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Updates of Equilibrium Prop Match Gradients of Backprop Through Time in an RNN with Static Input (NeurIPS 2019)

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Updates of Equilibrium Prop Match Gradients of Backprop Through Time in an RNN with Static Input

This repository contains the code producing the results of the paper "Updates of Equilibrium Prop Match Gradients of Backprop Through Time in an RNN with Static Input", published as an oral contribution at NeurIPS 2019. You can find here a 3 mins summary and there the 12 mins talk given at NeurIPS.

The following document provides details about the code provided, alongside the commands to be run to reproduce the results appearing in the draft.

The project contains the following files:

  • main.py: executes the code, with arguments specified in a parser.

  • netClasses.py: contains the network classes.

  • netFunctions.py: contains the functions to run on the networks.

  • plotFunctions.py: contains the functions to plot the results.

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Package requirements

Run the following command lines to set the environment using conda:

conda create --name EP python=3.6
conda activate EP
conda install -c conda-forge matplotlib
conda install pytorch torchvision -c pytorch

Details about main.py

main.py proceeds in the following way:

  • It first parses arguments typed in the terminal to build a network and get optimization parameters (i.e. learning rates, mini-batch size, network topology, etc.)

  • It loads the MNIST data set with torchvision.

  • It builds the nets using netClasses.py.

  • It takes one of the three actions that can be fed into the parser.

The parser takes the following arguments:

  • Optimization arguments:
Arguments Description Examples
batch-size Training batch size. --batch-size 128
test-batch-size Test batch size used to compute the test error. --test-batch-size 128
epochs Number of epochs. --epochs 50
lr_tab Learning rates tab, to be provided from the output layer towards the first layer. --lr_tab 0.01 0.04 will apply a learning rate of 0.01 to W_{01} and 0.04 to W_{12}
training-method Training method used, either Equilibrium Propagation or Backpropagation Through Time --training-method EP,--training-method BPTT
benchmark Trains two exact same models (i.e. with the same weights initially), one under 'EP' AND another one under 'BPTT', with the exact same hyperparameters. --benchmark
  • Network arguments:
Arguments Description Examples
size_tab Specifies the topology of the network, backward from the output layer. It is also used alongside --C_tab to define the fully connected part of a convolutional architecture (see below) --size_tab 10 512 784
discrete Specifies if we are in the prototypical (discrete = True) or energy-based (discrete = False) setting --discrete
dt Time increment in the energy-based setting (denoted \epsilon in the draft) --dt 0.1
T Number of steps in the first phase. --T 30
Kmax Number of steps in the second phase. --Kmax 10
beta Value of the nudging parameter. --beta 0.1
activation-function Selects the activation function used: either 'tanh', 'sigm' (for sigmoid) or 'hardsigm' (for hard-sigmoid) --activation-function 'sigm'
no-clamp Specifies whether we clamp the updates (no-clamp = False) or not when training in the energy-based setting. --no-clamp
toymodel Specifies whether we work on the toymodel (toymodel = True) or not. --toymodel
C_tab Channels tab, going backward from the classifier. --C_tab 64 32 1
padding Specifies whether padding is applied (padding = 1) to keep the image size invariant after a convolution. --padding
Fconv Convolution filter size. --Fconv 3
  • Others:
Arguments Description Examples
action Specifies the action to take in main.py (see next bullet). --action train
device-label Selects the cuda device to run the simulation on (default: -1, selecting CPU). --device-label 1

main.py can take three different actions:

  • train: the network is trained with the arguments provided in the parser. It is trained by default with EP and/or with BPTT depending on the arguments provided in the parser. Results are automatically saved in a folder sorted by date, GPU ID and trial number, along with a .txt file containing all hyperparameters.

  • plotcurves: we demonstrate the GDU property on the network with the arguments provided in the parser. Results are automatically saved in a folder sorted by trial number, along with a .txt file containing all hyperparameters.

  • receipe: computes the proportion of synapses that satisfy the GDU property in sign, averaged over 20 sample mini-batches. It helps to tune the recurrent hyperparameters T, K and beta.

Details about netClasses.py:

There are four network classes:

  • EPcont: builds fully connected layered architectures in the energy-based setting.

  • EPdisc: builds fully connected layered architectures in the prototypical setting.

