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angualr material Sample

  • 20160927 기준 사용할 front-end 프로젝트 만듬.
  • angualr1.x, es6, babel, systemjs+jspm, gulp 사용.



  1. 참고 프로젝트의 하나로 섞음.
  2. https://material.angularjs.org 의 데모 및 기능을 모두 가져온다.
  3. 인증/권한에 따른 화면 접근제한.


프로젝트 생성

  • jspm init
$ jspm init

warn Running jspm globally, it is advisable to locally install jspm via npm install jspm --save-dev.

Package.json file does not exist, create it? [yes]:
Would you like jspm to prefix the jspm package.json properties under jspm? [yes]:
Enter server baseURL (public folder path) [./]:
Enter jspm packages folder [./jspm_packages]:
Enter config file path [./config.js]:jspm.conf.js
Configuration file jspm.conf.js doesn't exist, create it? [yes]:
Enter client baseURL (public folder URL) [/]:
Do you wish to use a transpiler? [yes]:
Which ES6 transpiler would you like to use, Babel, TypeScript or Traceur? [babel]:
  • jspm 라이브러리 추가
$ jspm install npm:core-js
$ jspm install npm:angular-mocks
$ jspm install npm:URIjs
$ jspm install angular=github:angular/bower-angular
$ jspm install angular-animate=github:angular/bower-angular-animate
$ jspm install angular-aria=github:angular/bower-angular-aria
$ jspm install angular-material=github:angular/bower-material
$ jspm install angular-messages=github:angular/bower-angular-messages
$ jspm install css=github:systemjs/plugin-css
$ jspm install json=github:systemjs/plugin-json
$ jspm install text=github:systemjs/plugin-text
$ jspm install npm:angular-messages
--$ jspm install roboto-fontface
--$ jspm install npm:angular-sanitize
--$ jspm install npm:angular-local-storage
--$ jspm install npm:angular-ui-router
  • employee-scheduling-ui 파일복사

    • package.json 수정
    • gulp 파일복사
    • gulpfile.js
    • jspm.conf.js
    • karma.conf.js
    • package.json
    • protractor.conf.js
    • .jshintrc
    • .htmlhintrc
  • npm install

  • package.json baseURL: "./" 수정

  • npm build

  • highlightjs 디랙티브 추가

$ jspm install highlightjs=github:components/highlightjs


angualr material Sample






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