Uniout is a stata program that exports univariate regressions in a matrix to an .xml file
depvars = indepvars using
filename [, options]
If no options are specified, uniout will display the beta from each regression and stars for the significance of each coefficient.
n prints the Ns
p prints the p-values
r prints the R-squared
ncol Adds column numbers under the variable names
dec() specifies the number of decimal places for N, p-value, R-squared, beta, standard errors and avg()
lab prints the variable labels instead of the names in the rows, and under the names in the columns
se prints the standard error, if cluster or robust are not specified, default is ols
CLuster(clustvar) prints clustered standard errors
RObust prints robust standard errors
avg(lhs|rhs) prints the average of the sample of the lhs or the rhs variable
PNOte Adds a note with the significance for each p-value at the bottom of the table
SENote Adds a note at the bottom of the table with the type of standard error calculation used (if robust or cluster is specified, too)
sysuse auto, clear
uniout displacement length weight = mpg rep78 using myfile, n lab dec(4) se cluster(turn)