[go: nahoru, domu]

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This component retrieves a stream of events and persists them to S3 as avro.

An example event:

{ todo }


Message Hub data simulator deployed

IBM COS S3 endpoint with HMAC

This example uses standard S3 authentication (this is called HMAC authentication - which is not enabled by default on IBM Cloud Object Storage). To enable HMAC authentication:

  • Log in to the IBM Cloud console and navigate to your instance of Object Storage.
  • In the side navigation, click Service Credentials.
  • Click New credential and provide the necessary information. If you want to generate HMAC credentials, specify the following in the Add Inline Configuration Parameters (Optional) field: {"HMAC":true}
  • Click Add to generate service credential.

In the generated service credentials, you should see the standard S3 'access key id' and 'secret access key':

"cos_hmac_keys": {
    "access_key_id": "XXXXX",
    "secret_access_key": "XXXXX"


To import this project into eclipse:

mvn eclipse:eclipse

You can run the StreamingJob from eclipse. You need to edit the Run Configuration in Eclipse and set these arguments:

--kafka-brokers broker1host:broker1port,broker2host:broker2port,...
--kafka-topic transactions_load
--kafka-username secret
--kafka-password secret
--kafka-group-id flink-job-123
--output-folder s3://accessKey:secretKey@bucket/folder
--output-bucket-format-string "yyyy-MM-dd--HHmm"

Edit the src/main/resources/core-site.xml to provide the S3 endpoint address.

A DateTimeBucketer is used to partition the output.


To check for checkstyle violations as part of the build, you can uncomment the checkstyle plugin in the pom.xml

Run Standalone

See Standalone Deployment

Run on IBM Analytics Engine (IAE)

See IAE Deployment


Avro tools are really useful for working with the generated data: