Command-line tools to manipulate, transcode and stream vhd format data.
To create an empty dynamic (i.e. grows on demand) vhd:
vhd-tool create filename.vhd --size 16GiB
To create an empty difference vhd:
vhd-tool create filename.vhd --size 16GiB --parent otherfile.vhd
To query all the parameters of a vhd:
vhd-tool info filename.vhd
To query a specific parameter:
vhd-tool get filename.vhd current-size
(This is a work in progress)
When running VMs on a hypervisor like XenServer, it is important to have a backup strategy for your important virtual disks. One possibility is to perform periodic disk snapshots and archive the "deltas" (or differences) between the new snapshot and the last.
First take a snapshot (this will be the first backup):
xe vdi-snapshot uuid=<uuid>
Next download the snapshot as a single .vhd:
xe vdi-export uuid=<uuid>
This will print a filename to the terminal.
Periodically (e.g. from cron), perform a new snapshot:
xe vdi-snapshot uuid=<uuid>
Next download the differences from a previous snapshot as a single .vhd:
xe vdi-export uuid=<uuid> relative-to=<previous-uuid>
Next, to avoid using too much disk space, count the number of snapshots and delete the oldest if you have too many:
xe vdi-destroy uuid=<oldest-uuid>
vhd-tool commit filename.vhd --into older.vhd
To restore a backup onto a fresh system use:
vhd-tool stream --source filename.vhd
--source-format vhd
--destination http://user:password@xenserver/import_vdi
--destination-format vhd