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Panduan Pengaturan Proyek


Sebelum memulai, pastikan Anda terhubung dengan wifi di lingkungan Kampus ITS atau terhubung melalui VPN ITS untuk kelancaran setup dan implementasi proyek.

Pengaturan Lingkungan

  1. Virtual Environment Setup

    • Creation: Establish a virtual environment to isolate your project dependencies.
      python -m venv venv
    • Activation: Activate the virtual environment.
      source venv/bin/activate
  2. Dependency Installation

    Install the required Python packages specified in the requirements.txt file.

    pip install -r requirements.txt

TailwindCSS and Additional Dependencies

  1. Navigate to Static Directory

    Change to the app/static/ directory, where static resources like CSS and JavaScript are located.

    cd app/static/
  2. Package Installation

    Use pnpm to install the necessary packages.

    pnpm install
  3. TailwindCSS Integration

    • Install TailwindCSS specifically for Flask integration.
    • Generate the CSS file, minifying it in the process.
      tailwindcss -i ./css/src/main.css -o ./css/dist/main.css --minify

Starting the Project

After setting up the environment and dependencies:

  1. Navigate Back to Project Root

    Ensure you're in the root directory of the project to start the server.

  2. Server Execution

    Use Gunicorn to serve the application.

    gunicorn -w 3 -b localhost:5000 run:app
  3. Accessing the Application

    Open your web browser and go to http://localhost:5000 to view the application.

Docker Setup

For Docker users, ensure Docker is installed on your device. Execute the following commands at the root of the project:

  1. Build Docker Image

    Create a Docker image for the project.

    docker build -t vpp:1.0 .
  2. Run Docker Container

    Start a container using the image created.

    docker run --name vpp-app -d -p 5000:5000 vpp:1.0

Project Structure Documentation

  • app/main/: Contains core functionalities of the application.
  • app/users/: Manages user authentication and related functionalities.
  • app/static/: Hosts static files like CSS, JavaScript, and images.
    • js/chartjs/: Includes JavaScript code for chart functionalities within the application.
  • templates/: Directory designated for HTML templates used across the application.

Technology Stack

  • Back-end Framework: Flask (Python)
  • Front-end Libraries: ChartJS (JavaScript) for data visualization
  • Database: Integrated with a server in the IS Department for data management and storage.


Dashboard - Virtual Power Plant Apps






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