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Starred repositories
slatedocs / slate
Forked from ringcentral/slateBeautiful static documentation for your API
jeresig / jquery.hotkeys
Forked from tzuryby/jquery.hotkeysjQuery Hotkeys lets you watch for keyboard events anywhere in your code supporting almost any key combination.
lipis / bootstrap-sweetalert
Forked from t4t5/sweetalert🍰 A beautiful "replacement" for JavaScript's alert ⛺
jeremyevans / roda
Forked from soveran/cubaRouting Tree Web Toolkit
ideo / avocado
Forked from trive/avocadoAn interaction design toolbox
thomasdavis / best-practices
Forked from timoxley/best-practicesThis is a fork of timoxley - Tidbits of best practices information from around the web
drapanjanas / re-natal
Forked from dmotz/natalBootstrap ClojureScript React Native apps
Google Chrome and Firefox extension that prevents the blocking of pasting into input fields
bmizerany / sinatra
Forked from sinatra/sinatra(offically at Classy web-development dressed in a DSL
nesquena / query_reviewer
Forked from weplay/query_reviewerAn excellent development aid. Will run "EXPLAIN" before each of your select queries in development, and provides a display which makes them easy to browse. In this fork, gemified and compatible wit…
Rykian / clockwork
Forked from adamwiggins/clockworkA scheduler process to replace cron.
seancorfield / clj-new
Forked from boot-clj/boot-newGenerate new projects based on clj, Boot, or Leiningen Templates!
pjhyett / github-services
Forked from github/github-servicesMoved to
zonkyio / embedded-postgres
Forked from opentable/otj-pg-embeddedJava embedded PostgreSQL component for testing
Anki + LLMs = <3
cjheath / treetop
Forked from nathansobo/treetopA Ruby-based parsing DSL based on parsing expression grammars.
sighmon / mjml-rails
Forked from robotex82/markerbMJML + ERb/Haml/Slim view template
wallyqs / org-ruby
Forked from bdewey/org-rubyAn Org mode parser written in Ruby.
spullara / yql-tables
Forked from yql/yql-tablesYQL is extensible using a table definition. This repository will hold community contributed definitions.
al3x / git-wiki
Forked from sr/git-wikiA wiki engine that uses a Git repository as its data store.
SciRuby / statsample
Forked from clbustos/statsampleA suite for basic and advanced statistics on Ruby.
flajann2 / juwelier
Forked from technicalpickles/jewelerOpinionated tool for creating and managing Rubygem projects using Ruby 2.3 and beyond!
ssp / gitx
Forked from rowanj/gitxGit GUI for macOS. Please use the gitx/gitx repo for issues and pull requests.
UnrealKaraulov / newbspguy
Forked from wootguy/bspguyGoldsrc map viewer/editor without decompiling. Also can view .MDL models.
paul / resourceful
Forked from pezra/resourcefulAn HTTP library for Ruby that takes advantage of everything HTTP has to offer.
Curated list of project-based tutorials
SciRuby / distribution
Forked from clbustos/distributionProbability distributions for Ruby.
chikamichi / plexus
Forked from bruce/graphyGraph Theory library for Ruby