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Releases: tensorflow/tensorflow

TensorFlow 2.13.1

26 Sep 20:34
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Release 2.13.1

Bug Fixes and Other Changes

  • Refactor CpuExecutable to propagate LLVM errors.

TensorFlow 2.14.0-rc1

31 Aug 21:42
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TensorFlow 2.14.0-rc1 Pre-release

Release 2.14.0


Breaking Changes

  • Support for Python 3.8 has been removed starting with TF 2.14. The TensorFlow 2.13.1 patch release will still have Python 3.8 support.

  • tf.Tensor

    • The class hierarchy for tf.Tensor has changed, and there are now explicit EagerTensor and SymbolicTensor classes for eager and tf.function respectively. Users who relied on the exact type of Tensor (e.g. type(t) == tf.Tensor) will need to update their code to use isinstance(t, tf.Tensor). The tf.is_symbolic_tensor helper added in 2.13 may be used when it is necessary to determine if a value is specifically a symbolic tensor.
  • tf.compat.v1.Session

    • tf.compat.v1.Session.partial_run and tf.compat.v1.Session.partial_run_setup will be deprecated in the next release.
  • tf.estimator

    • tf.estimator API will be removed in the next release. TF Estimator Python package will no longer be released.

Known Caveats

  • tf.lite
    • when converter flag "_experimenal_use_buffer_offset" is enabled, additional metadata is automatically excluded from the generated model. The behaviour is the same as "exclude_conversion_metadata" is set
    • If the model is larger than 2GB, then we also require "exclude_conversion_metadata" flag to be set

Major Features and Improvements

  • The tensorflow pip package has a new, optional installation method for Linux that installs necessary Nvidia CUDA libraries through pip. As long as the Nvidia driver is already installed on the system, you may now run pip install tensorflow[and-cuda] to install TensorFlow's Nvidia CUDA library dependencies in the Python environment. Aside from the Nvidia driver, no other pre-existing Nvidia CUDA packages are necessary.

  • Enable JIT-compiled i64-indexed kernels on GPU for large tensors with more than 2**32 elements.

    • Unary GPU kernels: Abs, Atanh, Acos, Acosh, Asin, Asinh, Atan, Cos, Cosh, Sin, Sinh, Tan, Tanh.
    • Binary GPU kernels: AddV2, Sub, Div, DivNoNan, Mul, MulNoNan, FloorDiv, Equal, NotEqual, Greater, GreaterEqual, LessEqual, Less.
  • tf.lite

    • Add experimental supports conversion of models that may be larger than 2GB before buffer deduplication

Bug Fixes and Other Changes

  • tf.py_function and tf.numpy_function can now be used as function decorators for clearer code:

    def my_fun(x):
      print("This always executes eagerly.")
      return x+1
  • tf.lite

    • Strided_Slice now supports UINT32.
  • tf.config.experimental.enable_tensor_float_32_execution

    • Disabling TensorFloat-32 execution now causes TPUs to use float32 precision for float32 matmuls and other ops. TPUs have always used bfloat16 precision for certain ops, like matmul, when such ops had float32 inputs. Now, disabling TensorFloat-32 by calling tf.config.experimental.enable_tensor_float_32_execution(False) will cause TPUs to use float32 precision for such ops instead of bfloat16.
  • tf.experimental.dtensor

    • API changes for Relayout. Added a new API, dtensor.relayout_like, for relayouting a tensor according to the layout of another tensor.
    • Added dtensor.get_default_mesh, for retrieving the current default mesh under the dtensor context.
    • *fft* ops now support dtensors with any layout. Fixed bug in 'fft2d/ fft3d', 'ifft2d/ifft3d', 'rfft2d/rfft3d', and 'irfft2d/irfft3d' for sharded input.
  • tf.experimental.strict_mode

    • Added a new API, strict_mode, which converts all deprecation warnings into runtime errors with instructions on switching to recommended substitute.
  • TensorFlow Debugger (tfdbg) CLI: ncurses-based CLI for tfdbg v1 was removed.

  • TensorFlow now supports C++ RTTI on mobile and Android. To enable this feature, pass the flag --define=tf_force_rtti=true to Bazel when building TensorFlow. This may be needed when linking TensorFlow into RTTI-enabled programs since mixing RTTI and non-RTTI code can cause ABI issues.

  • tf.ones, tf.zeros, tf.fill, tf.ones_like, tf.zeros_like now take an additional Layout argument that controls the output layout of their results.

  • tf.nest and tf.data now support user defined classes implementing __tf_flatten__ and __tf_unflatten__ methods. See nest_util code examples for an example.


Keras is a framework built on top of the TensorFlow. See more details on the Keras website.

Major Features and Improvements

  • tf.keras
    • Model.compile now support steps_per_execution='auto' as a parameter, allowing automatic tuning of steps per execution during Model fit, Model.predict, and Model.evaluate for a significant performance boost.

Thanks to our Contributors

This release contains contributions from many people at Google, as well as:

Aakar Dwivedi, Adrian Popescu, ag.ramesh, Akhil Goel, Albert Zeyer, Alex Rosen, Alexey Vishnyakov, Andrew Goodbody, angerson, Ashiq Imran, Ayan Moitra, Ben Barsdell, Bhavani Subramanian, Boian Petkantchin, BrianWieder, Chris Mc, cloudhan, Connor Flanagan, Daniel Lang, Daniel Yudelevich, Darya Parygina, David Korczynski, David Svantesson, dingyuqing05, Dragan Mladjenovic, dskkato, Eli Kobrin, Erick Ochoa, Erik Schultheis, Frédéric Bastien, gaikwadrahul8, Gauri1 Deshpande, georgiie, guozhong.zhuang, H. Vetinari, Isaac Cilia Attard, Jake Hall, Jason Furmanek, Jerry Ge, Jinzhe Zeng, JJ, johnnkp, Jonathan Albrecht, jongkweh, justkw, Kanvi Khanna, kikoxia, Koan-Sin Tan, Kun-Lu, Learning-To-Play, ltsai1, Lu Teng, luliyucoordinate, Mahmoud Abuzaina, mdfaijul, Milos Puzovic, Nathan Luehr, Om Thakkar, pateldeev, Peng Sun, Philipp Hack, pjpratik, Poliorcetics, rahulbatra85, rangjiaheng, Renato Arantes, Robert Kalmar, roho, Rylan Justice, Sachin Muradi, samypr100, Saoirse Stewart, Shanbin Ke, Shivam Mishra, shuw, Song Ziming, Stephan Hartmann, Sulav, sushreebarsa, T Coxon, Tai Ly, talyz, Tensorflow Jenkins, Thibaut Goetghebuer-Planchon, Thomas Preud'Homme, tilakrayal, Tirumalesh, Tj Xu, Tom Allsop, Trevor Morris, Varghese, Jojimon, Wen Chen, Yaohui Liu, Yimei Sun, Zhoulong Jiang, Zhoulong, Jiang

TensorFlow 2.14.0-rc0

17 Aug 18:09
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TensorFlow 2.14.0-rc0 Pre-release

Release 2.14.0


Breaking Changes

  • tf.Tensor

    • The class hierarchy for tf.Tensor has changed, and there are now explicit EagerTensor and SymbolicTensor classes for eager and tf.function respectively. Users who relied on the exact type of Tensor (e.g. type(t) == tf.Tensor) will need to update their code to use isinstance(t, tf.Tensor). The tf.is_symbolic_tensor helper added in 2.13 may be used when it is necessary to determine if a value is specifically a symbolic tensor.
  • tf.compat.v1.Session

    • tf.compat.v1.Session.partial_run and tf.compat.v1.Session.partial_run_setup will be deprecated in the next release.

