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This project uses ethereum blockchain to overcome the drawbacks of traditional land registration system that involves the middle men, long waiting time & paper work, and high charges in secure, transparent and fast manner.

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Land Registration System Using Blockchain

Table of Contents


The Land Registration System Using Blockchain is a decentralized application (DApp) built on the Ethereum blockchain. It aims to revolutionize the traditional land registration process by leveraging blockchain technology.

Drawbacks of the traditional system

  • Traditional system prone to fraud and manipulation.
  • Slow and cumbersome process for property tranfer.
  • Manual paperwork leads to inefficiencies and delays.
  • Lack of transparency in property ownership records.
  • Involvment of third parties in the process of purchase increases the costs.
  • Difficulty in resolving disputes due to centralized control.
  • Risk of data loss or corruption in centralized databases.

By usig the blockchain technology, we can avoid all the drawbacks of the traditional system. As blockchain is an immutable and decentralized ledger, all the transactions that happended through the blockchain are transparent, unalterable, and secure.
So, No one can get the false ownership by altering the data, and transferrig the ownership of the property from one person to another person can be done without involvement of any third parties and government in a secure, transparent, and within no time.

How it works ?

This project contains mainly two steps:

  1. Decentralizing Land Registry data:

    • In order to leverage blockchain technology to avoid drawbacks of the traditional system, we first need to decentrailze the property ownership data that is held by their respective government.

    • To decentralize the data, we have provided an option in the portal to the user for uploading their property details & documents as a proof to identify the ownership of the user.

    • Once the user has uploaded their documents, they should be verified by the respective government officer.

    • After the verification process is completed, if he/she is the legal owner of the property then officer will grants the ownership to the user or else they will reject it.

    • Once, after the approval of ownership, the property details & it's ownership details will be stored in the blockchain.

    • Later, user can buy or sell a property from or to a person without involvment of any middlemen or any other problems of the traditional system that slows down the process.

  2. Ownership Transfer System:

    • In order to sell the property to another person, user will log into the land registry portal using their credentials, there all the properties of the user are listed.

    • If the user wants to sell a particural property they can make the property as available to sell for the price they wanted.

    • Once, the user make their property available to sell, it is listed in a public page where any interested buyer can send the purchase request to the owner with the price they want to offer.

    • Owner can view all the purchase requests received to a particual property and can accept the purchase request of a buyer.

    • Later, buyer can transfer the agreed payment amount to the seller.

    • After the successfull payment transfer, the ownership of the propery will be transferred from the seller to the buyer.

Tech Stack & Tools

* Flask==2.2.3 
* MongoDB
* Solidity
* Ethereum Blockchain
* Truffle
* Ganache
* Metamask

Key Features:

  • Auction System: Landowners can list their properties for sale and set their desired price through an auction mechanism.
  • Global Visibility: Properties available for sale are visible to all users worldwide, allowing interested buyers to view and make offers.
  • Buyer Interaction: Prospective buyers can submit buy requests with their offer prices, initiating the negotiation process.
  • Seller Decision-Making: Landowners have the flexibility to review buy requests and select preferred buyers and offered prices.
  • Secure Transaction: Upon acceptance of the transfer/buying proposal, buyers send Ether coins as payment, and ownership is seamlessly transferred.


The following installation commands are for Ubuntu 20.04.

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/bhanuprasadChesetti/Land-Registraion-System-with-Blockchain.git
  2. Install Ganache.

  3. Install MongoDB & Run it.

  4. Add Metamask to your browser

  5. Deploy Smart Contracts

    5.1 Open the Ganache & Create a local Ethereum block chain.

    5.2 Navigate to Smart_contracts folder and open truffle-config.js file.

    5.3 Set Ganache server configuration

    module.exports = {
       networks: {
          development: {
             host: "<Host address on which ganache running>",  // Default: localhost
             port: <Port on which ganache running>,            // Default: 7545
             network_id: "*",      

    5.4 Compile & deploy the contracts to block chaing

    cd Smart_contracts/
    truffle migrate

    Note down account used for deploying, which looks similar to the following.

    alt text

  6. Install dependencies:

    6.1 Create python's virtual environment

    python3 -m venv <env_name>

    6.2 Activate the virtual environment

    source <env_name>/bin/activate

    6.3 Install Required libraries

    pip install -r python_package_requirements.txt
  7. Deploy the Sever for Govt portal

    7.1 Navigate to Server_For_Revenue_Dept folder

    cd Server_For_Revenue_Dept/

    7.2 Open config.json file & Set the configuration with nano or text editor.

       "Ganache_Url" : "<Ganache RPC Server URL>",  // default:
       "NETWORK_CHAIN_ID": <Ganache Network ID>,    // default: 5777
       "Mongo_Db_Url": "MongoDB Server URL"        //  default: mongodb://localhost:27017
       "Secret_Key": "<Set Random Security Key for flask server>",
       "Address_Used_To_Deploy_Contract": "<Account used to deploy the contracts>",
       "Admin_Password": "<Password for higher govt authority>" // default: 12345678

    7.3 Activate the virtual environment you created in a separate terminal

    source <env_name>/bin/activate

    7.4 Run the flask server

    python3 app.py
  8. Deploy the Server for User portal

    8.1 Activate the virtual environment you created in a separate terminal

    source <env_name>/bin/activate

    8.2 Navigate to Server_For_Users folder

    cd Server_For_Users/

    8.3 Run the flask server

    python3 app.py


Demo Video

Screen shorts:


This project uses ethereum blockchain to overcome the drawbacks of traditional land registration system that involves the middle men, long waiting time & paper work, and high charges in secure, transparent and fast manner.







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