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A comprehensive and extensible date parsing plugin for Moment.js. It allows passing a wide variety of date formats to the moment constructor. Most locales are supported automatically.

Note: The only breaking change from moment-parseplus 1.x to 2.x is the way you add custom formats.

Table of Contents


  1. The APIs I consume have a lot of different date formats
  2. I want to create REST APIs that accept all major formats
  3. I want to handle user-input dates
  4. I want to support dates in other languages according to JavaScript's new Intl global object


npm install moment-parseplus


import { moment } from 'moment-parseplus';

const date1 = moment('March 5th, 2016 at 7:05pm');
const date2 = moment('9 days ago');
const date3 = moment('2016-03-05 23:59:59 CST');

Or you can explicitly import moment separately from moment-parseplus:

import moment from 'moment';
import 'moment-parseplus';

const date1 = moment('March 5th, 2016 at 7:05pm');

Recognized Formats

  • 24 hour time
  • 12 hour time
  • timezone offsets
  • timezone abbreviations
  • year month day
  • year monthname day
  • month day year
  • monthname day year
  • day month year
  • day monthname year
  • +/-/ago periods
  • now/today/yesterday/tomorrow
  • Twitter

moment-parseplus relies on any-date-parser which supports even more formats. See the exhaustive list.

Adding Custom Formats

See any-date-format's instructions.


const parser = require('moment-parseplus');

	new parser.Format({
		matcher: /^Q([1-4]) (\d{4})$/,
		handler: function ([, quarter, year]) {
			const monthByQuarter = { 1: 1, 2: 4, 3: 7, 4: 10 };
			const month = monthByQuarter[quarter];
			return { year, month };

console.log(moment('Q4 2020'));

Locale Support

The built-in parsers containing month and day names are automatically updated when locale is changed using moment.locale(name).

For example, setting locale to French (by including the locale file or calling moment.locale('fr')), will allow parsing dates such as "15 septembre 2015".

What is this sorcery?

Moment.js provides a moment.createFromInputFallback method you can define to create additional parsing rules. moment-parseplus implements that function and gets invoked when Moment.js fails to parse the given string.

Sister Packages

Unit Testing

moment-parseplus has 100% code coverage.

  • To run tests, run npm test
  • To check coverage, run npm run coverage

Unit tests require a global install of full-icu and moment. The test runner will attempt to install these if absent.


Contributions are welcome. Please open a GitHub ticket for bugs or feature requests. Please make a pull request for any fixes or new code you'd like to be incorporated.