Known Caveats

  • tf.lite
    • when converter flag "_experimenal_use_buffer_offset" is enabled, additional metadata is automatically excluded from the generated model. The behaviour is the same as "exclude_conversion_metadata" is set
    • If the model is larger than 2GB, then we also require "exclude_conversion_metadata" flag to be set

Major Features and Improvements

  • Enable JIT-compiled i64-indexed kernels on GPU for large tensors with more than 2**32 elements.

    • Unary GPU kernels: Abs, Atanh, Acos, Acosh, Asin, Asinh, Atan, Cos, Cosh, Sin, Sinh, Tan, Tanh.
    • Binary GPU kernels: AddV2, Sub, Div, DivNoNan, Mul, MulNoNan, FloorDiv, Equal, NotEqual, Greater, GreaterEqual, LessEqual, Less.
  • tf.lite

    • Add experimental supports conversion of models that may be larger than 2GB before buffer deduplication

Bug Fixes and Other Changes

  • tf.py_function and tf.numpy_function can now be used as function decorators for clearer code:

    def my_fun(x):
      print("This always executes eagerly.")
      return x+1
  • tf.lite

    • Strided_Slice now supports UINT32.
  • tf.config.experimental.enable_tensor_float_32_execution

    • Disabling TensorFloat-32 execution now causes TPUs to use float32 precision for float32 matmuls and other ops. TPUs have always used bfloat16 precision for certain ops, like matmul, when such ops had float32 inputs. Now, disabling TensorFloat-32 by calling tf.config.experimental.enable_tensor_float_32_execution(False) will cause TPUs to use float32 precision for such ops instead of bfloat16.
  • tf.experimental.dtensor

    • API changes for Relayout. Added a new API, dtensor.relayout_like, for relayouting a tensor according to the layout of another tensor.
    • Added dtensor.get_default_mesh, for retrieving the current default mesh under the dtensor context.
    • *fft* ops now support dtensors with any layout. Fixed bug in 'fft2d/ fft3d', 'ifft2d/ifft3d', 'rfft2d/rfft3d', and 'irfft2d/irfft3d' for sharded input.
  • tf.experimental.strict_mode

    • Added a new API, strict_mode, which converts all deprecation warnings into runtime errors with instructions on switching to a recommended substitute.
  • TensorFlow Debugger (tfdbg) CLI: ncurses-based CLI for tfdbg v1 was removed.

  • TensorFlow now supports C++ RTTI on mobile and Android. To enable this feature, pass the flag --define=tf_force_rtti=true to Bazel when building TensorFlow. This may be needed when linking TensorFlow into RTTI-enabled programs since mixing RTTI and non-RTTI code can cause ABI issues.

  • tf.ones, tf.zeros, tf.fill, tf.ones_like, tf.zeros_like now take an additional Layout argument that controls the output layout of their results.

  • tf.nest and tf.data now support user defined classes implementing __tf_flatten__ and __tf_unflatten__ methods. See nest_util code examples for an example.


Keras is a framework built on top of the TensorFlow. See more details on the Keras website.

Major Features and Improvements

  • tf.keras
    • Model.compile now support steps_per_execution='auto' as a parameter, allowing automatic tuning of steps per execution during Model.fit, Model.predict, and Model.evaluate for a significant performance boost.

Thanks to our Contributors

This release contains contributions from many people at Google, as well as:

Aakar Dwivedi, Adrian Popescu, ag.ramesh, Akhil Goel, Albert Zeyer, Alex Rosen, Alexey Vishnyakov, Andrew Goodbody, angerson, Ashiq Imran, Ayan Moitra, Ben Barsdell, Bhavani Subramanian, Boian Petkantchin, BrianWieder, Chris Mc, cloudhan, Connor Flanagan, Daniel Lang, Daniel Yudelevich, Darya Parygina, David Korczynski, David Svantesson, dingyuqing05, Dragan Mladjenovic, dskkato, Eli Kobrin, Erick Ochoa, Erik Schultheis, Frédéric Bastien, gaikwadrahul8, Gauri1 Deshpande, georgiie, guozhong.zhuang, H. Vetinari, Isaac Cilia Attard, Jake Hall, Jason Furmanek, Jerry Ge, Jinzhe Zeng, JJ, johnnkp, Jonathan Albrecht, jongkweh, justkw, Kanvi Khanna, kikoxia, Koan-Sin Tan, Kun-Lu, Learning-To-Play, ltsai1, Lu Teng, luliyucoordinate, Mahmoud Abuzaina, mdfaijul, Milos Puzovic, Nathan Luehr, Om Thakkar, pateldeev, Peng Sun, Philipp Hack, pjpratik, Poliorcetics, rahulbatra85, rangjiaheng, Renato Arantes, Robert Kalmar, roho, Rylan Justice, Sachin Muradi, samypr100, Saoirse Stewart, Shanbin Ke, Shivam Mishra, shuw, Song Ziming, Stephan Hartmann, Sulav, sushreebarsa, T Coxon, Tai Ly, talyz, Tensorflow Jenkins, Thibaut Goetghebuer-Planchon, Thomas Preud'Homme, tilakrayal, Tirumalesh, Tj Xu, Tom Allsop, Trevor Morris, Varghese, Jojimon, Wen Chen, Yaohui Liu, Yimei Sun, Zhoulong Jiang, Zhoulong, Jiang

TensorFlow 2.13.0

05 Jul 17:32
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Release 2.13.0


Breaking Changes

  • The LMDB kernels have been changed to return an error. This is in preparation for completely removing them from TensorFlow. The LMDB dependency that these kernels are bringing to TensorFlow has been dropped, thus making the build slightly faster and more secure.

Major Features and Improvements

  • tf.lite

    • Added 16-bit and 64-bit float type support for built-in op cast.
    • The Python TF Lite Interpreter bindings now have an option experimental_disable_delegate_clustering to turn-off delegate clustering.
    • Added int16x8 support for the built-in op exp
    • Added int16x8 support for the built-in op mirror_pad
    • Added int16x8 support for the built-in ops space_to_batch_nd and batch_to_space_nd
    • Added 16-bit int type support for built-in op less, greater_than, equal
    • Added 8-bit and 16-bit support for floor_div and floor_mod.
    • Added 16-bit and 32-bit int support for the built-in op bitcast.
    • Added 8-bit/16-bit/32-bit int/uint support for the built-in op bitwise_xor
    • Added int16 indices support for built-in op gather and gather_nd.
    • Added 8-bit/16-bit/32-bit int/uint support for the built-in op right_shift
    • Added reference implementation for 16-bit int unquantized add.
    • Added reference implementation for 16-bit int and 32-bit unsigned int unquantized mul.
    • add_op supports broadcasting up to 6 dimensions.
    • Added 16-bit support for top_k.
  • tf.function

