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2014 05_Meeting_(LinuxTag)

William Desportes edited this page Apr 6, 2019 · 7 revisions

Team meeting at LinuxTag 2014. We'll meet just after the conference in the hotel restaurant.

Project funds


Status of projects funds and how are we going to use them in a future.

We have nice balance and quite stable income, so we can plan some expenses as well. The question is on what we want to spend the money.

  • Conferences presence (basically like we do so far)
  • Hiring developers (either new ones or paying team members)
  • Funding some other projects (eg. Non-Profit Accounting Software)

--Nijel 13:53, 29 April 2014 (CEST)


Discussion about several options to spend money. We think we wish to spend money on projects on which we depend (such as jQuery or Firebug). Also pretty sure we like the idea of spending money on developers to improve the code and eliminate bugs.

Improving shared hosting support


For 4.x, we made a bet on information_schema speed improvements, but looking at https://sourceforge.net/p/phpmyadmin/bugs/4243 we might need to revise our strategy. Do we want to support environments with thousands of databases and/or grants?

--Lem9 23:14, 3 May 2014 (CEST)


We are going to do what we can to work around information_schema by using SHOW DATABASES and various other PHP/SQL commands to work around the information_schema slowness.

These improvements will be targeted for 4.3 due to being rather intrusive.

Ann and J.M. will set up a testing server with thousands of databases, tables, and grants so that we can stress test the changes. Running MySQL 5.5 and pulling regularly from the development branch.

Next meeting


When and where do we want to meet again?

--Nijel 14:46, 5 May 2014 (CEST)


    • fossevents.org
    • Usually in the summer (often August), USA

--Lem9 17:28, 10 May 2014 (CEST)


No one knows. Open to suggestions, and there are many.

OSCON is very expensive, probably prohibitively so.

With team members from Asia, Europe, and North America we have many options for geographically desirable locations.

This will need more discussion.

Banner stand


We've banner stand, but carrying it around in plane looks like complicated thing. Maybe it would be better to just rent or buy one on a location where we need one and fly with banner only.

--Nijel 14:46, 5 May 2014 (CEST)


Michal has grudgingly accepted to take it.

State of automated testing


As there is no GSoC project this year for improving testsuite, we should really focus on not making the coverage even worse. Also there are several timing issues in Selenium tests which should be fixed to have reliable run of Selenium testing. I also think that all GSoC students should cover their work with testcases.

--Nijel 16:39, 5 May 2014 (CEST)


Okay, thanks for the reminder. We will be mindful of this.

We consider it good practice to maximize our coverage of unit testing and, of course, we expect students to follow our guidelines in the matter.

Status in Conservancy


We've been with Conservancy since our last team meeting, not yet a full year. We could briefly discuss whether we are happy with the choice and if we have any concerns to pass along to the Conservancy people.

--Ibennetch 15:22, 10 May 2014 (CEST)


Yes, we're happy. No complaints, no concerns, and at this time we feel this was a good decision.


Chanaka has prepared some diagram and ideas on what it would take to switch the codebase to a template or MVC style system.

If we do this, development will need to occur in master with regular updates to keep the code from getting out of sync.

Again as discussed last time, we're not sure if transferring the code base is going to be worth the effort.

Some suggestions of platforms we may evaluate are Django, Cake, Symphony.

There's still some research for us to do.

User survey

Madhura asks if we might wish to do another user survey to get a feel for what users think.

Possibly add a feedback module to phpMyAdmin similar to Firefox's user experience tracker or https://popcon.debian.org/. This way users could opt in to send us usage data.

We'll do some further thought and discussion.


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