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Schema Collection

This repository hosts an collection of XML and JSON schemas. These schemas are primarily designed for validators and Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) that support auto-completion, enhancing the development experience.


The repository includes various schemas such as:

  • Exasol Document Mapping Language (EDML): A schema for mapping documents in Exasol.
  • Exasol Error Code Report (error_code_report): Used as common error reporting format within Exasol.
  • Exasol Project Metrics (project-metrics): A schema for tracking project metrics within Exasol.

For detailed information on these schemas, visit schemas.exasol.com. To explore the most current local versions, refer to the Developers Guide section.

Developers Guide

The contents of this repository are automatically published as a website accessible at schemas.exasol.com. Contributions are welcome! To contribute, please create a pull request in the GitHub repository.

Overview & Structure

This repository adheres to the principle of "convention over configuration", with a structure outlined as follows:

  • Schemas Directory: schemas/<name>/<version> - Contains different versions of each schema.
        ├── schema                    
        │ ├── MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH.json
        ├── edml
        │ ├── 1.0.0.json
        │ ├── 1.1.0.json
        │ ├── 1.2.0.json
        │ ├── 1.3.0.json
        │ ├── 1.4.0.json
        │ ├── 1.5.0.json
        │ └── 2.0.0.json
        ├── error_code_report
        │ ├── 0.1.0.json
        │ ├── 0.2.0.json
        │ └── 1.0.0.json
        └── project-metrics
            └── 0.1.0.json
  • Examples Directory: examples/<name>/<version> - Provides example instances for each schema version.
        ├── schema                    
        │ ├── MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH.json
        ├── error_code_report
        │ ├── 0.1.0.json
        │ ├── 0.2.0.json
        │ └── 1.0.0.json


Deployment is managed through a cron job that automatically updates from the gh-pages branch every 5 minutes. The updated content is then published on schemas.exasol.com.


For testing purposes please deploy to the branch gh-pages-test.

Setting up the Project / Development Environment


  • Python >= 3.10
  • Poetry

Setting up Poetry

To set up Poetry, execute the following commands:

poetry shell
poetry install

Adding a New Schema

Guidelines for introducing a new schema to the collection:

New Schema Version

To add a new version of an existing schema:

  1. Create and add files following the conventions mentioned in the Overview and Structure section.
  2. Create a Pull Request (PR).
  3. Once the PR is merged, the system will automatically pick it up and publish it.

Note: There may be a delay of up to ~5 minutes.

Adding the First Schema Version

To add a completely new schema:

  1. Create files according to the conventions mentioned in Overview and Structure.
  2. Add the new schema to the schemas section of this README.
  3. Add a new section to the index.jinja template, located in src/exasol/schemas/templates/index.jinja.

Example HTML snippet for the new schema:

{# Include details about the schema here. You can add helpful information, links, etc., as long as it's HTML/jinja compatible. #}
{{ schema_list(schemas['schema-name'], examples) }}

Attention: Make sure to replace schema-name in the template with the actual name of your schema.