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Simple extract-load utility for oracle database. ELO is DB-Link only so you can only use it for oracle -> oracle extractions. It is dead-simple and super fast to define extraction rule for a table.


ELO uses PL for logging. PL is a small utility and logging library for oracle.


  • Make sure you have installed PL

  • Change the current schema to util

    alter session set current_schema = util;
  • Run the contents of init.sql

  • Run the contents of elo.pks.sql

  • Run the contents of elo.pkb.sql


  • name unique name for the extraction of the table
  • db_link db link to use for the extraction
  • source source table including schema eg. SRC_SCHEMA.TABLE_NAME
  • target target table including schema eg. TRG_SCHEMA.TABLE_NAME
  • filter filter for the source data
  • source_hint select hint for the source
  • target_hint insert hint for the target
  • delta_column column to check if data is extracted using delta method.
  • last_delta last extracted value of the delta column
  • excluded exclude from running. usefull when you want to skip execution but keep the definition
  • drop_create load table with drop create like create table table_name as select ...
  • name unique name for the extraction of the table. same name with ELO_TABLES
  • source_col source column or expression to extract.
  • target_col target column to load data.
  • excluded exclude from extracted columns. usefull when you want to skip the column but keep the definition


Just call elo.run with a name parameter. example:



You can see the logs by issuing a select like;

  select * from util.logs order by 3 desc;


Elo provides define helper mothod to quickly define extractions. You can also use def or d which are syntactic sugars over define.

Example usages of define

  -- defines all columns of the table to column list
  -- only the specified columns
      i_source  => 'src_owner.src_table_name@my_db_link',
      i_columns => 'first_col,second_col,another_col'
  -- all options
      i_name    => 'my_extraction',
      i_source  => 'src_owner.src_table_name',
      i_target  => 'trg_owner.trg_table_name',
      -- you can use new line and space in i_columns
      i_columns => 'first_col,second_col,another_col,
        yet_another_col, some_col_name
      i_db_link => 'my_db_link'
      i_filter  => 'my_column = 2'
  -- Helper method to define extractions quickly. Inserts definitions to util.elo_tables and
  -- util.elo_columns.
  -- If only i_source is given, it should be in the form of [remote_schema.remote_table@my_db_link]
  -- If i_columns is not given then all columns will be extracted
  -- If i_columns is given then new columns in the list will be inserted to the elo_columns.
  -- Definitions work in insert mode which means if table or column definitions already exists
  -- then only the new ones will be inserted. This method does not override any existing records in
  -- elo_tables or elo_columns

There is also add_filter helper to add additional filtering to an existing extraction definition.


--- this will generate a query with a `where [existing_filter and] my_column = 2`
  util.elo.add_filter('my_extraction_name', 'my_column = 2');

To delete entries from elo_tables or clear column mappings of an extraction use;

  • delete: Deletes an extraction definition including columns.
  • del: Same as delete
  • delete_columns: Deletes only column mappings for given extraction.
  • delcols: Same as delete_columns