Zodak is a groundbreaking project developed by Benjamin Mauss and Kéllen Kern, which secured the first place in the category of High School Vocational Education - Information Technology at the 6th edition of FECITI, held at IFSUL - Instituto Federal Sul-rio-grandense Campus Sapiranga.
The main goal of Zodak is to automate the entire school attendance process within the context of IFSUL, eliminating the need for time-consuming manual roll calls or attendance lists. By leveraging facial recognition technology, the system intelligently integrates with SUAP and efficiently maps rooms, classes, and schedules. Zodak autonomously performs attendance scans during scheduled periods, requiring no action from students, teachers, or administrators.
- Time Savings: Zodak optimizes attendance management, potentially saving up to 65 hours at the end of each semester that would otherwise be spent on manual attendance registration (based on campus research).
- Seamless Integration: The system seamlessly integrates with SUAP and effortlessly maps classrooms, courses, and schedules for automated attendance scans.
- Endorsed by IFSUL: After presenting the project to the Deputy Pro-rector of Research and Innovation at IFSUL and Director Marta Tessmann, they expressed strong interest in incubating the project at the campus incubator, highlighting their enthusiasm for implementing the system across the IFSul network.
Zodak represents a cutting-edge solution that enhances educational institutions' attendance management, streamlining processes, and improving overall efficiency.