Signature-Base is the YARA signature and IOC database for our scanners LOKI and THOR Lite
- High quality YARA rules and IOCs with minimal false positives
- Clear structure
- Consistent rule format
- iocs - Simple IOC files (CSV)
- yara - YARA rules
- threatintel - Threat Intel API Receiver (MISP, OTX)
- misc - Other input files (not IOCs or signatures)
Using the YARA rules in a tool other than LOKI or THOR Lite will cause errors stating an undefined identifier
. The rules that make use of external variables have been moved to the following files:
- ./yara/generic_anomalies.yar
- ./yara/general_cloaking.yar
- ./yara/gen_webshells_ext_vars.yar
- ./yara/thor_inverse_matches.yar
- ./yara/yara_mixed_ext_vars.yar
- ./yara/configured_vulns_ext_vars.yar
- ./yara/gen_fake_amsi_dll.yar
- ./yara/expl_citrix_netscaler_adc_exploitation_cve_2023_3519.yar
- ./yara/yara-rules_vuln_drivers_strict_renamed.yar
Just remove these files in case you see the above error message.
If you liked my rules, please check our commercial rule set and rule feed service, which contains better and 20 times the number of rules.
Use the issues section of this repository.
Navigate to the file in this repository. Click on the "edit" symbol in the upper right corner. Edit the file and create a pull request.
I accept pull requests. See this thread for some help on how to create such a request.
See our comparison table here.
On 13.08.2021 this repository switched its license to "Detection Rule License (DRL) 1.1" (URL: The last version of the rule set released under the old CC-BY-NC can be found here.
All signatures and IOC files in this repository, except the YARA rules that explicitly indicate a different license (see "license" meta data), are licensed under the Detection Rule License (DRL) 1.1.