Package list
list provide some useful utilities
in order to manipulate collection conveniently
in the form of functional programming
hope it will be helpful
import (
lee ""
func main() {
intList, _ := lee.From([]int{0,1,2})
// list.Each
intList.Each(func(v lee.Item, i int){
fmt.Println(v, i)
// lee.Each(intList, func(v lee.Item, i int){
// fmt.Println(v, i)
// })
// 0 0
// 1 1
// 2 2
// list.Map
intListMapped := intList.Map(func(v lee.Item, i int) lee.Item {
return v.(int) * 2
// intListMapped := lee.Map(intList, func(v lee.Item, i int) lee.Item {
// return v.(int) * 2
// })
// [0 2 4]
// list.Filter
intListFiltered := intList.Filter(func(v lee.Item, i int) bool {
return v.(int) % 2 == 1
// intListFiltered := lee.Filter(intList, func(v lee.Item, i int) bool {
// return v.(int) % 2 == 1
// })
// [1]
.Reduce(func(a, b lee.Item) lee.Item {
return a.(int) + b.(int)
}, nil)
// 15
.Intersection(leeFromInts([]{2,4,6,8,10,12}), func(a, b lee.Item) bool {
return a == b
// [6,12]
func Contains(list List, f ItemTestFn) (r bool) Contains - like Find
return true if find the item return false if can not find the item
func Each(list List, f EachFn) Each - each loop
use for loop to get item from list and feed item to EachFn
func Equal(s, t List, f EqualFn) (r bool) Equal - a way to compare whether two list is equal
it accept a EqualFn which handle the equal logic
func Every(list List, f ItemTestFn) (r bool) Every - return true if every item pass test
func FindIndex(list List, f ItemTestFn) (index int) FindIndex - a way to find the index of a specific item
it return -1 if could not find the item
it accept a ItemTestFn which will specific the item
func IsSorted(list List, f LessFn) bool IsSorted - convenience wrapper for std sort.SliceIsSorted
func Some(list List, f ItemTestFn) (r bool) Some - return true if any item pass test
func Sort(list List, f LessFn) Sort - convenience wrapper for std sort.Slice
type EachFn func(Item, int) EachFn each loop handle signature
func(v Item, i int){
// switch value to the expected type
sv, _ := v.(int) // just for example, actually can use any type you specified
type EqualFn func(a, b Item) bool EqualFn compare handle signature
func(a, b Item) bool {
return a == b
type Item interface{} Item - generic type for list item
in order to accept any type of item in collection
func Find(list List, f ItemTestFn) (r Item, ok bool) Find - like FindIndex, but not return index of item
it returns the specific item and ok flag
func Get(list List, i int) Item Get - get item from list it can accept negative int as index, like -1 attention: it will never failed if then index out of range, or no item in list, it will return nil
func Reduce(list List, f ReduceFn, a Item) (r Item) Reduce - fold the list
type ItemTestFn func(Item, int) bool ItemTestFn filter loop handle signature
func(v Item, i int) bool {
sv := v.(string)
return sv == "foo"
type LessFn func(i, j int) bool LessFn same signature as sort.Less
type List []Item List a struct wrap collection in Data field
func Difference(s List, t List, f EqualFn) (r List) Difference - return a list with items not in the other list
func Filter(list List, f ItemTestFn) List Filter - filter loop
first create a new list then use each loop to get item from list and
feed item to ItemTestFn which decide weather keep it or not
func From(source interface{}) (nl List, e error) From - convert regular slice to List
as do not know the item type in the slic
so use reflect package to get the item type
and rebuild a new slice with Item type
call it like this:
func FromFloat64s(source []float64) (nl List) FromFloat64s convert float64 slice to List
func FromInts(source []int) (nl List) FromInts convert int slice to List
func FromStrings(source []string) (nl List) FromStrings convert string slice to List
func Intersection(s List, t List, f EqualFn) (r List) Intersection - return a list with items in both list
func Map(list List, f MapFn) List Map - map loop
use for loop to get item from list and feed item to MapFn
func New(length int) List New generate a new List instance
func Shuffle(list List) (r List) Shuffle - return a shuffled list
func Tail(list List, n int) List Tail - get items from last
func Union(s List, t List) List Union - union two lists
func (l List) Contains(f ItemTestFn) bool Contains convenience wrapper for Contains function
func (l List) Difference(t List, f EqualFn) List Difference convenience wrapper for Difference Function
func (l List) Each(f EachFn) List Each convenience wrapper for Each function
func (l List) Equal(t List, f EqualFn) bool Equal convenience wrapper for Equal function
func (l List) Every(f ItemTestFn) bool Every convenience wrapper for Every Function
func (l List) Filter(f ItemTestFn) List Filter convenience wrapper for Filter function
func (l List) Find(f ItemTestFn) (Item, bool) Find convenience wrapper for Find function
func (l List) FindIndex(f ItemTestFn) int FindIndex convenience wrapper for FindIndex function
func (l List) Get(i int) Item Get convenience wrapper for Get Function
func (l List) Intersection(t List, f EqualFn) List Intersection convenience wrapper for Intersection Function
func (l List) IsSorted(f LessFn) bool IsSorted convenience wrapper for std sort.SliceIsSorted
func (l List) Map(f MapFn) List Map convenience wrapper for Map function
func (l List) Reduce(f ReduceFn, a Item) Item Reduce convenience wrapper for Reduce function
func (l List) Shuffle() List Shuffle convenience wrapper for Shuffle Function
func (l List) Some(f ItemTestFn) bool Some convenience wrapper for Some Function
func (l List) Sort(f LessFn) List Sort convenience wrapper for std sort.Slice
func (l List) Tail(n int) List Tail convenience wrapper for Tail Function
func (l List) Union(t List) List Union convenience wrapper for Union Function
type MapFn func(Item, int) Item MapFn map loop handle signature
func(v Item, i int) (item Item) {
sv, _ := v.(float64)
return sv * sv
type ReduceFn func(a, b Item) Item ReduceFn reduce handle signature
type SwapFn func(i, j int) SwapFn swap items by index