This script assumes that there is one or more authorized public keys on /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
. If you use Digital Ocean, there is an option to add some public keys to your account and easily deploy your public keys to the root user to any new server you create. Otherwise you can copy the keys manually:
cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh <user>@<hostname> 'umask 0077; mkdir -p .ssh; cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys && echo "Key copied"'
To get started just
apt-get install -y git && git clone && cd install-scripts/ubuntu-14.04.2-LTS/root && ./
Then logout and login as the newly created user, and execute
. -
Then, if you logout and login again with that user you will be in zsh.
Optionally there are some installation scripts for some other applications which will be added over time.
Remember that ufw will be installed blocking everything except ssh by default, so if you install anything which listens for connections remember to allow that port on ufw
Installs and starts etckeeper
Installs apt-fast and from that point on, all apt-get commands use apt-fast It installs apt-fast from github and not from Ubuntu repos because the version in Ubuntu repos uses bazaar by default, and the version on github uses git as default.
Updates and Upgrades ubuntu.
Installs some basic stuff (build-essentials, htop, molly-guard, python-dev which is required by stormssh, etc)
Installs tmux If you don't know about tmux, it's a terminal multiplexer with awesome powers. If you use Screen, maybe you want to switch... There's also byobu, but this script only installs tmux.
Installs NodeJS
Installs Vim
Installs Infinality for better font rendering
Disables Ubuntu apport
Creates and enables a swap file since in Digital Ocean there is no swap file by default. If you don't need a swap file or you use a VPS provider/server/laptop which already has a swap file you can fork and comment/remove this.
Installs nginx
Installs ufw (iptables is too complex) and configures it by default to block incoming and allow outgoing, then allow ssh on port 22 (if you use a different ssh port you may want to change this).
Installs fail2ban.
Installs stormssh
dist-upgrade and autoremove.
Executes the user configuration script for the root user, so that when you need to use root you have fancy zsh shell
This first asks for a username for the user that will be created, who will be in the admin group, so it will have sudo privileges.
Then it copies the
file to /home/$user/.ssh
The user scripts
Configure the Name and email for git.
Disables root login and password authentication, and allows only the logged in user to login
Sets VIM as default editor
Installs zsh
Installs prezto
Installs the Powerline symbols
Clones the dotfiles repo of the provided user and copies them to ~
Clones the Tmux plugin manager. Remember to use prefix + I on tmux to install the plugins defined on your .tmux.conf
This section will be growin overtime. For now there is:
Taskwarrior server
Taskwarrior client. The client is cloned and compiled because the version in Ubuntu repos can't use a Taskwarrior server, only works locally
Tarsnap client