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Monitoring application for Cryo-EM data of the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry.

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Cryo-EM data monitor

Monitoring application for Cryo-EM data of the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry.

This application reads data from from multiple microscopic recordings, when saved in .star files, from the filesystem without the need for a database and scales up to 100k and more files. A modern client optimized for desktop and mobile view analyzes and displays the data and images in realtime.

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.

Latest update

  • 28.01

    • add: do not show outliers in miniplots
    • add: standard deviation in config
    • add: validate() .star-File
    • fix miniplots: deactivate zoom in mobile
    • fix mainplot: state is preserved after update
    • fix mainplot: deactivate legend & zoom in mobile
    • for debugging: print key when selecting row in table
    • fix Images: Title on hover
    • deactivate: image play/pause button in fullscreen view
    • deactivate: Fullscreen mode
  • 08.01.

    • add: AutoDelete (hard drive)
    • various bug fixes
    • test: Windows ✓
    • test: Edge ✓
    • test: IE ×
    • test: CentOS ✓
    • Choose "All" in Plotmain
  • 22.12.

    • fix Main plot: points/h
    • fix fullscreen mode
  • 14.12.

    • Logging files: rotating days
    • fix webgl not showing plotdata
    • notification, if webgl is not supported
    • ANGLE flag -> readme
    • fix: safari compatibility
    • test on new linux copy
    • plot main: count/h
  • 25.11.20

    • replace moment.js (deprecated) with date-fns
    • loading circle: orange + more thick
    • node version in Readme
    • description in data.star -> config
    • checked compression level
    • minplots: display "x% plotted" for subsets
    • fix: missing plotdata after fullscreen mode
    • fix: image display bugs
    • add: pull to reload on mobile
    • fix: mobile and layout bugs
    • add: miniplot value filter
    • rewrite: FileWatcher
    • host,port,root -> .env
    • clean: exit handling
    • add: log debug
    • times.star now extendable
    • new colors
  • 16.11.20

    • API: minimal number of fetching
    • filter: client side -> server side
    • use compression
    • PlotMain: speed up
    • PlotMini: speed up + responsive
    • use minified plotly package
    • Fullscreen only calculated if opened
    • Mini histograms only calculated if opened
    • reduce fetch size 1/3 (no images.star)
    • set environment to "production"
    • aggregate values plotted, if too many
    • (remove data.star info text)
    • loading circle while fetching
    • Scroll to top at end of page
    • rebuild image display
    • new Filewatcher: watchman
  • 08.11.20

    • fix table image still shown after changing page
    • remove header scroll
    • image loading parallelized + image error shown
    • added Test class
    • better structure in config
    • Test: 24.000 datapoints: ~7-8s


To run this application, you will need to install Node.js (^14.0).

  • e.g. Ubuntu:
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_14.x | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
  • e.g. CentOs
dnf module install nodejs:14
  • e.g. Mac:
brew install node
  • e.g. Windows

    → use pre-built Windows Installer


Get, build and run:

#get and configure
git clone https://github.com/duc-ng/cryo-em-monitor.git
cd cryo-em-monitor
vim .env            #set ROOT_DATA to your data folder

npm install
npm run build

#create test files
node test.js        #enter a number and exit with ctrl+c

node app.js         #exit with ctrl+c

#or start with process manager (forever)
npm start
npm stop

→ The application can be opened at: http://localhost:5000

Data directory

This application reads data directly from the filesystem into memory given this fixed folder and file structure:




––– data                                  #root data directory
    ├── Titan1                            #one folder for each microscope
    ├── Titan2
    └── Titan3
        ├── 2020-11-17                    #one directory for each day
        ├── 2020-11-30
        ├── 2020-12-03
        └── 2020-12-04
            ├── 41801567764988104         #one directory per recording
            └── 91436631163808500
                ├── data.star             #contains all data values
                ├── times.star            #contains all recording time values
                ├── images.star           #contains names and descriptions of image files
                ├── ctfdiag.png
                ├── driftplot.png
                ├── motionCorrAvg.png
                ├── pick.png
                ├── psMotionCorrAvg.png
                ├── psRawAvg.png
                └── rawAvg.png


  1. Configure local environment variables in ./.env
  2. Configure app variables in ./src/config.json
  3. Rebuild app: npm run build


Name Type Default Description
NODE_ENV String development development / production: Sets environment in which app is running. Production mode improves performance, e.g. by suppressing console logs, caching, etc.
REACT_APP_HOST String localhost Host
REACT_APP_PORT Number 5000 Port
ROOT_DATA Path "/Users/duc/cryo-em-monitor/data" path to data directory (absolute)



