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Broken React TO DO application based on context api

This application was intentionally broken, there are six critical issues that you need to fix:

1. Fix an ability to display all tasks. [done]

In order to fix the ability to display all the tasks, a todosTemplate array was passed as an initial state in the todos state variable in app.jsx to render an initial array of objects as todos.

Rendered todos Rendered Todos

2. Fix a layout, checkboxes should be listed in a column. [done]

To enlist the todos in a column format, flex-direction property of flexbox layout was used with the value set to column in todo-list.scss file to render the tasks column-wise.

3. Fix an ability to add a new task. [done]

First of all, setTodos state variable update function was passed as a prop in TodosContext.Provider, in app.jsx file, which allowed the children components to receive setTodos function as a prop. To fix the ability to add a new task, a callback function inside setTodos receives all previous array of objects which was used to add a new to-do in an existing array of objects using the spread operator to get the previous objects and return a new array with the new to-do attached as the array's last object.

Logic to add a new to-do

    setTodos((prevTodos) => [
        checked: true,
        id: prevTodos.length,
        label: task,

4. Fix an ability to toggle a task. [done]

To toggle a task, its checked property value needs to be flipped from existing true to false or false to true and to achieve this the setTodos function is needed to map over the entire array of todo objects to find a to-do that matches with the id passed as a parameter. And once the id matches, we can take all other properties of this object as it is and only change its checked property while returning all other objects as it is whose ids were not matched.

Logic to toggle a task

    setTodos((oldTodos) =>
      oldTodos.map((todo) => {
        return todo.id === id ? { ...todo, checked: !todo.checked } : todo;

5. Fix an ability to delete a task. [done]

To delete a task, the setTodos function can be used to filter the todos array based on the id taken as a parameter using JavaScript filter method to iterate over an entire array of objects to only return the objects whose ids do not match with the parameter id.

Logic to delete a task

    setTodos((prevTodos) => prevTodos.filter((prevTodo) => prevTodo.id !== id));

6. Fix an ability to count completed tasks. [done]

To count the number of completed tasks, JavaScript's filter method can be used again to filter over the array of todo objects and getting the length of the objects with checked property value set to true.

Logic to count completed tasks

    const todosCompleted = todos.filter((todo) => todo.checked === true).length;
    return todosCompleted;

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Use npm start to run project.


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