[go: nahoru, domu]

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Bridge for forwarding messages between the MQTT protocol and the Matrix messenger.

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This project was created to create bridge between the Matrix Messenger and the MQTT protocol. I'm using this to control a microcontroller / Raspberry Pi Pico over a Matrix chat. Using this project the microcontroller is able to recieve the messages posted into the Matrix chat (like in the graphic). MQTT Messages which get published by the microcontroller get also forwarded into the Matrix chat by the Matrix-MQTT-Bridge.


Running the bridge


You can run the Matrix-MQTT-Bridge via Docker, e.g. by using this docker-compose.yaml file. You will have to create a config.ini file to configure the connection to the MQTT broker and to the Matrix server. I'm using this project in combination with a free private HiveMQ cloud instance, which acts as my MQTT broker.

version: "3.9"

    image: ghcr.io/rubenhoenle/matrix-mqtt-bridge:latest
    container_name: matrix-mqtt-bridge
    restart: always
      - ./config.ini:/config.ini

Config file

The config.ini is split into two parts: The Matrix configuration and the configuration for the MQTT connection.

Matrix configuration

You will need two Matrix accounts: The one you are using on e.g. your phone (I'm using my regular, personal Matrix Account for this) and this Matrix-MQTT-Bridge will require it's own account. After you have created a seperate Matrix account for the Matrix-MQTT-Bridge, create a new chatroom and with one of your accounts and add the other account to this room. Now, check if your able to write / recieve messages in this chatroom using your two different accounts.

Important: Matrix room has to be unencrypted. Do not enable encryption when creating the Matrix chatroom!

MQTT configuration

Is actually self-explanatory. Enter your Host (for me it's my HiveMQ cloud instance), the port and the credentials to connect to the MQTT message broker (username / password).

  • The topic_sub is the MQTT topic the Matrix-MQTT-Bridge will subscribe to. All MQTT messages recieved on this topic will be sent into the Matrix chatroom by the bridge.
  • When the Matrix-MQTT-Bridge recieves a message via Matrix, it will publish this message to the MQTT broker using the topic specified in topic_pub.
homeserver = https://matrix.org
user = @YOUR_USERNAME:matrix.org
room_id = !YOUR_ROOM_ID:matrix.org

host = YOUR_HOST.hivemq.cloud
port = 8883
tls = true
topic_sub = mqttbridge/sub
topic_pub = mqttbridge/pub

Development and contributing

Development is based on the nix package manager.

# launch dev shell with all dependencies installed
nix develop

# format code
nix fmt

# run the matrix-mqtt-bridge
nix run

Building and running the docker image

# build the container image
nix build .#containerImage

# load the container image into docker
docker load < result

# start the matrix-mqtt-bridge container
docker compose up