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πŸ“œ The setup I run on every computer (Linux/macOS/Windows/WSL)


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Repository files navigation

jonz94's dotfiles


Linux or WSL

  • Install git via package manager


xcode-select --install
# or just install entire Xcode from Apple App Store

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
  • Then install git via brew
brew install git


Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -scope CurrentUser
irm get.scoop.sh | iex
  • Install mingit or git via scoop

    • mingit: minimal git for Windows
    scoop install mingit
    • git: standard git
    scoop install git

Note for Ubuntu/Linux to install latest git

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:git-core/ppa
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install -y git

Note for WSL 1

  • Create /etc/wsl.conf inside the WSL system

  • Copy the content of wsl.conf into /etc/wsl.conf

  • Restart WSL via the following powershell command (Administrator permissoin is required):

net stop LxssManager
  • Or use gsudo

    • Install gsudo
    scoop install gsudo
    • Use sudo to get Administrator permission
    sudo net stop LxssManager


Linux, macOS, and WSL 2

  • Clone this repo to your ~/dotfiles

    • via https
    git clone https://github.com/jonz94/dotfiles.git ~/dotfiles
    • or via ssh
    git clone git@github.com:jonz94/dotfiles.git ~/dotfiles
  • Execute bootstrap.sh via bash

cd ~/dotfiles && bash bootstrap.sh
  • Done πŸŽ‰

PowerShell on Windows

  • Clone this repo to $HOME\dotflies

    • via https
    git clone https://github.com/jonz94/dotfiles.git $HOME\dotfiles
    • or via ssh
    git clone git@github.com:jonz94/dotfiles.git $HOME\dotfiles
  • Execute bootstrap.ps1 script

    • for powershell version < 7
    cd ~\dotfiles; .\bootstrap.ps1
    • for powershell version >= 7
    cd ~\dotfiles && .\bootstrap.ps1
  • Done πŸŽ‰



  • Set umask to 0022
umask 0022
  • Clone this repo to /c/Users/<WindowsUserName>/dotfiles, this will make sure that all the files are save in Windows file system, also make sure that all files are using LF as EOL.

    • via https
    git clone https://github.com/jonz94/dotfiles.git /c/Users/$(powershell.exe '$env:USERNAME' | tr -d $'\r')/dotfiles
    • or via ssh
    git clone git@github.com:jonz94/dotfiles.git /c/Users/$(powershell.exe '$env:USERNAME' | tr -d $'\r')/dotfiles
  • In WSL 1, create a symbolic link via following command:

ln -s /c/Users/$(powershell.exe '$env:USERNAME' | tr -d $'\r')/dotfiles ~/dotfiles

These step are important! And the reason is Do not change Linux files using Windows apps and tools

If you want to use both Windows Tools and Linux Tools to changing some files or directories in WSL. The solution I found is:

  • Put those thing in Windows file system. (This makes Windows Tools happy.)
  • In WSL, create a symbolic link which points to file/directory in Windows file system. (This makes Linux Tools happy.)
  • Execute bootstrap.sh via bash to settting up WSL.
cd ~/dotfiles && bash bootstrap.sh
  • Done πŸŽ‰

CMD (Command Prompt) on Windows

  1. Press Win + r
  2. Type regedit and press Enter
  3. Find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor
  4. Add a new Key named AUTORUN (Type: String)
  5. Set AUTORUN's value to %USERPROFILE%\dotfiles\cmd\jonz94.cmd