    • ConcreteFunction (tf.types.experimental.ConcreteFunction) as generated through get_concrete_function now performs holistic input validation similar to calling tf.function directly. This can cause breakages where existing calls pass Tensors with the wrong shape or omit certain non-Tensor arguments (including default values).
  • tf.nn

    • tf.nn.embedding_lookup_sparse and tf.nn.safe_embedding_lookup_sparse now support ids and weights described by tf.RaggedTensors.
    • Added a new boolean argument allow_fast_lookup to tf.nn.embedding_lookup_sparse and tf.nn.safe_embedding_lookup_sparse, which enables a simplified and typically faster lookup procedure.
  • tf.data

    • tf.data.Dataset.zip now supports Python-style zipping, i.e. Dataset.zip(a, b, c).
    • tf.data.Dataset.shuffle now supports tf.data.UNKNOWN_CARDINALITY When doing a "full shuffle" using dataset = dataset.shuffle(dataset.cardinality()). But remember, a "full shuffle" will load the full dataset into memory so that it can be shuffled, so make sure to only use this with small datasets or datasets of small objects (like filenames).
  • tf.math

    • tf.nn.top_k now supports specifying the output index type via parameter index_type. Supported types are tf.int16, tf.int32 (default), and tf.int64.
  • tf.SavedModel

    • Introduced class method tf.saved_model.experimental.Fingerprint.from_proto(proto), which can be used to construct a Fingerprint object directly from a protobuf.
    • Introduced member method tf.saved_model.experimental.Fingerprint.singleprint(), which provides a convenient way to uniquely identify a SavedModel.

Bug Fixes and Other Changes

  • tf.Variable

    • Changed resource variables to inherit from tf.compat.v2.Variable instead of tf.compat.v1.Variable. Some checks for isinstance(v, tf compat.v1.Variable) that previously returned True may now return False.
  • tf.distribute

    • Opened an experimental API, tf.distribute.experimental.coordinator.get_current_worker_index, for retrieving the worker index from within a worker, when using parameter server training with a custom training loop.
  • tf.experimental.dtensor

    • Deprecated dtensor.run_on in favor of dtensor.default_mesh to correctly indicate that the context does not override the mesh that the ops and functions will run on, it only sets a fallback default mesh.
    • List of members of dtensor.Layout and dtensor.Mesh have slightly changed as part of efforts to consolidate the C++ and Python source code with pybind11. Most notably, dtensor.Layout.serialized_string is removed.
    • Minor API changes to represent Single Device Layout for non-distributed Tensors inside DTensor functions. Runtime support will be added soon.
  • tf.experimental.ExtensionType

    • tf.experimental.ExtensionType now supports Python tuple as the type annotation of its fields.
  • tf.nest

    • Deprecated API tf.nest.is_sequence has now been deleted. Please use tf.nest.is_nested instead.


Keras is a framework built on top of the TensorFlow. See more details on the Keras website.

Breaking Changes

  • Removed the Keras scikit-learn API wrappers (KerasClassifier and KerasRegressor), which had been deprecated in August 2021. We recommend using SciKeras instead.
  • The default Keras model saving format is now the Keras v3 format: calling model.save("xyz.keras") will no longer create a H5 file, it will create a native Keras model file. This will only be breaking for you if you were manually inspecting or modifying H5 files saved by Keras under a .keras extension. If this breaks you, simply add save_format="h5" to your .save() call to revert back to the prior behavior.
  • Added keras.utils.TimedThread utility to run a timed thread every x seconds. It can be used to run a threaded function alongside model training or any other snippet of code.
  • In the keras PyPI package, accessible symbols are now restricted to symbols that are intended to be public. This may affect your code if you were using import keras and you used keras functions that were not public APIs, but were accessible in earlier versions with direct imports. In those cases, please use the following guideline:
    - The API may be available in the public Keras API under a different name, so make sure to look for it on keras.io or TensorFlow docs and switch to the public version.
    - It could also be a simple python or TF utility that you could easily copy over to your own codebase. In those case, just make it your own!
    - If you believe it should definitely be a public Keras API, please open a feature request in keras GitHub repo.
    - As a workaround, you could import the same private symbol keras keras.src, but keep in mind the src namespace is not stable and those APIs may change or be removed in the future.

Major Features and Improvements

  • Added F-Score metrics tf.keras.metrics.FBetaScore, tf.keras.metrics.F1Score, and tf.keras.metrics.R2Score.
  • Added activation function tf.keras.activations.mish.
  • Added experimental keras.metrics.experimental.PyMetric API for metrics that run Python code on the host CPU (compiled outside of the TensorFlow graph). This can be used for integrating metrics from external Python libraries (like sklearn or pycocotools) into Keras as first-class Keras metrics.
  • Added tf.keras.optimizers.Lion optimizer.
  • Added tf.keras.layers.SpectralNormalization layer wrapper to perform spectral normalization on the weights of a target layer.
  • The SidecarEvaluatorModelExport callback has been added to Keras as keras.callbacks.SidecarEvaluatorModelExport. This callback allows for exporting the model the best-scoring model as evaluated by a SidecarEvaluator evaluator. The evaluator regularly evaluates the model and exports it if the user-defined comparison function determines that it is an improvement.
  • Added warmup capabilities to tf.keras.optimizers.schedules.CosineDecay learning rate scheduler. You can now specify an initial and target learning rate, and our scheduler will perform a linear interpolation between the two after which it will begin a decay phase.
  • Added experimental support for an exactly-once visitation guarantee for evaluating Keras models trained with tf.distribute ParameterServerStrategy, via the exact_evaluation_shards argument in Model.fit and Model.evaluate.
  • Added tf.keras.__internal__.KerasTensor,tf.keras.__internal__.SparseKerasTensor, and tf.keras.__internal__.RaggedKerasTensor classes. You can use these classes to do instance type checking and type annotations for layer/model inputs and outputs.
  • All the tf.keras.dtensor.experimental.optimizers classes have been merged with tf.keras.optimizers. You can migrate your code to use tf.keras.optimizers directly. The API namespace for tf.keras.dtensor.experimental.optimizers will be removed in future releases.
  • Added support for class_weight for 3+ dimensional targets (e.g. image segmentation masks) in Model.fit.
  • Added a new loss, keras.losses.CategoricalFocalCrossentropy.
  • Remove the tf.keras.dtensor.experimental.layout_map_scope(). You can user the tf.keras.dtensor.experimental.LayoutMap.scope() instead.


  • Fixes correct values rank in UpperBound and LowerBound CVE-2023-33976

Thanks to our Contributors

This release contains contributions from many people at Google, as well as:

103yiran, 8bitmp3, Aakar, Aakar Dwivedi, Abinash Satapathy, Aditya Kane, ag.ramesh, Alexander Grund, Andrei Pikas, andreii, Andrew Goodbody, angerson, Anthony_256, Ashay Rane, Ashiq Imran, Awsaf, Balint Cristian, Banikumar Maiti (Intel Aipg), Ben Barsdell, bhack, cfRod, Chao Chen, chenchongsong, Chris Mc, Daniil Kutz, David Rubinstein, dianjiaogit, dixr, Dongfeng Yu, dongfengy, drah, Eric Kunze, Feiyue Chen, Frederic Bastien, Gauri1 Deshpande, guozhong.zhuang, hDn248, HYChou, ingkarat, James Hilliard, Jason Furmanek, Jaya, Jens Glaser, Jerry Ge, Jiao Dian'S Power Pl...

