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Routes Service - Adidas Backend Assignment

,------.                  ,--.                     ,---.                          ,--.
|  .--. ' ,---. ,--.,--.,-'  '-. ,---.  ,---.     '   .-'  ,---. ,--.--.,--.  ,--.`--' ,---. ,---.
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                    '  .--./|  ,---. ,--.--.`--',--,--, `--'|  |,-. ,---.
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Assignee: Nikolaos Christidis (nick.christidis@yahoo.com)

Prequisities in order to local run

  • Need to have Docker Compose

How to run service (not dockerized)

  • Execute: docker-compose up

  • Two options:

    • Execute:

      • mvn clean install -DskipUTs=true -DskipITs
      • java -jar -Dspring.profiles.active=dev -DLog4jContextSelector=org.apache.logging.log4j.core.async.AsyncLoggerContextSelector target/routes-service-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
    • Execute:

      • mvn spring-boot:run -Dspring.profiles.active=dev -DLog4jContextSelector=org.apache.logging.log4j.core.async.AsyncLoggerContextSelector
  • (Optional) When you finish: docker-compose down

How to run service (dockerized)

  • Uncomment the section in docker-compose.yml file for service: routes-service:

  • Execute: mvn clean install -DskipUTs=true -DskipITs

  • Execute: docker-compose build

  • Execute: docker-compose up

  • (Optional) When you finish: docker-compose down

Create Docker Image

  • Execute: mvn clean install -DskipUTs=true -DskipITs

  • Execute: docker build -t chriniko/routes-service:1.0.0 . in order to build docker image.

  • Fast: mvn clean install -DskipUTs=true -DskipITs && docker build -t chriniko/routes-service:1.0.0 .

Execute Unit Tests

  • Execute: mvn clean test

Execute Integration Tests (you should run docker-compose up first)

  • Execute: mvn clean integration-test -DskipUTs=true or mvn clean verify -DskipUTs=true

Test Coverage (via JaCoCo)

  • In order to generate reports execute: mvn clean verify
    • In order to see unit test coverage open with browser: target/site/jacoco-ut/index.html
    • In order to see integration test coverage open with browser: target/site/jacoco-it/index.html

Designed to Scale

  • Have used Redis simple values (or Strings in Redis terminology) in order to cache results of find route operations (1. by CityInfo, 2. by routeId:String).

Redis Commander (you should run docker-compose up first)

  • See redis contents from here: http://localhost:8081

Route Data Generator

  • On startup the service generates routes randomly based on provided csv (src/main/resources/cities/worldcities.csv) The csv is provided from: https://simplemaps.com/data/world-cities, basic flavour. So it is advisable to find root cities from the below queries, and provide these to Itineraries Lookup Service

How to find root(starting city) of itineraries for a specific country

  • Execute:
select origin_city_name, origin_country, destiny_city_name, destiny_country, departure_time, arrival_time
from routes
where origin_city_name NOT IN (
  select destiny_city_name
  from routes
  where destiny_country = 'Spain'
and origin_country = 'Spain';

How to find root(starting city) of itineraties for all countries

  • Execute:
select origin_city_name, origin_country, destiny_city_name, destiny_country, departure_time, arrival_time
from routes
where origin_city_name NOT IN (
  select destiny_city_name
  from routes
  where destiny_country = origin_country

How to find terminal routes (appear only as destiny city and not also as origin city)

  • Execute:
select origin_city_name, origin_country, destiny_city_name, destiny_country, departure_time, arrival_time
from routes
where destiny_city_name NOT IN (
  select origin_city_name
  from routes
  where origin_country = 'Greece'
) and origin_country = 'Greece';

How to find intermediary routes (appear as destiny city and also as origin city)

  • Execute:
select origin_city_name, origin_country, destiny_city_name, destiny_country, departure_time, arrival_time
from routes
where destiny_city_name IN (
  select origin_city_name
  from routes
  where origin_country = 'Greece'
) and origin_country = 'Greece';

Additional Application Properties

  • generate.routes=true generate sample data on startup of service.

  • cities-csv-processor.display-parsing-info=false if we would like to display csv parsing information during generation of sample data.

  • route-data-generator.display-storing-info=false if we would like to display storing information during generation of sample data.

  • route-data-generator.no-of-itineraries-for-selected-root-city=4 how many itineraries we will generate for the random selected root city.

Authentication Needed for HTTP operations

  • Header, Key: Authorization --- Value: Basic dXNlcjoxMjM0 --- (How value is constructed --> Base64.encode(username:password))

  • Current security settings:


Example Request - Response

  • POST at: localhost:8080/api/route-info/search with body:



          "results": [
                  "id": "9737ba86-745d-466a-925a-b8312bc81aeb",
                  "city": {
                      "name": "Arrecife",
                      "country": "Spain"
                  "destinyCity": {
                      "name": "Vitoria",
                      "country": "Spain"
                  "departureTime": "2019-03-11T00:15:52Z",
                  "arrivalTime": "2019-03-11T03:15:52Z"
                  "id": "c14e57a6-f662-4dd8-8e50-8009240735c3",
                  "city": {
                      "name": "Arrecife",
                      "country": "Spain"
                  "destinyCity": {
                      "name": "La Coruna",
                      "country": "Spain"
                  "departureTime": "2019-03-11T00:15:52Z",
                  "arrivalTime": "2019-03-11T03:15:52Z"
                  "id": "cc68d3d5-3d77-41cf-9a0b-ec0605b5f9ff",
                  "city": {
                      "name": "Arrecife",
                      "country": "Spain"
                  "destinyCity": {
                      "name": "Malaga",
                      "country": "Spain"
                  "departureTime": "2019-03-11T00:15:52Z",
                  "arrivalTime": "2019-03-11T02:15:52Z"
                  "id": "d355d14e-4f68-43a3-924f-7e6ac8d04305",
                  "city": {
                      "name": "Arrecife",
                      "country": "Spain"
                  "destinyCity": {
                      "name": "Linares",
                      "country": "Spain"
                  "departureTime": "2019-03-11T00:15:52Z",
                  "arrivalTime": "2019-03-11T02:15:52Z"

Additional Crud Operations

  • Search route by id: GET on localhost:8080/api/route-info/<route_id>

  • Delete route by id: DELETE on localhost:8080/api/route-info/<route_id>

  • Update route by id and payload: PUT on localhost:8080/api/route-info/<route_id> Sample payload:

              "city": {
                  "name": "updated field",
                  "country": "updated field"
              "destinyCity": {
                  "name": "destiny 54",
                  "country": "destiny country 54"
  • Create new route: POST on localhost:8080/api/route-info/ With payload:

            "city": {
                "name": "origin",
                "country": "origin country"
            "destinyCity": {
                "name": "destiny",
                "country": "destiny country"
            "departureTime": "2019-02-28T22:55:23Z",
            "arrivalTime": "2019-03-01T00:55:23Z"

Useful Docker Commands

  • docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' <container_id>