  • toyEPcont: builds the toy model in the energy based setting.

  • convEP: builds the convolutional architecture in the prototypical setting.

Each neural network class contains the following features and methods:

  • stepper: runs the network dynamics between two consecutive steps.

  • forward: runs the network dynamics over T steps, with many options depending on the context forward is being used.

  • initHidden: initializes hidden units to zero.

  • computeGradients: compute gradients parameters given the state of the neural network.

  • updateWeights: updates the parameters given the gradient parameters.

Details about netFunctions.py

We summarize the different functions of netFunctions.py in the following tab. See our paper for the precise definition of the BPTT gradients and of the EP updates.

Function Description
train Trains the model on the training set.
evaluate Evaluates the model on the test set.
compute_nSdSDT Computes BPTT gradients with respect to the neurons (nS), EP updates of the neurons (dS) and cumulated EP updates of the synapses (DT)
compute_NT Computes the cumulated BPTT gradients of the synapses (NT)
compute_nTdT Computes the 'instantaneous' BPTT gradients (nT) and EP updates (dT) from their cumulated sum (NT and DT)
receipe Computes the proportion of synapses that satisfy the GDU property in sign, averaged over 20 sample mini-batches.
createPath Creates a path to a directory depending on the date, the gpu device used, the model simulated and on the trial number where the results will be saved.
createHyperparameterfile Creates a .txt file saved along with the results with all the hyperparameters.

Details about plotFunctions.py

We summarize the different functions of plotFunctions.py in the following tab.

Function Description
plot_T Plots BPTT gradients and EP updates for the synapses.
plot_S Plots BPTT gradients and EP updates for the neurons.
compute_nTdT Same function as in netFunctions.py.
compute_Hist Computes the Relative Mean Squared error (RMSE) between the BPTT gradients and the EP updates.
plot_results Plots the test and train accuracy as a function of epochs.

Commands to be run in the terminal to reproduce the results of the paper

Everytime a simulation is run, a result folder is created and contains plotFunctions.py. To visualize the results, plotFunctions.py has to be run within the result folder.

  • Subsection 4.2, Fig. 2 (GDU property in the energy-based setting, toy model):

    python main.py --action 'plotcurves' --toymodel --no-clamp --batch-size 1 --size_tab 10 50 5 --activation-function 'tanh' --dt 0.08 --beta 0.01 --T 5000 --Kmax 80
  • Subsection 4.3, Fig. 3 (RMSE analysis on the fully connected layered architectures, in the canonical and prototypical settings):

    • Energy-based setting, 1 hidden layer:

      python main.py --action 'plotcurves' --no-clamp --batch-size 20 --size_tab 10 512 784 --activation-function 'tanh' --dt 0.08 --beta 0.001 --T 800 --Kmax 80
    • Energy-based setting, 2 hidden layers:

      python main.py --action 'plotcurves' --no-clamp --batch-size 20 --size_tab 10 512 512 784 --activation-function 'tanh' --dt 0.08 --beta 0.01 --T 5000 --Kmax 150
    • Energy-based setting, 3 hidden layers:

      python main.py --action 'plotcurves' --no-clamp --batch-size 20 --size_tab 10 512 512 512 784 --activation-function 'tanh' --dt 0.08 --beta 0.02 --T 30000 --Kmax 200  
    • Prototypical setting, 1 hidden layer:

      python main.py --action 'plotcurves' --discrete --batch-size 20 --size_tab 10 512 784 --activation-function 'tanh' --beta 0.01 --T 150 --Kmax 10  
    • Prototypical setting, 2 hidden layers:

      python main.py --action 'plotcurves' --discrete --batch-size 1 --size_tab 10 512 512 784 --activation-function 'tanh' --beta 0.01 --T 1500 --Kmax 40
    • Prototypical setting, 3 hidden layers:

      python main.py --action 'plotcurves' --discrete --batch-size 1 --size_tab 10 512 512 512 784 --activation-function 'tanh' --beta 0.015 --T 5000 --Kmax 40
  • Subsection 4.4, Fig. 4 (GDU property on the convolutional architecture):

    python main.py --action 'plotcurves' --batch-size 1 --size_tab 10 --C_tab 64 32 1 --activation-function 'hardsigm' --beta 0.02 --T 5000 --Kmax 10
  • Table 1 (training simulation results):

