors

  • Link to Problem
  • Description: Solution to sorting an array of 0s, 1s, and 2s.
  • Time Complexity: 4 ms (43.89%)
  • Space Complexity: 8.2 MB (70.23%)

GeeksforGeeks Problems

Distinct Coloring

  • Description: Solution to the problem of coloring vertices of a graph.
  • Added: last year

Find the Longest String

  • Description: Solution to finding the longest string in a list.
  • Added: 2 years ago

Implementing Dijkstra Algorithm

  • Description: Solution to implementing Dijkstra's algorithm for finding shortest paths.
  • Added: 2 years ago

Minimize the Sum

  • Description: Solution to minimizing the sum of array elements.
  • Added: last year

Reverse Digits

  • Description: Solution to reversing digits of a number.
  • Added: 2 years ago

Shortest Prime Path

  • Description: Solution to finding the shortest path between two prime numbers.
  • Added: last year

Zero Sum Subarrays

  • Description: Solution to finding subarrays with zero sum.
  • Added: last year


Check for Prime Number

  • Description: Solution to checking if a number is prime.
  • Added: 7 minutes ago

Linked List Implementation

  • Description: Implementation of linked list in C++.
  • Updated: 3 years ago

Array Rotation

  • Description: Implementation of array rotation algorithm.
  • Created: 3 years ago


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