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Platinum Bridge

Clone the package into the source folder of roxanne

cd <roxanne_ws>/src
git clone https://github.com/sphanit/platinum_bridge.git

Building the package

  • Before building the package, a small change has to be make in CMakeLists.txt of roxanne_rosjava_msgs. Reorder the catkin_package() and catkin_rosjava_setup() such that they appear in the following order:

  • Build the package
cd <roxanne_ws>
source devel/setup.bash


  • Follow the instructions given here to clone and build the CoHAN planner. Make sure you are in the branch main.
  • Once the planner is installed, clone the navigation configurations and launch files (branch multi):
cd <cohan_ws>/src
git clone https://github.com/sphanit/CoHAN_Navigation.git -b multi
cd ..
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro=melodic -y
catkin build

Launching CoHAN and Platinum Bridge

  1. Run the roscore (optional)
  1. In a separate terminal, launch cohan with the correct map_name and the number of humans num_agents
cd <cohan_ws>
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch cohan_navigation stage_pr2_only.launch map_name:=hospital num_agents:=6
  1. For controlling the human agents, launch this in a separate terminal after the robot is launched. You can choose any human between 1 and 6 --> Should be same as defined in hospital.xml (goals are defined here). Example uses human5 and human6.
  roslaunch cohan_navigation stage_two_agents.launch ns1:=human5 ns2:=human6 num_agents:=6 map_name:=hospital
  1. In a separate terminal, launch the bridge (also runs the goal server and loads the goals to mongodb database).
    Make sure that mongodb server is running locally before launching the above
cd <roxanne_ws>
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch platinum_bridge roxanne_bridge.launch set_params:=true log_name:test_log continuous:=true
  • set_params corresponds to dynamic parameter setting (true -> paramters are updated based on task)
  • log_name is the name of the log file that logs the data and metrics
  • when continuous param is true, the goal is updated before receiving a next token. (default -> false)
  1. Now run roxanne. If everything works fine, the robot should move to the locations gived by /roxanne/acting/dispatching topic. The coordinates of these locations can be modified from platinum_bridge/scripts/map1.json


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