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TensorFlow 2.12.1

05 Jul 19:49
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Release 2.12.1

Bug Fixes and Other Changes

  • The use of the ambe config to build and test aarch64 is not needed. The ambe config will be removed in the future. Making cpu_arm64_pip.sh and cpu_arm64_nonpip.sh more similar for easier future maintenance.

TensorFlow 2.13.0-rc2

22 Jun 18:05
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TensorFlow 2.13.0-rc2 Pre-release

Release 2.13.0


Breaking Changes

  • The LMDB kernels have been changed to return an error. This is in preparation for completely removing them from TensorFlow. The LMDB dependency that these kernels are bringing to TensorFlow has been dropped, thus making the build slightly faster and more secure.

Major Features and Improvements

  • tf.lite

    • Added 16-bit and 64-bit float type support for built-in op cast.
    • The Python TF Lite Interpreter bindings now have an option experimental_disable_delegate_clustering to turn-off delegate clustering.
    • Added int16x8 support for the built-in op exp
    • Added int16x8 support for the built-in op mirror_pad
    • Added int16x8 support for the built-in ops space_to_batch_nd and batch_to_space_nd
    • Added 16-bit int type support for built-in op less, greater_than, equal
    • Added 8-bit and 16-bit support for floor_div and floor_mod.
    • Added 16-bit and 32-bit int support for the built-in op bitcast.
    • Added 8-bit/16-bit/32-bit int/uint support for the built-in op bitwise_xor
    • Added int16 indices support for built-in op gather and gather_nd.
    • Added 8-bit/16-bit/32-bit int/uint support for the built-in op right_shift
    • Added reference implementation for 16-bit int unquantized add.
    • Added reference implementation for 16-bit int and 32-bit unsigned int unquantized mul.
    • add_op supports broadcasting up to 6 dimensions.
    • Added 16-bit support for top_k.
  • tf.function

    • ConcreteFunction (tf.types.experimental.ConcreteFunction) as generated through get_concrete_function now performs holistic input validation similar to calling tf.function directly. This can cause breakages where existing calls pass Tensors with the wrong shape or omit certain non-Tensor arguments (including default values).
  • tf.nn

    • tf.nn.embedding_lookup_sparse and tf.nn.safe_embedding_lookup_sparse now support ids and weights described by tf.RaggedTensors.
    • Added a new boolean argument allow_fast_lookup to tf.nn.embedding_lookup_sparse and tf.nn.safe_embedding_lookup_sparse, which enables a simplified and typically faster lookup procedure.
  • tf.data

    • tf.data.Dataset.zip now supports Python-style zipping, i.e. Dataset.zip(a, b, c).
    • tf.data.Dataset.shuffle now supports tf.data.UNKNOWN_CARDINALITY When doing a "full shuffle" using dataset = dataset.shuffle(dataset.cardinality()). But remember, a "full shuffle" will load the full dataset into memory so that it can be shuffled, so make sure to only use this with small datasets or datasets of small objects (like filenames).
  • tf.math

    • tf.nn.top_k now supports specifying the output index type via parameter index_type. Supported types are tf.int16, tf.int32 (default), and tf.int64.
  • tf.SavedModel

    • Introduced class method tf.saved_model.experimental.Fingerprint.from_proto(proto), which can be used to construct a Fingerprint object directly from a protobuf.
    • Introduced member method tf.saved_model.experimental.Fingerprint.singleprint(), which provides a convenient way to uniquely identify a SavedModel.

Bug Fixes and Other Changes

  • tf.Variable

    • Changed resource variables to inherit from tf.compat.v2.Variable instead of tf.compat.v1.Variable. Some checks for isinstance(v, tf compat.v1.Variable) that previously returned True may now return False.
  • tf.distribute

    • Opened an experimental API, tf.distribute.experimental.coordinator.get_current_worker_index, for retrieving the worker index from within a worker, when using parameter server training with a custom training loop.
  • tf.experimental.dtensor

    • Deprecated dtensor.run_on in favor of dtensor.default_mesh to correctly indicate that the context does not override the mesh that the ops and functions will run on, it only sets a fallback default mesh.
    • List of members of dtensor.Layout and dtensor.Mesh have slightly changed as part of efforts to consolidate the C++ and Python source code with pybind11. Most notably, dtensor.Layout.serialized_string is removed.
    • Minor API changes to represent Single Device Layout for non-distributed Tensors inside DTensor functions. Runtime support will be added soon.
  • tf.experimental.ExtensionType

    • tf.experimental.ExtensionType now supports Python tuple as the type annotation of its fields.
  • tf.nest

    • Deprecated API tf.nest.is_sequence has now been deleted. Please use tf.nest.is_nested instead.


Keras is a framework built on top of the TensorFlow. See more details on the Keras website.

Breaking Changes

  • Removed the Keras scikit-learn API wrappers (KerasClassifier and KerasRegressor), which had been deprecated in August 2021. We recommend using SciKeras instead.
  • The default Keras model saving format is now the Keras v3 format: calling model.save("xyz.keras") will no longer create a H5 file, it will create a native Keras model file. This will only be breaking for you if you were manually inspecting or modifying H5 files saved by Keras under a .keras extension. If this breaks you, simply add save_format="h5" to your .save() call to revert back to the prior behavior.
  • Added keras.utils.TimedThread utility to run a timed thread every x seconds. It can be used to run a threaded function alongside model training or any other snippet of code.
  • In the keras PyPI package, accessible symbols are now restricted to symbols that are intended to be public. This may affect your code if you were using import keras and you used keras functions that were not public APIs, but were accessible in earlier versions with direct imports. In those cases, please use the following guideline:
    - The API may be available in the public Keras API under a different name, so make sure to look for it on keras.io or TensorFlow docs and switch to the public version.
    - It could also be a simple python or TF utility that you could easily copy over to your own codebase. In those case, just make it your own!
    - If you believe it should definitely be a public Keras API, please open a feature request in keras GitHub repo.
    - As a workaround, you could import the same private symbol keras keras.src, but keep in mind the src namespace is not stable and those APIs may change or be removed in the future.

