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A simple Django starter template

Setup Instructions

  1. Make sure you have Django-1.9 installed on your system
  2. Create your new Django project by running this command

django-admin.py startproject mynewproject --template=https://github.com/kaizentech/skeleton/archive/master.zip

  1. Install requirements by running this command from your project dir

On Prod:

pip install -r requirements.txt

On Dev:

pip install -r requirements/dev.txt

  1. Setup these environment variables on your system (or in virtualenv)

On Windows

  set "DEBUG=True"
  set "DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=config.settings.dev"
  set "SECRET_KEY=xxxxxYourxxSecretxxKeyxxxxx"
  set "DATABASE_URL=psql://username:password@"

On Linux

  export DEBUG='TRUE'
  export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE='config.settings.dev'
  export SECRET_KEY='xxxxxYourxxSecretxxKeyxxxxx'
  export DATABASE_URL='psql://username:password@'

You can also save these in your virtualenv's script for auto invocation during virtualenv initialization

  1. Apply Migrations by running this command from the project dir

python manage.py migrate

  1. Create Super User

python manage.py createsuperuser

  1. Finally run your dev server by running this command from your project dir

python manage.py runserver

Goodies Included

  1. Seprate settings for development and production environment
  2. Settings based on django-environ
  3. Excellent admin interface by django-grappelli
  4. Static file serving with whitenoise
  5. Extra commands by django-extensions


  1. Use this to generate SECRET_KEY