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Helping Hands RL Environments

This package contains various simulated robotics environments used for research in the Helping Hands lab. The majority of these environments entail a robotic arm armed with a paralel jaw gripper executing a series of manipulation based tasks. For a full list of the tasks currently implemented see below. The core simulator used for most tasks is PyBullet but a simple numpy based simulator is included for quick prototyping.

Table of Contents

  1. Requirments
  2. Installation
  3. Environments
  4. Parameters
  5. Publications



  1. Install Python 3.7
  2. Clone this repo
    git clone https://github.com/hai-h-nguyen/pomdp_robot_domains
    cd helping_hands_rl_envs
  3. Install dependencies
    pip install -r requirements.txt 
  4. Install this package
    pip install -e .
  5. Run the block stacking demo
    import numpy as np
    from helping_hands_rl_envs import env_factory
    workspace = np.asarray([[0.3, 0.6],
                            [-0.15, 0.15],
                            [0, 0.50]])
    # environment parameters
    env_config = {'workspace': workspace, 'max_steps': 10, 'obs_size': 90, 'render': True, 'fast_mode': True,
                  'seed': 0, 'action_sequence': 'pxyr', 'num_objects': 4, 'random_orientation': True,
                  'reward_type': 'sparse', 'robot': 'kuka', 'workspace_check': 'point'}
    # planner parameters
    planner_config = {'random_orientation': True}
    # create 1 block_stacking environment
    env = env_factory.createEnvs(1, 'block_stacking', env_config, planner_config)
    for i in range(5, -1, -1):
        action = env.getNextAction()
        (states_, in_hands_, obs_), rewards, dones = env.step(action, auto_reset=False)
        input('press enter to continue')


2.5D Environments

Block Stacking Environments

  • block_picking: Pick up all blocks.
  • block_stacking: Pick up blocks and place them in a stack.
  • block_adjacent: TODO
  • brick_stacking: TODO
  • pyramid_stacking: TODO
  • house_building_1: Build a house structure with a block stack and a small triangle roof on top.
  • house_building_2: Build a house structure with two block bases and a large triangle roof.
  • house_building_3: Build a house structure with two block bases, one brick in the middle, and a large triangle roof.
  • house_building_4: Build a house structure with two block bases, one brick in the second layer, two blocks in the third layer, and a large triangle roof.
  • house_building_x: TODO
  • improvise_house_building_2: Build a house structure with two random shape bases and a large triangle roof.
  • improvise_house_building_3: Build a house structure with two random shape bases, one brick in the middle, and a large triangle roof.
  • improvise_house_building_discrete: Build a house structure with 4 random shapes and a large triangle roof. The heights of the random shapes are sampled from two discrete numbers.
  • improvise_house_building_random: Build a house structure with 4 random shapes and a large triangle roof. The heights of the random shapes are sampled from continuous numbers.

Realistic Environments

  • block_bin_packing: Pack blocks in a box.
  • bottle_tray: Arrange 6 bottles in a tray.
  • box_palletizing: Stack boxes on top of a pallet.
  • covid_test: Supervise 3 covid tests.
  • object_grasping: Grasping objects in clutter.

6D Environments

  • ramp_block_stacking: Finish block_stacking in the workspace with two ramps
  • ramp_house_building_1: Finish house_building_1 in the workspace with two ramps
  • ramp_house_building_2: Finish house_building_2 in the workspace with two ramps
  • ramp_house_building_3: Finish house_building_3 in the workspace with two ramps
  • ramp_house_building_4: Finish house_building_4 in the workspace with two ramps
  • ramp_improvise_house_building_2: Finish improvise_house_building_2 in the workspace with two ramps
  • ramp_improvise_house_building_3: Finish improvise_house_building_3 in the workspace with two ramps
  • bumpy_house_building_4: Finish house_building_4 in the workspace with a bumpy surface
  • bumpy_box_palletizing: Finish bumpy_box_palletizing in the workspace with a bumpy surface



If you like this package and use it in your own work, please cite this repository.


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