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Demo for working on React native with typescript project

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Demo app for React Native in Typescript with react-navigation v5

This app is created to learn react native using typescript via expo. Hello component - first TS component in react native as per docs. ref: https://reactnative.dev/docs/typescript

  • Clone the repository and run npm i in the project root
  • Run npm start to start the packager
  • Follow the instructions to open it with the Expo app

============================================= Commands I used:

- expo init AwesomeProjectTS // choose appropriate template. blank TS template in this case.
- cd AwesomeProjectTS
- npm start
  Voila! you have your first RN TS project ready.

If you face problems, follow:

- delete package-lock.json
- npm cache clean --force
- npm i
- npm start
  This time it should definitely work.


"react-navigation v5" for routing in app.

ref: https://reactnavigation.org/docs/hello-react-navigation

npm i --save @react-navigation/native @react-navigation/stack @react-navigation/drawer @react-navigation/bottom-tabs

expo install react-native-gesture-handler react-native-reanimated react-native-screens react-native-safe-area-context @react-native-community/masked-view

npm start

native is core package, stack = stackNavigator, expo install are all the dependencies react-navigation needs.

drawer = drawerNavigator, bottom-tabs = bottomTabNavigator


Below are 3 navigators that can be nested within one-another.

Stack.Navigator - for header based navigation with back buttons.
Tab.Navigator   - for bottom bar tab based navigation.
Drawer.Navigator- for tray / drawer based navigation.

navigation.navigate for full stack change.
navigation.push for all other purpose. It maintains good history.
// use this to navigate to specific screen in other component navigator.
navigation.navigate('Root', {
  screen: 'Settings',
  params: { user: 'jane' },

- Stack.Navigator is a component that takes route configuration as its children with additional props for configuration and renders our content.
- navigation.navigate("route") is used to navigate to new screen.
- navigation.push("route") is used to navigate and add history irrespective of current route.
- navigation.goBack() for back action

// pass params to routes & set initialParams as default in
- navigation.navigate("route", {name:"Saurabh"})
- <Stack.Screen ... initialParams={{ name:"" }} />

// set options from within the component.
- navigation.setOptions({title:"New Title"})

// Custom Header bar - Component will be rendered in header - headerLeft will override the back button.
- Screen options={{headerTitle: props=><Component />, headerRight: ()=><Component />, headerLeft: ()=><Component />}}



Demo for working on React native with typescript project






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