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Repository to benchmark DeepHyper on different systems.


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DeepHyper Benchmark

Table of Contents


This repository is a collection of machine learning benchmark for DeepHyper.

Organization of the Repository

The repository follows this organization:

# Python package containing utility code

# Library of benchmarks


To install the DeepHyper benchmark suite, run:

git clone https://github.com/deephyper/benchmark.git deephyper_benchmark
cd deephyper_benchmark/
pip install -e "."

Defining a Benchmark

A benchmark is defined as a sub-folder of the lib/ folder such as lib/Benchmark-101/. Then a benchmark folder needs to follow a python package structure and therefore it needs to contain a __init__.py file at its root. In addition, a benchmark folder needs to define a benchmark.py script that defines its requirements.

General benchmark structure:

        hpo.py # Defines hyperparameter optimization inputs (run-function + problem)
        README.md # Description of the benchmark

Then to use the benchmark:

import deephyper_benchmark as dhb



from deephyper_benchmark.lib.benchmark_101.hpo import problem, run

All run-functions (i.e., functions returning the objective(s) to be optimized) should follow the MAXIMIZATION standard. If a benchmark needs minimization then the negative of the minimized objective can be returned return -minimized_objective.

A benchmark inherits from the Benchmark class:

import os

from deephyper_benchmark import *

DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

class Benchmark101(Benchmark):

    version = "0.0.1"

    requires = {
        "bash-install": {"type": "cmd", "cmd": "cd .. && " + os.path.join(DIR, "../install.sh")},

Finally, when testing a benchmark it can be useful to activate the logging:

import logging

    # filename="deephyper.log", # Uncomment if you want to create a file with the logs
    format="%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(filename)s:%(funcName)s - %(message)s",


Benchmarks can sometimes be configured. The configuration can use environment variables with the prefix DEEPHYPER_BENCHMARK_.

Standard Metadata

Benchmarks must return the following standard metadata when it applies, some metadata are specific to neural networks (e.g., num_parameters):

  • num_parameters: integer value of the number of parameters in the neural network.
  • num_parameters_train: integer value of the number of trainable parameters of the neural network.
  • budget: scalar value (float/int) of the budget consumed by the neural network. Therefore the budget should be defined for each benchmark (e.g., number of epochs in general).
  • stopped: boolean value indicating if the evaluation was stopped before consuming the maximum budget.
  • train_X: scalar value of the training metrics (replace X by the metric name, 1 key per metric).
  • valid_X: scalar value of the validation metrics (replace X by the metric name, 1 key per metric).
  • test_X: scalar value of the testing metrics (replace X by the metric name, 1 key per metric).
  • flops: number of flops of the model such as computed in fvcore.nn.FlopCountAnalysis(...).total() (See documentation).
  • latency: TO BE CLARIFIED
  • lc_train_X: recorded learning curves of the trained model, the bi variables are the budget value (e.g., epochs/batches), and the yi values are the recorded metric. X in train_X is replaced by the name of the metric such as train_loss or train_accuracy. The format is [[b0, y0], [b1, y1], ...].
  • lc_valid_X: Same as lc_train_X but for validation data.

The @profile decorator should be used on all run-functions to collect the timestamp_start and timestamp_end metadata.

List of Benchmarks

In the following table:

  • $\mathbb{R}$ denotes real parameters.
  • $\mathbb{D}$ denotes discrete parameters.
  • $\mathbb{C}$ denotes categorical parameters.
Name Description Variable(s) Type Objective(s) Type Multi-Objective Multi-Fidelity Evaluation Duration
C-BBO Continuous Black-Box Optimization problems. $\mathbb{R}^n$ $\mathbb{R}$ configurable
DTLZ The modified DTLZ multiobjective test suite. $\mathbb{R}^n$ $\mathbb{R}$ configurable
ECP-Candle Deep Neural-Networks on multiple "biological" scales of Cancer related data. $\mathbb{R}\times\mathbb{D}\times\mathbb{C}$ $\mathbb{R}$ min
HPOBench Hyperparameter Optimization Benchmark. $\mathbb{R}\times\mathbb{D}\times\mathbb{C}$ $\mathbb{R}$ ms to min
JAHSBench A slightly modified JAHSBench 201 wrapper. $\mathbb{R}^2\times\mathbb{D}\times\mathbb{C}^8$ $\mathbb{R}$ configurable
LCu Learning curve hyperparameter optimization benchmark.
LCbench Multi-fidelity benchmark without hyperparameter optimization. NA $\mathbb{R}$ secondes
PINNBench Physics Informed Neural Networks Benchmark. $\mathbb{R}\times\mathbb{D}\times\mathbb{C}$ $\mathbb{R}$ ms

List of Optimization Algorithm

  • COBYQA: deephyper_benchmark.search.COBYQA(...)
  • PyBOBYQA: deephyper_benchmark.search.PyBOBYQA(...)
  • TPE: deephyper_benchmark.search.MPIDistributedOptuna(..., sampler="TPE")
  • BoTorch: deephyper_benchmark.search.MPIDistributedOptuna(..., sampler="BOTORCH")
  • CMAES: deephyper_benchmark.search.MPIDistributedOptuna(..., sampler="CMAES")
  • NSGAII: deephyper_benchmark.search.MPIDistributedOptuna(..., sampler="NSGAII")
  • QMC: deephyper_benchmark.search.MPIDistributedOptuna(..., sampler="QMC")
  • SMAC: deephyper_benchmark.search.SMAC(...)