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Common.ComponentBase provides component classes and helpers for .Net As examples:

  • class AuthenticationService provides helper methods for authenticating with MSAL
  • class DebugHelper provides helper methods for troubleshooting support
  • class SerializationHelper provides helper methods for serialization
  • ...


Common.PresentationBase provides helper classes for Windows Presentation Foundation applications In particular it provides:

  • WindowBase class: a base class for windows to support resizable windows with no chrome. see WindowBaseSample as an example for use of WindowBase.

  • ApplicationWindow class: base application window designed to contain UserControls UserControls can be added and removed easily to an an ApplicationWindow by means of commands AddItem and RemoveItem. Controls are hosted by the ApplicationWindow into the Items collection. ApplicationWindow is loosely coupled from its content that can be added and removed easily during the application lifetime. see ApplicationWindow as an example for use of ApplicationWindow.

  • Common conversions for xaml bindings: a set of XAML converters that implement common operations on boolean, strings, numbers:
    provided converters include:
    booleanToVisibility, booleanToVisibilityHidden, booleanToString
    format, formatNN, formatDate
    isNull, isNotNull
    isEqual, isNotEqual
    trim, trimEnd, trimStart
    is, isNot, hasFlag
    if, nullCoalesce
    ifInDesignMode, ifNotInDesignMode
    isNullOrEmpty, isNotNullOrEmpty, isNullOrWhiteSpace, isNotNullOrWhiteSpace
    toUpper, toLower
    lt, lte, gt, gte
    and, or, nand, nor, xor xnor, not
    rnd, rndDouble
    isIn, contains, doesNotContain
    isCollectionNullOrEmpty, isCollectionNotNullOrEmpty
    add, sub, mult, div
    zeroToNull, zeroShortToNull, zeroIntToNull, zeroLongToNull, zeroFloatToNull, zeroDoubleToNull, zeroStringToNull, zeroDecimalToNull, zeroIntToDash
    minDateToNull, maxDateToNull
    nullToUnsetValue, minDateToUnsetValue, zeroToUnsetValue, zeroShortToUnsetValue, zeroIntToUnsetValue, zeroLongToUnsetValue, zeroFloatToUnsetValue, zeroDoubleToUnsetValue, zeroStringToUnsetValue, zeroDecimalToUnsetValue
    addDays, addWorkingDays
    EventConverter, DelegateConverter to provide conversions based on events and deegates
    and many others

  • Attached properties for xaml bindings: data can be combined with Xaml bindings and multibindings by means of conversions and attached properties. AttachedProperties class provides a convinient set of attached properties that can be used for that: IsVisible0, IsVisible1, IsVisible3...
    Boolean0, Boolean1, Boolean3...
    String0, String1, String3...
    Integer0, Integer1, Integer3...
    Exception0, Exception1, Exception3...

    the example below shows how to use attached properties and conversions to manage visibility of items based on data on data on the DataContext (eg. the ViewModel):

  Visibility="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}, Path=(common:AttachedProperties.IsVisible0), Mode=OneWay, Converter={StaticResource booleanToVisibility}}"
  common:AttachedProperties.IsVisible0="{Binding Path=DocumentPath, Mode=OneWay, Converter={StaticResource isNotNullOrEmpty}, FallbackValue=false}"
  • Localization Support for xaml bindings and c# code: localize conversion, ToLocalize() extension method allow quick translation of text and constants, according to the current UI culture Uid Attached Property allow to apply localization to the result of bindings and set it to control properties

  • Exception Management and data Validation for xaml: default UI is provided for unhandled exceptions and validators are provided to apply validation to all kind of data

  • Other helper classes for client applications: helper classes are provided for working with client applications.


Common.EntityBase provides .Net Standard entity base with INotifyProperyChanged and ISupportKey implementation EntityBase can be used as a base class for all entities to make sure that all your application data supports these interfaces.

INotifyProperyChanged support is provided backing properties content on a Dictionary to be more space efficient. Properties with PropertyChanged notification may be implemented with the following syntax, with little redundance and compile time generation of the name triggered with the notification:

    #region ClientId
    public string ClientId
        get { return GetValue(() => ClientId); }
        set { SetValue(() => ClientId, value); }


AssemblyResolver provides resolution of assembly binding redirection specified in custom XML or resource files


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