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Flexible react google map with more options of search, pick & select.


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Flexible react google map with more options of search, pick & select.



Getting Started

yarn add @bp/g-mapify


npm i @bp/g-mapify


Basic use:

    import  React from  'react';
    import { GMapify } from  'g-mapify';
    import  'g-mapify/dist/index.css';
    const  App = () => {
	    return (
		    <GMapify appKey="[google-map-key]" />

Example: Basic map

basic map image

Example with options (Search Map)

import  React from  'react';
import { GMapify } from  '@bp/g-mapify';
import  '@bp/g-mapify/dist/index.css';

const  App = () => {
    const  onMapSelect = (status, data) => console.warn(status, data);
    return (
        <GMapify appKey="[google-map-key]" hasSearch onSelect={onMapSelect}/>


If status is getting false that means something happened bad on location search.

Map Search image

Example with multiple markers

import  React from  'react';
import { GMapify } from  '@bp/g-mapify';
import  '@bp/g-mapify/dist/index.css';

const  App = () => {

    const markers = [
        [28.4165425, 77.0437857, "Hello 1"],
        [28.415671, 77.0520993, `<div><h3>Southcity 2</h3> <img src="https://www.rentomojo.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/shutterstock_1298400742.jpg" height="140"/> </div>`],
        [28.4175717, 77.05284840000002]

    const  onMapSelect = (status, data) => console.warn(status, data);
    return (

Map Mutiple markers image


Props Description Default value
appKey (Mandatory) google map app key It's a mandatory value
lat default latitude of map 28.7041
lng default logitude of map 77.1025
mapOptions google map options that you can change or add more zoom: 15, zoomControl: false, mapTypeControl: false, fullscreenControl: false, streetViewControl: false, clickableIcons: false, mapTypeId: "roadmap"
libraries add more funcationality on google map places
mapClassName custom class name for map element None
hasMarker show marker in map true
markerIcon map marker icon Blue marker icon
autoCenter Auto center map on move or zoom true
customMarkers Multiple custom markers to mark on map [] (Example : [[lat, lng, content], [lat, lng, content], ...] )
allowSinglePopup Allow to open single popup on click custom marker true
hasSearch apply search in map false
mapSearchPlace map search input box place (required a valid selector name like (#id, .class)) bottom of the map
debounceTime search debounce time (unit ms) 2000
inputClassName custom class name for Search input None
searchPlaceHolder placeholder of search box Search here
searchClassName custom class name of search container None
onSelect trigger whenever map position changed (return status: [true/false], data: [map data object], mapStatus: [map native status])


When use customMarkers (More than 1) - Make sure autoCenter, hasSearch are set to false. Which dosen't make sense any way with multiple markers.

Using Ref (v2.3.0)

Support ref to access some functions directly.

    import  React from  'react';
    import { GMapify } from  '@bp/g-mapify';
    import  '@bp/g-mapify/dist/index.css';
    const  App = () => {
        const mapRef = useRef();

        const getLatLongByName = async () => {
            if (mapRef.current) {
                try {
                    const result = await mapRef.current.latLongFromQuery('BharatPe Office Delhi');
                    const lat = result[0]?.geometry.location.lat();
                    const lng = result[0]?.geometry.location.lng();
                } catch (e) {
                    // handle error

	    return (
                <button onClick={getLatLongByName}>BharatPe Office Location</button>
                <GMapify ref={mapRef} appKey="[google-map-key]" />

Functions are accessible directly:

Function Description Parameters Return Value
latLongFromQuery Get Map data from address string without showing search string Promise<map data>

Address Formatter

You can get City, Pincode, State etc. from address_components using addressFormatter method. This method transfrom address_components array data into object.

import { GMapify, AddressFormatter } from  '@bp/g-mapify'

const  onMapSelect = (status, data) => {
    if (status) {
        console.warn('Map Data', data);
        // get formatted address from google map address_components
        const  formattedAddress = AddressFormatter(data.address_components);
        console.warn('formated address', formattedAddress);

Refer example for all 3 map variations

Map variations image


Here Releases

Note: For Contributors

This repo build with create-react-library


Here Contributors


ISC BharatPe TM