Major Features and Improvements

  • Added F-Score metrics tf.keras.metrics.FBetaScore, tf.keras.metrics.F1Score, and tf.keras.metrics.R2Score.
  • Added activation function tf.keras.activations.mish.
  • Added experimental keras.metrics.experimental.PyMetric API for metrics that run Python code on the host CPU (compiled outside of the TensorFlow graph). This can be used for integrating metrics from external Python libraries (like sklearn or pycocotools) into Keras as first-class Keras metrics.
  • Added tf.keras.optimizers.Lion optimizer.
  • Added tf.keras.layers.SpectralNormalization layer wrapper to perform spectral normalization on the weights of a target layer.
  • The SidecarEvaluatorModelExport callback has been added to Keras as keras.callbacks.SidecarEvaluatorModelExport. This callback allows for exporting the model the best-scoring model as evaluated by a SidecarEvaluator evaluator. The evaluator regularly evaluates the model and exports it if the user-defined comparison function determines that it is an improvement.
  • Added warmup capabilities to tf.keras.optimizers.schedules.CosineDecay learning rate scheduler. You can now specify an initial and target learning rate, and our scheduler will perform a linear interpolation between the two after which it will begin a decay phase.
  • Added experimental support for an exactly-once visitation guarantee for evaluating Keras models trained with tf.distribute ParameterServerStrategy, via the exact_evaluation_shards argument in Model.fit and Model.evaluate.
  • Added tf.keras.__internal__.KerasTensor,tf.keras.__internal__.SparseKerasTensor, and tf.keras.__internal__.RaggedKerasTensor classes. You can use these classes to do instance type checking and type annotations for layer/model inputs and outputs.
  • All the tf.keras.dtensor.experimental.optimizers classes have been merged with tf.keras.optimizers. You can migrate your code to use tf.keras.optimizers directly. The API namespace for tf.keras.dtensor.experimental.optimizers will be removed in future releases.
  • Added support for class_weight for 3+ dimensional targets (e.g. image segmentation masks) in Model.fit.
  • Added a new loss, keras.losses.CategoricalFocalCrossentropy.
  • Remove the tf.keras.dtensor.experimental.layout_map_scope(). You can user the tf.keras.dtensor.experimental.LayoutMap.scope() instead.


  • N/A

Thanks to our Contributors

This release contains contributions from many people at Google, as well as:

103yiran, 8bitmp3, Aakar, Aakar Dwivedi, Abinash Satapathy, Aditya Kane, ag.ramesh, Alexander Grund, Andrei Pikas, andreii, Andrew Goodbody, angerson, Anthony_256, Ashay Rane, Ashiq Imran, Awsaf, Balint Cristian, Banikumar Maiti (Intel Aipg), Ben Barsdell, bhack, cfRod, Chao Chen, chenchongsong, Chris Mc, Daniil Kutz, David Rubinstein, dianjiaogit, dixr, Dongfeng Yu, dongfengy, drah, Eric Kunze, Feiyue Chen, Frederic Bastien, Gauri1 Deshpande, guozhong.zhuang, hDn248, HYChou, ingkarat, James Hilliard, Jason Furmanek, Jaya, Jens Glaser, Jerry Ge, Jiao Dian'S Power Plant, Jie Fu, Jinzhe Zeng, Jukyy, Kaixi Hou, Kanvi Khanna, Karel Ha, karllessard, Koan-Sin Tan, Konstantin Beluchenko, Kulin Seth, K...

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TensorFlow 2.13.0-rc1

30 May 17:38
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TensorFlow 2.13.0-rc1 Pre-release

Release 2.13.0


Breaking Changes

  • The LMDB kernels have been changed to return an error. This is in preparation for completely removing them from TensorFlow. The LMDB dependency that these kernels are bringing to TensorFlow has been dropped, thus making the build slightly faster and more secure.

Major Features and Improvements

  • tf.lite

    • Added 16-bit and 64-bit float type support for built-in op cast.
    • The Python TF Lite Interpreter bindings now have an option experimental_disable_delegate_clustering to turn-off delegate clustering.
    • Added int16x8 support for the built-in op exp
    • Added int16x8 support for the built-in op mirror_pad
    • Added int16x8 support for the built-in ops space_to_batch_nd and batch_to_space_nd
    • Added 16-bit int type support for built-in op less, greater_than, equal
    • Added 8-bit and 16-bit support for floor_div and floor_mod.
    • Added 16-bit and 32-bit int support for the built-in op bitcast.
    • Added 8-bit/16-bit/32-bit int/uint support for the built-in op bitwise_xor
    • Added int16 indices support for built-in op gather and gather_nd.
    • Added 8-bit/16-bit/32-bit int/uint support for the built-in op right_shift
    • Added reference implementation for 16-bit int unquantized add.
    • Added reference implementation for 16-bit int and 32-bit unsigned int unquantized mul.
    • add_op supports broadcasting up to 6 dimensions.
    • Added 16-bit support for top_k.
  • tf.function

    • ConcreteFunction (tf.types.experimental.ConcreteFunction) as generated through get_concrete_function now performs holistic input validation similar to calling tf.function directly. This can cause breakages where existing calls pass Tensors with the wrong shape or omit certain non-Tensor arguments (including default values).
  • tf.nn

    • tf.nn.embedding_lookup_sparse and tf.nn.safe_embedding_lookup_sparse now support ids and weights described by tf.RaggedTensors.
    • Added a new boolean argument allow_fast_lookup to tf.nn.embedding_lookup_sparse and tf.nn.safe_embedding_lookup_sparse, which enables a simplified and typically faster lookup procedure.
  • tf.data

    • tf.data.Dataset.zip now supports Python-style zipping, i.e. Dataset.zip(a, b, c).
    • tf.data.Dataset.shuffle now supports tf.data.UNKNOWN_CARDINALITY When doing a "full shuffle" using dataset = dataset.shuffle(dataset.cardinality()). But remember, a "full shuffle" will load the full dataset into memory so that it can be shuffled, so make sure to only use this with small datasets or datasets of small objects (like filenames).
  • tf.math

    • tf.nn.top_k now supports specifying the output index type via parameter index_type. Supported types are tf.int16, tf.int32 (default), and tf.int64.
  • tf.SavedModel

    • Introduced class method tf.saved_model.experimental.Fingerprint.from_proto(proto), which can be used to construct a Fingerprint object directly from a protobuf.
    • Introduced member method tf.saved_model.experimental.Fingerprint.singleprint(), which provides a convenient way to uniquely identify a SavedModel.

Bug Fixes and Other Changes

  • tf.Variable

    • Changed resource variables to inherit from tf.compat.v2.Variable instead of tf.compat.v1.Variable. Some checks for isinstance(v, tf compat.v1.Variable) that previously returned True may now return False.
  • tf.distribute

    • Opened an experimental API, tf.distribute.experimental.coordinator.get_current_worker_index, for retrieving the worker index from within a worker, when using parameter server training with a custom training loop.
  • tf.experimental.dtensor

    • Deprecated dtensor.run_on in favor of dtensor.default_mesh to correctly indicate that the context does not override the mesh that the ops and functions will run on, it only sets a fallback default mesh.
    • List of members of dtensor.Layout and dtensor.Mesh have slightly changed as part of efforts to consolidate the C++ and Python source code with pybind11. Most notably, dtensor.Layout.serialized_string is removed.
    • Minor API changes to represent Single Device Layout for non-distributed Tensors inside DTensor functions. Runtime support will be added soon.
  • tf.experimental.ExtensionType

    • tf.experimental.ExtensionType now supports Python tuple as the type annotation of its fields.
  • tf.nest

    • Deprecated API tf.nest.is_sequence has now been deleted. Please use tf.nest.is_nested instead.


Keras is a framework built on top of the TensorFlow. See more details on the Keras website.

