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CVE-2022-25845(fastjson1.2.80) exploit in Spring Env!
Qwen2.5 is the large language model series developed by Qwen team, Alibaba Cloud.
一个Golang的web实战化靶场 | A Golang-based web combat range
Web 版 Java Payload 生成与漏洞利用工具,提供 Java 反序列化、Hessian 1/2 反序列化等 Payload 生成,以及 JNDI Exploit、Fake Mysql Exploit、JRMPListener 等相关利用
java-swing-gui-stater | Java Swing GUI Maven 项目模板 | 简单的教程
A tool to scan Kubernetes cluster for risky permissions
Generation of diagrams like flowcharts or sequence diagrams from text in a similar manner as markdown
Find vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, secrets, SBOM in containers, Kubernetes, code repositories, clouds and more
🐶 Kubernetes CLI To Manage Your Clusters In Style!
A swiss army knife for pentesting networks
A tool to extract the IdP cert from vCenter backups and log in as Administrator
Internet of Vehicles Penetration testing OS.车联网渗透测试系统,开箱即用的测试环境,包含上百个常见用于车联网渗透测试的工具集。覆盖逆向、CAN、车载以太网、WiFi、蓝牙、云平台等安全测试
User-friendly AI Interface (Supports Ollama, OpenAI API, ...)
chsrc 全平台通用换源工具与框架. Change Source everywhere for every software
a panda executable file decompiler of HarmonyOS Next
Nuclei POC,每日更新 | 自动整合全网Nuclei的漏洞POC,实时同步更新最新POC,保存已被删除的POC。通过批量克隆Github项目,获取Nuclei POC,并将POC按类别分类存放,使用Github Action实现(已有11wPOC,已校验有效性并去重)
Deskflow lets you share one mouse and keyboard between multiple computers on Windows, macOS and Linux. It's like a software KVM (but without video).