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Vault ArgoCD Secret Plugin

Vault ArgoCD Secret plugin is a secrets engine plugin for HashiCorp Vault that allows for the generation and usage of short-term credentials for ArgoCD.


This plugin requires a few setup steps before it will work.

  1. Enable the plugin on your Vault infrastructure. See https://www.vaultproject.io/docs/internals/plugins for more information.
  2. Create a mount point using the plugin. vault secrets enable -path=argocd argocd
  3. Configure the mount point with an ArgoCD API Key. The user associated with the key should have access to update all projects in ArgoCD.
vault write argocd/config/admin authToken="yourAuthJWT" serverAddress="argo.mydomain.com:443"

Once configured, you should be all set to retrieve credentials for ArgoCD. vault read argocd/project-name/role-name


All commands can be run using the provided Makefile. However, it may be instructive to look at the commands to gain a greater understanding of how Vault registers plugins. Using the Makefile will result in running the Vault server in dev mode. Do not run Vault in dev mode in production. The dev server allows you to configure the plugin directory as a flag, and automatically registers plugin binaries in that directory. In production, plugin binaries must be manually registered.

This will build the plugin binary and start the Vault dev server:

# Build Vault ArgoCD Secret plugin and start Vault dev server with plugin automatically registered
$ make

Now open a new terminal window and run the following commands:

# Open a new terminal window and export Vault dev server http address
$ export VAULT_ADDR=''

# Enable the ArgoCD plugin
$ make enable