Breaking Changes

  • Removed the Keras scikit-learn API wrappers (KerasClassifier and KerasRegressor), which had been deprecated in August 2021. We recommend using SciKeras instead.
  • The default Keras model saving format is now the Keras v3 format: calling model.save("xyz.keras") will no longer create a H5 file, it will create a native Keras model file. This will only be breaking for you if you were manually inspecting or modifying H5 files saved by Keras under a .keras extension. If this breaks you, simply add save_format="h5" to your .save() call to revert back to the prior behavior.
  • Added keras.utils.TimedThread utility to run a timed thread every x seconds. It can be used to run a threaded function alongside model training or any other snippet of code.
  • In the keras PyPI package, accessible symbols are now restricted to symbols that are intended to be public. This may affect your code if you were using import keras and you used keras functions that were not public APIs, but were accessible in earlier versions with direct imports. In those cases, please use the following guideline:
    - The API may be available in the public Keras API under a different name, so make sure to look for it on keras.io or TensorFlow docs and switch to the public version.
    - It could also be a simple python or TF utility that you could easily copy over to your own codebase. In those case, just make it your own!
    - If you believe it should definitely be a public Keras API, please open a feature request in keras GitHub repo.
    - As a workaround, you could import the same private symbol keras keras.src, but keep in mind the src namespace is not stable and those APIs may change or be removed in the future.

Major Features and Improvements

  • Added F-Score metrics tf.keras.metrics.FBetaScore, tf.keras.metrics.F1Score, and tf.keras.metrics.R2Score.
  • Added activation function tf.keras.activations.mish.
  • Added experimental keras.metrics.experimental.PyMetric API for metrics that run Python code on the host CPU (compiled outside of the TensorFlow graph). This can be used for integrating metrics from external Python libraries (like sklearn or pycocotools) into Keras as first-class Keras metrics.
  • Added tf.keras.optimizers.Lion optimizer.
  • Added tf.keras.layers.SpectralNormalization layer wrapper to perform spectral normalization on the weights of a target layer.
  • The SidecarEvaluatorModelExport callback has been added to Keras as keras.callbacks.SidecarEvaluatorModelExport. This callback allows for exporting the model the best-scoring model as evaluated by a SidecarEvaluator evaluator. The evaluator regularly evaluates the model and exports it if the user-defined comparison function determines that it is an improvement.
  • Added warmup capabilities to tf.keras.optimizers.schedules.CosineDecay learning rate scheduler. You can now specify an initial and target learning rate, and our scheduler will perform a linear interpolation between the two after which it will begin a decay phase.
  • Added experimental support for an exactly-once visitation guarantee for evaluating Keras models trained with tf.distribute ParameterServerStrategy, via the exact_evaluation_shards argument in Model.fit and Model.evaluate.
  • Added tf.keras.__internal__.KerasTensor,tf.keras.__internal__.SparseKerasTensor, and tf.keras.__internal__.RaggedKerasTensor classes. You can use these classes to do instance type checking and type annotations for layer/model inputs and outputs.
  • All the tf.keras.dtensor.experimental.optimizers classes have been merged with tf.keras.optimizers. You can migrate your code to use tf.keras.optimizers directly. The API namespace for tf.keras.dtensor.experimental.optimizers will be removed in future releases.
  • Added support for class_weight for 3+ dimensional targets (e.g. image segmentation masks) in Model.fit.
  • Added a new loss, keras.losses.CategoricalFocalCrossentropy.
  • Remove the tf.keras.dtensor.experimental.layout_map_scope(). You can user the tf.keras.dtensor.experimental.LayoutMap.scope() instead.


  • N/A

Thanks to our Contributors

This release contains contributions from many people at Google, as well as:

103yiran, 8bitmp3, Aakar, Aakar Dwivedi, Abinash Satapathy, Aditya Kane, ag.ramesh, Alexander Grund, Andrei Pikas, andreii, Andrew Goodbody, angerson, Anthony_256, Ashay Rane, Ashiq Imran, Awsaf, Balint Cristian, Banikumar Maiti (Intel Aipg), Ben Barsdell, bhack, cfRod, Chao Chen, chenchongsong, Chris Mc, Daniil Kutz, David Rubinstein, dianjiaogit, dixr, Dongfeng Yu, dongfengy, drah, Eric Kunze, Feiyue Chen, Frederic Bastien, Gauri1 Deshpande, guozhong.zhuang, hDn248, HYChou, ingkarat, James Hilliard, Jason Furmanek, Jaya, Jens Glaser, Jerry Ge, Jiao Dian'S Power Plant, Jie Fu, Jinzhe Zeng, Jukyy, Kaixi Hou, Kanvi Khanna, Karel Ha, karllessard, Koan-Sin Tan, Konstantin Beluchenko, Kulin Seth, K...

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TensorFlow 2.13.0-rc0

09 May 19:47
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TensorFlow 2.13.0-rc0 Pre-release

Release 2.13.0


Breaking Changes

  • The LMDB kernels have been changed to return an error. This is in preparation for completely removing them from TensorFlow. The LMDB dependency that these kernels are bringing to TensorFlow has been dropped, thus making the build slightly faster and more secure.

Major Features and Improvements

  • tf.lite

    • Add 16-bit and 64-bit float type support for built-in op cast.
    • The Python TF Lite Interpreter bindings now have an option experimental_disable_delegate_clustering to turn-off delegate clustering.
    • Add int16x8 support for the built-in op exp
    • Add int16x8 support for the built-in op mirror_pad
    • Add int16x8 support for the built-in ops space_to_batch_nd and batch_to_space_nd
    • Add 16-bit int type support for built-in op less, greater_than, equal
    • Add 8-bit and 16-bit support for floor_div and floor_mod.
    • Add 16-bit and 32-bit int support for the built-in op bitcast.
    • Add 8-bit/16-bit/32-bit int/uint support for the built-in op bitwise_xor
    • Add int16 indices support for built-in op gather and gather_nd.
    • Add 8-bit/16-bit/32-bit int/uint support for the built-in op right_shift
    • Add reference implementation for 16-bit int unquantized add.
    • Add reference implementation for 16-bit int and 32-bit unsigned int unquantized mul.
    • add_op supports broadcasting up to 6 dimensions.
    • Add 16-bit support for top_k.
  • tf.function

    • ConcreteFunction (tf.types.experimental.ConcreteFunction) as generated through get_concrete_function now performs holistic input validation similar to calling tf.function directly. This can cause breakages where existing calls pass Tensors with the wrong shape or omit certain non-Tensor arguments (including default values).
  • tf.nn

    • tf.nn.embedding_lookup_sparse and tf.nn.safe_embedding_lookup_sparse now support ids and weights described by tf.RaggedTensors.
    • Added a new boolean argument allow_fast_lookup to tf.nn.embedding_lookup_sparse and tf.nn.safe_embedding_lookup_sparse, which enables a simplified and typically faster lookup procedure.
  • tf.data

    • tf.data.Dataset.zip now supports Python-style zipping, i.e. Dataset.zip(a, b, c).
    • tf.data.Dataset.shuffle now supports full shuffling. To specify that data should be fully shuffled, use dataset = dataset.shuffle(dataset.cardinality()). This will load the full dataset into memory so that it can be shuffled, so make sure to only use this with datasets of filenames or other small datasets.
  • tf.math

    • tf.nn.top_k now supports specifying the output index type via parameter index_type. Supported types are tf.int16, tf.int32 (default), and tf.int64.
  • tf.SavedModel

    • Introduce class method tf.saved_model.experimental.Fingerprint.from_proto(proto), which can be used to construct a Fingerprint object directly from a protobuf.
    • Introduce member method tf.saved_model.experimental.Fingerprint.singleprint(), which provides a convenient way to uniquely identify a SavedModel.

