Models and examples built with TensorFlow
The world's simplest facial recognition api for Python and the command line
YOLOv3 in PyTorch > ONNX > CoreML > TFLite
A Keras implementation of YOLOv3 (Tensorflow backend)
PyTorch ,ONNX and TensorRT implementation of YOLOv4
🔥 TensorFlow Code for technical report: "YOLOv3: An Incremental Improvement"
🔥🔥High-Performance Face Recognition Library on PaddlePaddle & PyTorch🔥🔥
在 oxford hand 数据集上对 YOLOv3 做模型剪枝(network slimming)
yolov3 yolov4 channel and layer pruning, Knowledge Distillation 层剪枝,通道剪枝,知识蒸馏
Vitis AI is Xilinx’s development stack for AI inference on Xilinx hardware platforms, including both edge devices and Alveo cards.
Implementation of YOLO v3 object detector in Tensorflow (TF-Slim)
TensorFlow for NVIDIA Jetson, also include patch and script for building.
Tool for optimize CNN blocking
Minimal PyTorch implementation of YOLOv3
Horizontally 'stitching' two videos such that the output video appears to be 'panoramic' using Key Point Detection, Feature Extraction and Feature Matching
Image Stitching on key-frames extracted from video
This code is from !
Stitch multiple video files together using an easy, high-level API
PyTorch to Keras model convertor