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Programming Cheat-sheets

License: MIT Twitter: JordiSantamar1a

website: website

Source code: https://github.com/jordisantamaria/cheatsheets


[variable]     # Obligatory variable
{variable}     # Optional variable

How to collaborate

  1. Create a folder with a topic, and a .md file
  2. Update Summary.md to include the topic in the menu
  3. Create a PR with a custom branch.

For update styles of webpage.

Styles can be updated, using the class and tags generated by gitbook updating the styles/website.css file.

For deploy to GitHub pages

bash deploy.sh

Run website in local

yarn serve

How to develop a Gitbook

Start point

Start point: readme.md


Book structure index: summary.md


GLOSSARY.md Define terms and definitions



 "variables": {
   "website": "https://jordiviva.github.io/learn-docker/"

Use: { { book.website } }

Reference to other files

{ % include "./test.md" % }

Install new plugins

Add plugins to book.json:

"plugins": ["autocover"],

Then install with:

gitbook install