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ashar - free & open source project for text encryption with password protection.

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Python Package Installation:

# install from pypi:
❯ pip install ashar

# local install:
❯ git clone https://github.com/yasserbdj96/ashar.git
❯ cd ashar
❯ sudo python setup.py install

# uninstall:
❯ pip uninstall ashar

Run without installation:

# Dwonload:
❯ git clone https://github.com/yasserbdj96/ashar.git
❯ cd ashar

# default run on any os:
❯ python3 run.py <CONDITION*> <PASSWORD*> <TEXT*>

# Run with Makefile:
❯ make run con="<CONDITION*>" pass="<PASSWORD*>" text="<TEXT*>"

# *         = All inputs must be entered.
# PASSWORD  = The password used for encrypt your text.
# TEXT      = The text to be encrypted.
# CONDITION = The nature of the process is encryption or decryption "encode/decode".

Script Usage:

from ashar import ashar
#For encryption
# p1=ashar("<PASSWORD*>","<TEXT*>",chars='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz',upchars='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ',smbls=')(}{][><!?$%&-_=+;',numb='1234567890').encode()
#To decrypt

# *   = All inputs must be entered.

Script Examples:

from ashar import ashar
# Example:1
#For encryption
#To decrypt

Changelog History:

Click to See changelog History

Development By:

Developer / Author: yasserbdj96


The content of this repository is bound by the following LICENSE.


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ashar by yasserbdj96
BTC: bc1q2dks8w8uurca5xmfwv4jwl7upehyjjakr3xga9

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