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A tiny utility for processing text in your Angular apps. An Angular.js module implementation of the original Microtext.


You can install angular-microtext very easily via Bower. Simply execute:

$ bower install angular-microtext


You only have to inject angular-microtext as a dependency of the app in which you wanna use it:

angular.module('SampleApp', ['rodrigoalves.microtext']) // Oh yes
    .controller('itemsController', function($scope) {

You can use it in your controllers, by also injecting $filter, like this:

angular.module('SampleApp', ['rodrigoalves.microtext'])
    .controller('itemsController', function($scope, $filter) {
        $scope.appName = $filter("parameterize")("angular microtext"); // angular-microtext

Now you can use all the angular-microtext methods throughout your HTML templates:

<!-- truncate -->
<p>{{ 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.' | truncate: 20 }}</p>

<!-- firstName -->
<p>{{ 'Ayrton Senna' | firstName }}</p>

<!-- lastName !-->
<p>{{ 'Michael Phelps' | lastName }}</p>

<!-- getInitials !-->
<p>{{ 'James Cleveland Owens' | getInitials }}</p>

<!-- abbrevName -->
<p>{{ 'Lionel Messi' | abbrevName }}</p>

<!-- capitalize -->
<p>{{ 'belchior' | capitalize }}</p>

<!-- hideEmail -->
<p>{{ 'rodrigovieira1994@gmail.com' | hideEmail }}</p>

<!-- excerpt -->
<p>{{ "Who is John Galt" | excerpt: 'John' }}</p>

<!-- parameterize -->
<p>{{ 'Bob Dylan' | parameterize }}</p>

<!-- hideBadWord -->
<p>{{ 'Boneheaded' | hideBadWord }}</p>


There's a small sample Angular.js app that uses angular-microtext inside the sample directory.




Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for details.

Copyright (c) 2015 Rodrigo Alves