The most comprehensive database of Chinese poetry 🧶最全中华古诗词数据库, 唐宋两朝近一万四千古诗人, 接近5.5万首唐诗加26万宋诗. 两宋时期1564位词人,21050首词。
ChatGLM-6B: An Open Bilingual Dialogue Language Model | 开源双语对话语言模型
Natural Language Processing for the next decade. Tokenization, Part-of-Speech Tagging, Named Entity Recognition, Syntactic & Semantic Dependency Parsing, Document Classification
Langchain-Chatchat(原Langchain-ChatGLM)基于 Langchain 与 ChatGLM, Qwen 与 Llama 等语言模型的 RAG 与 Agent 应用 | Langchain-Chatchat (formerly langchain-ChatGLM), local knowledge based LLM (like ChatGLM, Qwen and…
文言文編程語言 A programming language for the ancient Chinese.
中文LLaMA&Alpaca大语言模型+本地CPU/GPU训练部署 (Chinese LLaMA & Alpaca LLMs)
llama3 implementation one matrix multiplication at a time
A Deep-Learning-Based Chinese Speech Recognition System 基于深度学习的中文语音识别系统
Benchmarks of approximate nearest neighbor libraries in Python
Chinese-Vicuna: A Chinese Instruction-following LLaMA-based Model —— 一个中文低资源的llama+lora方案,结构参考alpaca
Powerful Mindmap Editing Tool
mrdoc,online document system developed based on python. It is suitable for individuals and small teams to manage documents, wiki, knowledge and notes. 觅思文档,适合于个人和中小型团队的在线文档、知识库系统。
🚀 Curated collection of Amazing Python scripts from Basics to Advance with automation task scripts.
Whisper realtime streaming for long speech-to-text transcription and translation
Free, open-source Chinese character data
🔊 A comprehensive list of open-source datasets for voice and sound computing (95+ datasets).
Noise reduction in python using spectral gating (speech, bioacoustics, audio, time-domain signals)
UAV Simulation Platform based on PX4, ROS and Gazebo
Change your android phone to surveillance camera
Real3D-Portrait: One-shot Realistic 3D Talking Portrait Synthesis; ICLR 2024 Spotlight; Official code
[NeurIPS 2023] LLM-Pruner: On the Structural Pruning of Large Language Models. Support Llama-3/3.1, Llama-2, LLaMA, BLOOM, Vicuna, Baichuan, TinyLlama, etc.
Android template project, fast construction (integrated XUI, XUtil, XAOP, XPage, XUpdate, XHttp2, Umeng Statistics and Walle multi-channel package). Android空壳模板工程,快速搭建(集成了XUI、XUtil、XAOP、XPage、XUpda…