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SusQL Operator

SusQL is a Kubernetes operator that aggregates energy data from pods tagged with SusQL specific labels. The energy measurements are taken from Kepler which should be installed/deployed in the cluster before using SusQL. Watch a video with a demonstration by clicking on the image bellow.

Watch the video

Getting Started

SusQL is an operator that can be deployed in a Kubernetes/OpenShift cluster. You can use kind or minikube to get a local cluster for testing, or run against a remote cluster.

NOTE: Your controller will automatically use the current context in your kubeconfig file (i.e. whatever cluster kubectl cluster-info shows).


Kepler is assumed to be installed in the cluster. helm, kubectl, and go are also required to deploy.


To install SusQL go to the deployment directory and run the command bash deploy.sh. This script does a few actions:

  • Check if Kepler is installed and exposing metrics through Prometheus

    • In general, Kepler metrics are exposed, clusterwide, at:


      The deployment script assumes PROMETHEUS_SERVICE=prometheus-k8s, PROMETHEUS_NAMESPACE=monitoring, and PROMETHEUS_DOMAIN=svc.cluster.local. If this is not the case, use the deployment script as:

      $ PROMETHEUS_SERVICE=<prometheus-service> PROMETHEUS_NAMESPACE=<prometheus-namespace> PROMETHEUS_DOMAIN=<prometheus-domain> bash deploy.sh

      Or for example, the following works for a 4.12 single node OpenShift local cluster:

      $ PROMETHEUS_PROTOCOL=https PROMETHEUS_PORT=9091 PROMETHEUS_NAMESPACE=openshift-monitoring PROMETHEUS_SERVICE=thanos-querier SUSQL_ENHANCED=true bash deploy.sh
  • Create the namespace openshift-kepler-operator

  • Install the SusQL operator in the namespace openshift-kepler-operator

    • This installation also deploys the CRD and sets the cluster permissions
  • Install a separate Prometheus instance in the namespace openshift-kepler-operator

NOTE: This set of actions can be controlled by calling bash deploy.sh susql-deploy, for example, if only the SusQL deployment is needed. Check the script for all possible options or run it with the default set of actions.

Using SusQL

To begin using SusQL, a LabelGroup is used to specify the set of labels that the controller uses to identify pods that belong to the same energy aggregation. An example of a LabelGroup could be:

apiVersion: susql.ibm.com/v1
kind: LabelGroup
    name: labelgroup-name
    namespace: default
        - my-label-1
        - my-label-2

A pod that would be part of the group of pods belonging to the same energy aggregation would specify the LabelGroup labels as:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
    name: pod-name
        susql.label/1: my-label-1
        susql.label/2: my-label-2
        - name: container
          image: ubuntu
          command: ["sleep"]
          args: ["infinity"]

Energy of the group of pods is exposed in 2 ways:

  • Through Prometheus at http://prometheus-susql.openshift-kepler-operator.svc.cluster.local:9090 using the query susql_total_energy_joules{susql_label_1=my-label-1,susql_label_2=my-label-2}
  • From status of the LabelGroup CRD given as labelgroup.status.totalEnergy

Installation Configuration Options

Environmental Variable Default Value Description
SUSQL_NAMESPACE openshift-kepler-operator namespace that SusQL resources run in
KEPLER_PROMETHEUS_NAMESPACE openshift-monitoring namespace that Kepler Prometheus runs in
PROMETHEUS_PROTOCOL http Either http or https for Kepler Prometheus access
PROMETHEUS_SERVICE prometheus-k8s service name for the Kepler Prometheus
PROMETHEUS_NAMESPACE monitoring namespace used by the Kepler Prometheus
PROMETHEUS_DOMAIN svc.cluster.local Domain used by the Kepler Prometheus
PROMETHEUS_PORT 9090 Port used by the Kepler Prometheus
KEPLER_PROMETHEUS_URL http://prometheus-k8s.monitoring.svc.cluster.local:9090 A shortcut to specify final Kepler Prometheus URL
KEPLER_METRIC_NAME kepler_container_joules_total Metric queried in the Kepler Prometheus
SUSQL_PROMETHEUS_URL http://prometheus-susql.openshift-kepler-operator.svc.cluster.local:9090 SusQL Prometheus URL
SUSQL_SAMPLING_RATE 2 Sampling rate in seconds
SUSQL_ENHANCED If set to any string, then use enhanced RBAC and SMON configuration
SUSQL_REGISTRY quay.io/sustainable_computing_io Container registry that SusQL is stored in
SUSQL_IMAGE_NAME susql_operator Image name used on SusQL container registry
SUSQL_IMAGE_TAG latest Tag for SusQL container


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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.