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Johannes Hoppe edited this page Dec 12, 2020 · 14 revisions

I'm just getting an unspecified error.

If your message is always: 'Unspecified error (run without silent option for detail)', then please refer to the --no-silent option.

Where can I see my deployed url? (specific to github pages only)

Go to you repository settings, scroll down to the GitHub Pages section:


My CNAME file is deleted on every publish?! (specific to github pages only)

That's by design, the command overrides everything. If it wouldn't do that, all the hashed bundles would stay, too!

Please check the --cname option which adds the file for you.

How do I publish to a Root User or Organization Repository?

"If your site is a User or Organization Page that has a repository named <username>.github.io or <orgname>.github.io, you cannot publish your site's source files from different locations. User and Organization Pages that have this type of repository name are only published from the master branch." - GitHub

All this means is that you have to keep your published files in the master branch.

Create a new branch for your source files, source for example, and only work from within that branch.

When you're ready to publish your website specify the master branch by using --branch=master.

I get the following error: An unhandled exception occurred: Configuration 'test' is not set in the workspace.

Starting with version 1 the option --configuration was renamed to --build-target.


ng deploy --configuration=test


ng deploy --build-target=test

Why is it prompting multiple times for my SSH password/passphrase?

Don't worry, this is normal behavior on unix systems if you have a password on your SSH key. angular-cli-ghpages does multiple git operations, which can cause multiple SSH prompts. You can avoid these prompts by configuring a SSH agent.