Just an ordinary person strives to get better and contribute to society.
- Javascript
- React
- NextJS
- Angular
- Ionic
- Hubot
- Ruby
- Ruby On Rails
- C#
- Unity
- Python
- Flask
- AWS Amplify
- AWS Cognito (Authentication)
- AWS API (GraphQL and REST)
- AWS Dynamodb (Database)
- AWS Route 53 (Domain Name System service)
- AWS Lambda (Serverless Computing Platform)
- AWS S3 (Storage)
- PostgreSQL
- Dynamodb
- Redis
- RabbitMMQ
- Docker
- Docker Compose
Aug 2019 - Present
SLA report - Get log from Checkmk Livestatus and generate timeline.
Tools: Angular, Angular Material UI, AWS Dynamodb, AWS Cognito, AWS API, AWS Lambda, Checkmk Livestatus
Tools: Angular, Angular Material UI, AWS Dynamodb, AWS Cognito, AWS API, AWS Lambda
Assessments - create list of questions with different type of answers (input, single choice, multiple choices, date).
Tools: Angular, Ionic, AWS Dynamodb, AWS Cognito, AWS API
Work Order - Request work order and set flexible data for planning and report
Tools: Angular, Ionic, AWS Dynamodb, AWS Cognito, AWS API
Online Menu for restaurant
Tools: NextJS, MySQL, Sequelize (Changed from Prisma because hosted using Red hat - old linux kernel)
Telegram bot for mikrotik
Tools: Flask, Bootstrap, MySQL
Script for Arduino - Receive message using MQTT to control Air Conditioner
Script for Arduino - Sending temperature data using MQTT
Script for Arduino - Timer for UV light
Change openHAB logo for rebranding
Tools: maven
Nov 2009 - Jul 2019 (9 yrs 9 mos)
DREAMS - Platform for communication (Cloud Email Server [postfix, dovecot, clamav, spamassasin], Team Collaboration Mattermost, Newsletter Builder Mosaico)
Tools: Ruby On Rails, device, capistrano, RabbitMQ, PostgreSQL
OAuth2 Provider
Tools: Ruby On Rails, device, capistrano, doorkeeper, PostgreSQL
Customer's billing application
Tools: Ruby On Rails, device, capistrano, PostgreSQL
Automatons and bots
Tools: Hubot
Human Resource application
Tools: PHP
Warehouse application
Tools: PHP
Sekolah Tinggi Teknik Surabaya
Bachelor Of Information Technology