Bug Fixes and Other Changes

  • tf.Variable

    • Changed resource variables to inherit from tf.compat.v2.Variable instead of tf.compat.v1.Variable. Some checks for isinstance(v, tf compat.v1.Variable) that previously returned True may now return False.
  • tf.distribute

    • Opened an experimental API, tf.distribute.experimental.coordinator.get_current_worker_index, for retrieving the worker index from within a worker, when using parameter server training with a custom training loop.
  • tf.experimental.dtensor

    • Deprecated dtensor.run_on in favor of dtensor.default_mesh to correctly indicate that the context does not override the mesh that the ops and functions will run on, it only sets a fallback default mesh.
    • List of members of dtensor.Layout and dtensor.Mesh have slightly changed as part of efforts to consolidate the C++ and Python source code with pybind11. Most notably, Layout.serialized_string is removed.
    • Minor API changes to represent Single Device Layout for non-distributed Tensors inside DTensor functions. Runtime support will be added soon.
  • tf.experimental.ExtensionType

    • tf.experimental.ExtensionType now supports Python tuple as the type annotation of its fields.
  • tf.nest

    • Deprecated API tf.nest.is_sequence has now been deleted. Please use tf.nest.is_nested instead.


Keras is a framework built on top of the TensorFlow. See more details on the Keras website.

Breaking Changes

  • tf.keras

    • Removed the Keras scikit-learn API wrappers (KerasClassifier and KerasRegressor), which had been deprecated in August 2021. We recommend using SciKeras instead.
    • The default Keras model saving format is now the Keras v3 format: calling model.save("xyz.keras") will no longer create a H5 file, it will create a native Keras model file. This will only be breaking for you if you were manually inspecting or modifying H5 files saved by Keras under a .keras extension. If this breaks you, simply add save_format="h5" to your .save() call to revert back to the prior behavior.
    • Added keras.utils.TimedThread utility to run a timed thread every x seconds. It can be used to run a threaded function alongside model training or any other snippet of code.
    • In the keras PyPI package, accessible symbols are now restricted to symbols that are intended to be public. This may affect your code if you were using import keras and you used keras functions that were not public APIs, but were accessible in earlier versions with direct imports. In those cases, please use the following guideline:
      • The API may be available in the public Keras API under a different name, so make sure to look for it on keras.io or TensorFlow docs and switch to the public version.
      • It could also be a simple python or TF utility that you could easily copy over to your own codebase. In those case, just make it your own!
      • If you believe it should definitely be a public Keras API, please open a feature request in keras GitHub repo.
      • As a workaround, you could import the same private symbol keras keras.src, but keep in mind the src namespace is not stable and those APIs may change or be removed in the future.

Major Features and Improvements

  • tf.keras

    • Added F-Score metrics tf.keras.metrics.FBetaScore, tf.keras.metrics.F1Score, and tf.keras.metrics.R2Score.
    • Added activation function tf.keras.activations.mish.
    • Added experimental keras.metrics.experimental.PyMetric API for metrics that run Python code on the host CPU (compiled outside of the TensorFlow graph). This can be used for integrating metrics from external Python libraries (like sklearn or pycocotools) into Keras as first-class Keras metrics.
    • Added tf.keras.optimizers.Lion optimizer.
    • Added tf.keras.layers.SpectralNormalization layer wrapper to perform spectral normalization on the weights of a target layer.
    • The SidecarEvaluatorModelExport callback has been added to Keras as keras.callbacks.SidecarEvaluatorModelExport. This callback allows for exporting the model the best-scoring model as evaluated by a SidecarEvaluator evaluator. The evaluator regularly evaluates the model and exports it if the user-defined comparison function determines that it is an improvement.
    • Added warmup capabilities to tf.keras.optimizers.schedules.CosineDecay learning rate scheduler. You can now specify an initial and target learning rate, and our scheduler will perform a linear interpolation between the two after which it will begin a decay phase.
    • Added experimental support for an exactly-once visitation guarantee for evaluating Keras models trained with tf.distribute ParameterServerStrategy, via the exact_evaluation_shards argument in Model.fit and Model.evaluate.
    • Added tf.keras.__internal__.KerasTensor,tf.keras.__internal__.SparseKerasTensor, and tf.keras.__internal__.RaggedKerasTensor classes. You can use these classes to do instance type checking and type annotations for layer/model inputs and outputs.
    • All the tf.keras.dtensor.experimental.optimizers classes have been merged with tf.keras.optimizers. You can migrate your code to use tf.keras.optimizers directly. The API namespace for tf.keras.dtensor.experimental.optimizers will be removed in future releases.
    • Added support for class_weight for 3+ dimensional targets (e.g. image segmentation masks) in Model.fit.
    • Added a new loss, keras.losses.CategoricalFocalCrossentropy.
    • Remove the tf.keras.dtensor.experimental.layout_map_scope(). You can user the tf.keras.dtensor.experimental.LayoutMap.scope() instead.


  • N/A

Thanks to our Contributors

This release contains contributions from many people at Google, as well as:

103yiran, 8bitmp3, Aakar, Aakar Dwivedi, Abinash Satapathy, Aditya Kane, ag.ramesh, Alexander Grund, Andrei Pikas, andreii, Andrew Goodbody, angerson, Anthony_256, Ashay Rane, Ashiq Imran, Awsaf, Balint Cristian, Banikumar Maiti (Intel Aipg), Ben Barsdell, bhack, cfRod, Chao Chen, chenchongsong, Chris Mc, Daniil Kutz, David Rubinstein, dianjiaogit, dixr, Dongfeng Yu, dongfengy, drah, Eric Kunze, Feiyue Chen, Frederic Bastien, Gauri1 Deshpande, guozhong.zhuang, hDn248, HYChou, ingkarat, James Hilliard, Jason Furmanek, Jaya, Jens Glaser, Jerry Ge, Jiao Dian'S Power Plant, Jie Fu, Jinzhe Zeng, Jukyy, Kaixi Hou, Kanvi Khanna, Karel Ha, karllessard, Koan-Sin Tan, Konstanti...

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TensorFlow 2.12.0

23 Mar 15:50
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Release 2.12.0


Breaking Changes

  • Build, Compilation and Packaging

    • Removed redundant packages tensorflow-gpu and tf-nightly-gpu. These packages were removed and replaced with packages that direct users to switch to tensorflow or tf-nightly respectively. Since TensorFlow 2.1, the only difference between these two sets of packages was their names, so there is no loss of functionality or GPU support. See https://pypi.org/project/tensorflow-gpu for more details.
  • tf.function:

    • tf.function now uses the Python inspect library directly for parsing the signature of the Python function it is decorated on. This change may break code where the function signature is malformed, but was ignored previously, such as:
      • Using functools.wraps on a function with different signature
      • Using functools.partial with an invalid tf.function input
    • tf.function now enforces input parameter names to be valid Python identifiers. Incompatible names are automatically sanitized similarly to existing SavedModel signature behavior.
    • Parameterless tf.functions are assumed to have an empty input_signature instead of an undefined one even if the input_signature is unspecified.
    • tf.types.experimental.TraceType now requires an additional placeholder_value method to be defined.
    • tf.function now traces with placeholder values generated by TraceType instead of the value itself.
  • Experimental APIs tf.config.experimental.enable_mlir_graph_optimization and tf.config.experimental.disable_mlir_graph_optimization were removed.

