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Joe's dotfiles


Desktop preview: Desktop preview

kitty + tmux preview: kitty + tmux preview


  • Install OpenSUSE Tumbleweed server

  • Install JaKooLit OpenSuse-Hyprland

    • nvidia: y, gtk themes: y, bluetooth: y, thunar:n, sddm:n, xdg: y, zsh:y,asus rog laptops:n,dotfiles:n
    • TODO: fork this repo and add the following packages


  • neofetch
  • w3m (terminal web browser)
  • kitty
  • neovim
  • LazyVim prerequisites
  • xclip, hyprpaper, dolphin, fd, texlive-latex-bin, eza, loupe
  • fzf, fzf-tmux
  • bat, bat-extras
  • zoxide
  • stow
  • sudo zypper in starship
  • sudo zypper in yazi


  • sudo zypper in rofi rofi-calc wofi dunst waybar
  • sudo zypper in papirus-icon-theme


sudo zypper in cheese scrcpy

  • vieb


PDF viewer:

  • Sioyek?


  • okular


  • pdfarranger


  • Build AGS from source AGS Wiki Installation
    • Dependencies: sudo zypper install typescript npm-default meson libgjs-devel gjs gtk3-devel gtk-layer-shell-devel libgtk-layer-shell0 gnome-bluetooth typelib-1_0-GnomeBluetooth-3_0 upower NetworkManager libdbusmenu-gtk3-4 typelib-1_0-DbusmenuGtk3-0_4 libdbusmenu-gtk3-devel libsoup-3_0-0 gobject-introspection libpulse-devel
  • sudo zypper install sassc, brightnessctl, swww, cargo
  • sudo npm install -g sass
  • cargo install matugen
  • Aylur dotfiles
    • Dependencies: bun


  • xcur2png
  • dependencies: sudo zypper in libpng12-devel libXcursor-devel
  • download and install release of original xcur2png-0.7.1.tar.gz Latest
    • cd xcur2png-0.7.1
    • ./configure --prefix=/usr
    • make
    • sudo make install
  • sudo zypper in hyprcursor
  • hyprctl setcursor Bibata-Modern-Classic 24
  • sudo zypper in flatpak flatseal
  • add flathub repos flatpak install flathub com.github.tchx84.Flatseal sudo flatpak override --filesystem=$HOME/.themes sudo flatpak override --filesystem=$HOME/.icons sudo flatpak override --env=ICON_THEME=Bibata-Modern-Classic


[ ] clipboard manager [?] hyprcursor and xcursor [ ] dolphin config [ ] vertical workspaces? [ ] import my kitty, tmux and neovim config [ ] change tmux and neovim themes to dracula [ ] customize kitty icon [ ] new leader key for tmux [ ] resource monitor in topbar [ ] bashrc and zshrc [ ] open kitty with tmux automaticaly in the first workspace? [ ] touchpad gestures


  • how do I resize windows?


  • hotswap themes?
  • change hyprland animations
  • no gaps or active border for workspaces with only one window?

Special thanks