    • Energy-based setting, 1 hidden layer (EB-1h):

      python main.py --action 'train' --size_tab 10 512 784 --lr_tab 0.05 0.1 --epochs 30 --T 100 --Kmax 12 --beta 0.5 --dt 0.2 --benchmark
    • Energy-based setting, 2 hidden layers (EB-2h):

      python main.py --action 'train' --size_tab 10 512 512 784 --lr_tab 0.01 0.1 0.4 --epochs 50 --T 400 --Kmax 40 --beta 0.5 --dt 0.2 --benchmark
    • Prototypical setting, 1 hidden layer (P-1h):

      python main.py --action 'train' --discrete --size_tab 10 512 784 --lr_tab 0.04 0.08 --epochs 30 --T 40 --Kmax 15 --beta 0.1 --benchmark
    • Prototypical setting, 2 hidden layers (P-2h):

      python main.py --action 'train' --discrete --size_tab 10 512 512 784 --lr_tab 0.005 0.05 0.2 --epochs 50 --T 100 --Kmax 20 --beta 0.5 --benchmark
    • Prototypical setting, 3 hidden layers (P-3h):

      python main.py --action 'train' --discrete --size_tab 10 512 512 512 784 --lr_tab 0.002 0.01 0.05 0.2 --epochs 100 --T 180 --Kmax 20 --beta 0.5 --benchmark
    • Prototypical setting, convolutional architecture (P-conv):

      python main.py --action 'train' --activation-function 'hardsigm' --C_tab 64 32 1 --size_tab 10 --lr_tab 0.015 0.035 0.15 --epochs 40 --T 200 --Kmax 10 --beta 0.4 --benchmark
  • Appendix C:

    • Appendix C.2.1, Fig. 8 (GDU property in the energy-based setting, fully connected layer architecture, 1 hidden layer):

      python main.py --action 'plotcurves' --no-clamp --batch-size 1 --size_tab 10 512 784 --activation-function 'tanh' --dt 0.08 --beta 0.001 --T 800 --Kmax 80
    • Appendix C.2.1, Fig. 9 (GDU property in the energy-based setting, fully connected layer architecture, 2 hidden layers):

      python main.py --action 'plotcurves' --no-clamp --batch-size 1 --size_tab 10 512 512 784 --activation-function 'tanh' --dt 0.08 --beta 0.01 --T 5000 --Kmax 150 
    • Appendix C.2.1, Fig. 10 (GDU property in the energy-based setting, fully connected layer architecture, 3 hidden layers):

      python main.py --action 'plotcurves' --no-clamp --batch-size 1 --size_tab 10 512 512 512 784 --activation-function 'tanh' --dt 0.08 --beta 0.02 --T 30000 --Kmax 200     
    • Appendix C.2.2, Fig. 11 (GDU property in the prototypical setting, fully connected layer architecture, 1 hidden layer):

      python main.py --action 'plotcurves' --discrete --batch-size 1 --size_tab 10 512 784 --activation-function 'tanh' --beta 0.01 --T 150 --Kmax 10
    • Appendix C.2.2, Fig. 12 (GDU property in the prototypical setting, fully connected layer architecture, 2 hidden layers):

      python main.py --action 'plotcurves' --discrete --batch-size 1 --size_tab 10 512 512 784 --activation-function 'tanh' --beta 0.01 --T 1500 --Kmax 40
    • Appendix C.2.2, Fig. 13 (GDU property in the prototypical setting, fully connected layer architecture, 3 hidden layers):

      python main.py --action 'plotcurves' --discrete --batch-size 1 --size_tab 10 512 512 512 784 --activation-function 'tanh' --beta 0.015 --T 5000 --Kmax 40
    • Appendix D, Fig. 16 (RMSE analysis on the convolutional architecture):

      python main.py --action 'plotcurves' --batch-size 20 --size_tab 10 --C_tab 64 32 1 --activation-function 'hardsigm' --beta 0.02 --T 5000 --Kmax 10


Updates of Equilibrium Prop Match Gradients of Backprop Through Time in an RNN with Static Input (NeurIPS 2019)






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