Major Features and Improvements

  • Support for Python 3.11 has been added.

  • Support for Python 3.7 has been removed. We are not releasing any more patches for Python 3.7.

  • tf.lite:

    • Add 16-bit float type support for built-in op fill.
    • Transpose now supports 6D tensors.
    • Float LSTM now supports diagonal recurrent tensors: https://arxiv.org/abs/1903.08023
  • tf.experimental.dtensor:

    • Coordination service now works with dtensor.initialize_accelerator_system, and enabled by default.
    • Add tf.experimental.dtensor.is_dtensor to check if a tensor is a DTensor instance.
  • tf.data:

    • Added support for alternative checkpointing protocol which makes it possible to checkpoint the state of the input pipeline without having to store the contents of internal buffers. The new functionality can be enabled through the experimental_symbolic_checkpoint option of tf.data.Options().
    • Added a new rerandomize_each_iteration argument for the tf.data.Dataset.random() operation, which controls whether the sequence of generated random numbers should be re-randomized every epoch or not (the default behavior). If seed is set and rerandomize_each_iteration=True, the random() operation will produce a different (deterministic) sequence of numbers every epoch.
    • Added a new rerandomize_each_iteration argument for the tf.data.Dataset.sample_from_datasets() operation, which controls whether the sequence of generated random numbers used for sampling should be re-randomized every epoch or not. If seed is set and rerandomize_each_iteration=True, the sample_from_datasets() operation will use a different (deterministic) sequence of numbers every epoch.
  • tf.test:

    • Added tf.test.experimental.sync_devices, which is useful for accurately measuring performance in benchmarks.
  • tf.experimental.dtensor:

    • Added experimental support to ReduceScatter fuse on GPU (NCCL).

Bug Fixes and Other Changes

  • tf.SavedModel:
    • Introduced new class tf.saved_model.experimental.Fingerprint that contains the fingerprint of the SavedModel. See the SavedModel Fingerprinting RFC for details.
    • Introduced API tf.saved_model.experimental.read_fingerprint(export_dir) for reading the fingerprint of a SavedModel.
  • tf.random
    • Added non-experimental aliases for tf.random.split and tf.random.fold_in, the experimental endpoints are still available so no code changes are necessary.
  • tf.experimental.ExtensionType
    • Added function experimental.extension_type.as_dict(), which converts an instance of tf.experimental.ExtensionType to a dict representation.
  • stream_executor
    • Top level stream_executor directory has been deleted, users should use equivalent headers and targets under compiler/xla/stream_executor.
  • tf.nn
    • Added tf.nn.experimental.general_dropout, which is similar to tf.random.experimental.stateless_dropout but accepts a custom sampler function.
  • tf.types.experimental.GenericFunction
    • The experimental_get_compiler_ir method supports tf.TensorSpec compilation arguments.
  • tf.config.experimental.mlir_bridge_rollout
    • Removed enums MLIR_BRIDGE_ROLLOUT_SAFE_MODE_ENABLED and MLIR_BRIDGE_ROLLOUT_SAFE_MODE_FALLBACK_ENABLED which are no longer used by the tf2xla bridge


Keras is a framework built on top of the TensorFlow. See more details on the Keras website.

Breaking Changes


  • Moved all saving-related utilities to a new namespace, keras.saving, for example: keras.saving.load_model, keras.saving.save_model, keras.saving.custom_object_scope, keras.saving.get_custom_objects, keras.saving.register_keras_serializable,keras.saving.get_registered_name and keras.saving.get_registered_object. The previous API locations (in keras.utils and keras.models) will be available indefinitely, but we recommend you update your code to point to the new API locations.
  • Improvements and fixes in Keras loss masking:
    • Whether you represent a ragged tensor as a tf.RaggedTensor or using keras masking, the returned loss values should be the identical to each other. In previous versions Keras may have silently ignored the mask.
  • If you use masked losses with Keras the loss values may be different in TensorFlow 2.12 compared to previous versions.
  • In cases where the mask was previously ignored, you will now get an error if you pass a mask with an incompatible shape.

Major Features and Improvements


  • The new Keras model saving format (.keras) is available. You can start using it via model.save(f"{fname}.keras", save_format="keras_v3"). In the future it will become the default for all files with the .keras extension. This file format targets the Python runtime only and makes it possible to reload Python objects identical to the saved originals. The format supports non-numerical state such as vocabulary files and lookup tables, and it is easy to customize in the case of custom layers with exotic elements of state (e.g. a FIFOQueue). The format does not rely on bytecode or pickling, and is safe by default. Note that as a result, Python lambdas are disallowed at loading time. If you want to use lambdas, you can pass safe_mode=False to the loading method (only do this if you trust the source of the model).
  • Added a model.export(filepath) API to create a lightweight SavedModel artifact that can be used for inference (e.g. with TF-Serving).
  • Added keras.export.ExportArchive class for low-level customization of the process of exporting SavedModel artifacts for inference. Both ways of exporting models are based on tf.function tracing and produce a TF program composed of TF ops. They are meant primarily for environments where the TF runtime is available, but not the Python interpreter, as is typical for production with TF Serving.
  • Added utility tf.keras.utils.FeatureSpace, a one-stop shop for structured data preprocessing and encoding.
  • Added tf.SparseTensor input support to tf.keras.layers.Embedding layer. The layer now accepts a new boolean argument sparse. If sparse is set to True, the layer returns a SparseTensor instead of a dense Tensor. Defaults to False.
  • Added jit_compile as a settable property to tf.keras.Model.
  • Added synchronized optional parameter to layers.BatchNormalization.
  • Added deprecation warning to layers.experimental.SyncBatchNormalization and suggested to use layers.BatchNormalization with synchronized=True instead.
  • Updated tf.keras.layers.BatchNormalization to support masking of the inputs (mask argument) when computing the mean and variance.
  • Add tf.keras.layers.Identity, a placeholder pass-through layer.
  • Add show_trainable option to tf.keras.utils.model_to_dot to display layer trainable status in model plots.
  • Add ability to save a tf.keras.utils.FeatureSpace object, via feature_space.save("myfeaturespace.keras"), and reload it via feature_space = tf.keras.models.load_model("myfeaturespace.keras").
  • Added utility tf.keras.utils.to_ordinal to convert class vector to ordinal regression / classification matrix.

Bug Fixes and Other Changes

  • N/A


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TensorFlow 2.11.1

20 Mar 17:03
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Release 2.11.1

Note: TensorFlow 2.10 was the last TensorFlow release that supported GPU on native-Windows. Starting with TensorFlow 2.11, you will need to install TensorFlow in WSL2, or install tensorflow-cpu and, optionally, try the TensorFlow-DirectML-Plugin.

  • Security vulnerability fixes will no longer be patched to this Tensorflow version. The latest Tensorflow version includes the security vulnerability fixes. You can update to the latest version (recommended) or patch security vulnerabilities yourself steps. You can refer to the release notes of the latest Tensorflow version for a list of newly fixed vulnerabilities. If you have any questions, please create a GitHub issue to let us know.

This release also introduces several vulnerability fixes: