[go: nahoru, domu]

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This project demonstrates a comprehensive microservices architecture utilizing Spring Boot, Docker, and a suite of supporting technologies to create a resilient, scalable, and secure application ecosystem. The architecture includes service discovery, configuration management, authentication, message brokering, and different data storage solutions, making it a good blueprint for enterprise-grade applications.

Core Technologies

  • Spring Boot: Serves as the backbone for creating microservices, offering out-of-the-box support for configuration management, service discovery, and more.
  • Docker & Docker Compose: Containerization of services for ease of deployment, scalability, and isolation.
  • PostgreSQL: Relational database service instances for order-service and inventory-service.
  • MongoDB: Document-based NoSQL database used by product-service.
  • Kafka: Message broker facilitating asynchronous communication and event-driven architecture between services.
  • Keycloak: Authentication and authorization service providing secure access to services.
  • Zipkin: Distributed tracing system for monitoring and troubleshooting latency problems.
  • Eureka: Service discovery to automatically detect services in the network.
  • API Gateway: Centralized entry point for routing client requests to the appropriate backend service.


With Docker

Ensure Docker and Docker Compose are installed on your system. Clone the repository and navigate to the root directory of the project.

mvn clean package -DskipTests
docker-compose up -d

Without Docker

mvn clean verify -DskipTests
mvn spring-boot:run

Dependencies and Configuration

Service configurations, including environment variables and dependencies, are defined in the docker-compose.yml file. Modify these settings as needed to suit your deployment requirements.