Name Type Default Description
maxDays Integer 7 Data won't be read, if older than _ days
pollServerMs Integer 10000 Server polling interval in ms
pollClientMs Integer 30000 Client polling interval in ms
notification.ms Integer 300000 Notification: if no data has arrived after _ ms,
notification.message String "No data for 5 minutes." Notification: message, if no data has arrived
autodelete.heapAllocation "auto" or Integer "auto" "auto" / max. heap size in Byte : oldest data will be deleted, if heap is full
autodelete.isOn Boolean true Turn on/off auto delete of data on hard drive
autodelete.maxFiles Integer 180 Number of last log- and data directories to keep (in Days)


Name Type Default Description
loopMs Integer 10000 Interval in ms, when generating test data
folder String "Titan1" Directory of microscope, where test data is generated
partial Boolean true If true, not all data points will contain images
partialProb Float 0.7 % of data points with images


Name Type Description
label String Name of microscope displayed
folder String Directory of microscope

This configuration is expandable.


Name Type Default Description
key String "_mmsImageKey_Value" key in .star files


Name Type Description
label String Label displayed
value String Value name in .star file

This configuration is expandable. First value has to be set.

E.g. content of times.star:




 22401610646102390	2021-01-08-00:03:11	2021-01-08-00:03:11	2021-01-08-00:03:11	2021-01-08-00:03:11	0


Name Type Description
label String Title displayed
description String Subtitle displayed
value String Value name in .star file
maxOptimum Number max. value for optimal range
minOptimum Number min. value for optimal range
std Number Standard deviation (values outside will be zoomed out)

This configuration is expandable.

E.g. content of data.star:



22401610646102390	0.19179381962081998	0.5578357710359079	0.3937294311401236	0.7571168150011385	0.3104739088494066	0.7018363759899893	0.6121199579849954	10


Name Type Description
value String Value name in .star file
info String Info name in .star file

This configuration is expandable.

E.g. content of images.star:




 22401610646102390	rawAvg.png	"Raw Average"	psRawAvg.png	"PowerSpectrum of Raw Average"	motionCorrAvg.png	"MotionCorr Average"	psMotionCorrAvg.png	"PowerSpectrum of Motincorr Average"	driftplot.png	"Driftplot"	ctfdiag.png	"CtfFit Diagnostic"	pick.png	"Particle Positions"


Start react development server at: http://localhost:3000 (easier development with auto refresh after save and no need of building app after changes)

npm run dev                  #server & client (+auto refresh)

npm run devclient            #client (+auto refresh)
npm run devserver            #server (+auto refresh)

Analyze app size:

npm run build
npm run analyze

Create test .star files:

node test.js


  • build app with npm run build
  • set NODE_ENV to production in .env

Logical app structure

├── app.js                  #server
│   ├── FileWatcher.js
│   │   ├── Memory.js
│   │   └── Reader.js
│   ├── Logger.js
│   └── AutoDelete.js
└── App.js                  #client
    ├── site
    │   ├── Header.js
    │   ├── Footer.js
    │   ├── API.js
    │   └── Sidebar.js
    │       ├── Navigation.js
    │       ├── Filter.js
    │       ├── Sidebar.js
    │       └── Updates.js
    ├── global
    │   ├── Data.js
    │   └── Theme.js
    ├── content
    │   ├── Status.js
    │   │
    │   ├── ImageContainer.js
    │   │
    │   ├── TableContainer.js
    │   │   └── Table.js
    │   │       ├── TableToolbar.js
    │   │       │   └── TableExport.js
    │   │       ├── TableHeader.js
    │   │       └── TableRowSingle.js
    │   │
    │   ├── PlotMain.js
    │   │
    │   └── PlotsMini.js
    │       └── PlotsFullscreen.js
    ├── utils
    │   ├── ContentContainer.js
    │   ├── FormatDate.js
    │   ├── ImageDisplay.js
    │   ├── ImageFullscreen.js
    │   ├── PullAndRefresh.js
    │   ├── ScrollToTop.js
    │   ├── DetectWebGL.js
    │   └── SmallDivider.js
    └── assets
        └── logo.jpeg


  • Data won't show up in plots (client).

    Some components rely on the WebGL API, which is mostly supported in modern browsers. Simply update your browser to the latest version, which supports WebGL. On older operating systems you may need to set your browser's ANGLE flag to support native OpenGL instead of WebGL.

  • Application gets stuck in "npm run build".

    Add more RAM to your server environment.

Built With


  • Duc Nguyen (Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry)


Monitoring application for Cryo-EM data of the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry.





